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Everything posted by sultan

  1. The Bemidji State Women's basketball coach said that his team had played St. Cloud, Concordia St. Paul, UND, NDSU and SDSU and that the best team they had played this year was UND. That's right, he said they were better than SDSU. Rabbit fans won't want to hear that. Bison fans probably don't want to hear that either. That's is quite impressive since our full team only played half the game that night.
  2. Just got back from Bemidji. A very nice win for the women. Bemidji had beaten Concordia St. Paul, St. Cloud, and NDSU in Fargo this year. The Sioux beat Bemidji by 27 in Bemidji and four of players in the regular rotation didn't even play in the first half. The women's team has the most depth of any women's team they have ever had. It's too bad Ledger isn't going to be able to play this year. She might make the difference between winning the national title or not. Kimbrough is really picking up her game. When she works hard on the offensive end she is unstoppable.
  3. Win or lose the lawsuit it is NOT going to go away.
  4. I wasn't able to make it to the game last night. How does the Dryburgh kid from Lankin look. Is there any potential there?
  5. I love the Fighting Sioux nickname but with all the constant negative press and responses of potential opponents stances on the issue it is time to find a different logo that we can all be happy with . It truly just isn't worth it. It will just get worse. It's isn't going to go away. Even though I totally disagree with the hostile and abusive attitude out there, it is time to move on. The only thing hostile and abusive out there is way OTHER schools fans and administration treat us. But that is the way it is so let's continue to take the high road and put it behind us. I will continue to totally support UND athletics no matter what our name is. We need to be the mature adult on this issue and not behave the way OTHER factions do.
  6. The statewide interest in DI sports in Fargo continues to grow at ndsu. The bison women's basketball team hosted Division I San Jose State tonight. There attendance of 700 last week dipped to 674 tonight. I'm not kidding. 674 people is all that were at the game. People are obviously coming in droves to Fargo for their women's team. Of course we know how they count in Fargo. I wonder how many people were really at the game(maybe 100).
  7. The statewide interest in some of your DI sports at NDSU must be at an all time low too. Your women's basketball game tonight at the BSA drew a WHOPPING 700 people. Yes that was 700 people. I talked to people that were at your women's game on Sunday and they said your women's team would finish in the bottom half of the NCC. I think you better take care of your own house before you start pointing fingers at others. Your fans sure gave up on Amy pretty quick. She deserves better. Apparently the statewide interest in your sports isn't across the board. It's there only if you win. Better keep winning.
  8. There is a much better chance that the Concordia and Moorhead grads are going to NDSU events because they sure don't support their alma mater. They don't draw flies at their sporting events.
  9. I noticed the upcoming Bison basketball game is on statewide TV. How is it that WDAY and NDSU always seem to have no problem getting there games on statewide TV and WDAZ is never able to get it done. Is it just a management decision? (management of course is based in Fargo) Does anybody know anything?
  10. sultan

    next season

    I don't think people are just picking the sports that they feel are important. There are really only four sports that really have any chance of having major ticket sales. The sports are hockey, football, women's basketball and men's basketball. Wrestling and volleyball can sell some tickets but very minor compared to the major sports. Those are just the facts, not personal opinion.
  11. sultan

    next season

    And by the way, UND has ten times the tradition in men's basketball than NDSU has. We obviously have some work to do, but given some time we will be back ahead of ndsu in men's basketball where we have always been.
  12. sultan

    next season

    NDSU 's womens basketball being off to a slow start is an understatement. There much worse than when they were DII. For all practical purposes they lost by about 20 to Moorhead except for some poiints very late in the game. That game was at NDSU too. The Sioux could of beat Moorhead by over 30 or 40 that night. The game was that one sided. Your men's basketball team has done great. Your football team has done fine even though there schedule wasn't any where near as strong as you guys have portrayed. Our football team will do just as well as your football team given time and the increased scholarships. The rest of the sports most fans don't care about anyway. I am just talking about the sports that really matter.
  13. Apparently Bison Dan has a hard time understanding English. I was not talking about the attendance for the Winona game. I simply stated ther are more Sioux Sports fans in the state than there are Bison sports supporters. The total attendance figures back that up. The attendance for their last Pittsburgh State playoff game was less than our Winona Game. I wonder how many people they really had for that Pitt game. That was back when NDSU was totally fabricating attendance figures. They actually still honor those fabricated attendance figures when it comes to breaking records for games. They still list those games in there records.
  14. Let's face it. Both schools have nice followings for their men's and women's basketball teams . We both have nice followings for our football teams. With the edge maybe going to NDSU. But when you throw in the large masses of people who are Sioux hockey fans it gives us the edge. There are definitely more Sioux sports fans in the state than NDSU sports fans. To make it clear I'm not necessarily saying just number of football fans. We just simply have more sports fans than they do. Most sports fans regardless of the sport you primarly cheer for will be watching this game. NDSU fans will be glued to the tube on Saturday.
  15. NDSU and WDAY don't have any problem putting their games on the network and preempting other college football games. INTERESTING. There must be more to this story. How come two stations on the same network and 75 miles apart have such different philosophies? If WDAY in Fargo who is the parent company to WDAZ seems to think putting the Bison games on the network is smart, how come there philosophy is different with UND. Across the state there certainly just as many Sioux fans as Bison fans. Is it just possible that WDAY is basing their decisions on their prejudices. Just food for thought. The bottom line is we should all be excited that the game is on TV in the tri-state area. Go Sioux.
  16. I will guarantee you that NCAA will never award us another home game no matter what or who we play. There's no sense even worrying about it. We are going to have our hands full with Grand Valley. I would love to be playing a road game anywhere a week from Saturday. Go Sioux.
  17. The Sioux could have won this game by 40 if the officials hadn't made some awful calls against the Sioux in the second half. Very nice win for the Sioux.
  18. sultan

    UND vs UNO

    I have followed Sioux Football for many years. This is definitely the best offensive team I have ever seen the Sioux put on the field. Hopefully WDAZ will have a an extended sports show tonight so we can see some of the hilites. There were so many. What an extra special game , it would have been nice to have been able to record it and keep it as part of the great Sioux history of football. Maybe WDAZ can put together some kind of a DVD on the game and sell it to make money to help hire extra help so they'll be able to broadcast the next big game we have.
  19. sultan

    UND vs UNO

    What a fun game to WATCH this would have been. Listening to a game is just not like watching it. Hopefully we can out score them in the second half. Go Sioux.
  20. I mentioned that Sweeney should at least give the reasons on the air as to why they weren't televising the game. In no way shape or form am I blaming Pat Sweeney on this situation. Let me repeat myself, Sweeney is not at fault. WDAZ and it's management are the ones that dropped the ball.
  21. Is it possible that SOUTHPAW works for WDAZ. He seems to be passionately supportive of the station and seems to know a lot about the situation. He seems to have the inside information on the debacle. Let's face it. The ball was dropped on this one. After next year WDAZ is not going to have to worry about any playoff games for many years. Suck it up and support the University, the players and the community. The University and the city of Grand Forks could use a little positive exposure across the state and region.
  22. They didn't play that bad. They would have to play worse than that to lose to the Bison. If they get healthy they will be just fine. Last night was a combination of injuries and they had one of those nights where it wasn't meant to be. Just relax...everything will be just fine.
  23. Apparently some people didn't understand what I was trying to say. We had more than 2 days to prepare for this game. We have known for a week and a half we were playing Winona. So therefore we have known for a week and a half that we were playing in Omaha this Saturday. Since all our road playoff games have been okayed for television for quite a few years by the NCAA it was a safe bet that we would probably be okayed for this one. The NCAA put a little suspense into it but they would have left themselves really wide open for scrutiny if they hadn't okayed the game. Once again it was a pretty safe bet we would have been able to televise the game. Go for it WDAZ.
  24. Pat Sweeney better address the situation on the sports tonight. He also better tell it like it is. If it's true that the ncaa is at fault..so be it. But don't give the NCAA a pardon. I would definitely prefer not to blame WDAZ if they aren't at fault. Just make it clear. Once again couldn't WDAZ have done a lot of things assuming they would have gotten the OK. Life is full of risks and WDAZ could of taken a fairly safe risk.
  25. Something really smells funny on this whole deal. Since we usually televise the road playoff games it seems to me that WDAZ probably could have starting making some preliminary plans with the assumption that there is a pretty good chance that they would of been given the go ahead. I have a feeling there is more to this story.
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