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Everything posted by sultan

  1. I believe the Herald ran the story about the commitment by the the Cavil recruit from Wisconsin on December 29th. Does anyone know if he originally commited to Lennon or to Mussman? The Herald could of been slow on getting it in the paper. The timing of that would be interesting. If he first commited to Mussman the whole situation might look like he was recruited there after commiting to us. I'm hoping that he just followed the coach he commited to. If any one knows let us know.
  2. I watched the Rabbit/Bison games on TV this weekend. I have some good news and some bad news. The Bison men would kick the Sioux men's team's butts. There is no doubt about that. The good news is that the Sioux women would also kick the Bison women's team's butt's. There is no doubt about that either. The Bison women are a middle of the pack team in the Summit league. There must be some bad women's teams in the Summit League.
  3. When NDSU beat Texas A and M badly back in 2000 the Bison backers told everyone then that they were a great team that year. NDSU backers are notorious for saying everyone on their schedule is much better than they really are.
  4. In the 5 year transition to DI, the first two years were supposed to be the toughest to recruit to. It would appear that those 2 years of recruiting are going to major success stories. That really is good news. Go Sioux!!!!
  5. sultan

    Lennon show

    Found it!!! The last two playoff games NDSU hosted(they did keep records back then) had attendances of 4839 and 6230. That sure sounds a lot like our Winona games. And of course those figures are ones back when NDSU fabricated their attendance figures. They probably only had between 2 and 3 thousand people there. Once again they probably shouldn't be pointing fingers. It always comes around to bite you.
  6. sultan

    Lennon show

    And by the way , what was the attendance for the last playoff game that NDSU hosted. Does anybody know how to research that and find out what it was? The results might be interesting.
  7. sultan

    Lennon show

    I think that NDSU should leave their coaches show on Sunday mornings. I think it is great that nobody watches it. Gabe probably shouldn't be so worried about attendance for home playoff games at UND since NDSU hasn't hosted a playoff game in about 20 years. He should worry about his own camp and less about what UND does. Why is it that NDSU fans are so worried about UND? It is like they are obsessed with UND and Grand Forks.
  8. Sweeney said last night that the Iowa State game won't be on TV because they ran into technical problems. What does that really mean?
  9. It always seems that whenever UND goes for the same recruit against NDSU and UND lands the recruit, the NDSU people seem to say that they didn't offer the kid. It would seem to me that the way UND dominated the Bison the last ten years we played them that just maybe they should be offering these kids too. Unless of course there is the chance that maybe NDSU really did want some of these recruits and just didn't get them.
  10. I know it is early in the recruiting wars but it does appear that UND is having pretty good success going up against NDSU. That is a very good sign.
  11. Let's see. Last year NDSU didn't recruit Solum for runningback and this year they recruited Horner for runningback. Since Horner couldn't beat out Solum for runningback at Fargo South a year ago and the fact that they now need Horner for runningback at NDSU probably says more about the depth or quality of NDSU at that position now. He would have a lot better chance at making the field at NDSU then he would have had at UND with our runningback situation the way it is. It was a real long shot even if we had offered Horner that he would of come here anyway. Getting a kid from a Fargo South team coached by Feeney is slim.
  12. sultan

    High Praise

    When we played Southern Utah they got their 10 points in the last 4 minutes of the game against our 3rd or 4th stringers. The Bison game with Utah today was still very competitive at half time. Utah was basically never competitive with us the whole game. We were playing Utah on the road and the Bison had them at home too. On the post game of the Bison game today a couple people called in and were wondering why some of the #ones were still playing on the Bison defense at the end of the game. They said they were thin on defense at certain positions. I suppose they didn't trust some of the backups and were trying to keep the points scored by Utah to a minimum.
  13. sultan

    High Praise

    Scott Miller of WDAY radio had the play by play announcer of Southern Utah on Sports Talk tonight. Southern Utah has played a very demanding schedule this year. They played the Sioux, #3Montana, #16 Montana State, #7Southern Illinois, #5McNeese State, #20 Youngstown State, and U.C.Davis. Those rankings are all DIAA teams. He said Southern Illinois might of been the best team they had played. Then he said actually UND might of been the BEST team they had played. He said UND probably handled them as good as anyone. That is indeed very high praise.
  14. UND puts a lot more butts in the seats for hockey every year than NDSU does for football at the Fargodome. I beleive the average ticket price for hockey is a lot higher than the average ticket price for a football game at NDSU. Therefore revenues are higher. Did you misspeak and mean UND when you talked about attendance/revenue and said NDSU by mistake.
  15. Let's put it this way. The Gopher football team could very well the worst team that Minnesota has put on the field in the history of the University. I would assume that Minnesota will be improving the quality of their team in the future. If that were to happen NDSU would more than likely be losing by 30 or more points in the future when they play. If UND plays them in football down the road when we build up our scholarships we would probably have a similar outcome. Whereas UND will always be playing Minnesota competitively in hockey and beating them often. That is the main difference between the two scenerios..
  16. I saw on sports tonight on KBRR that their sports guy officially said that NDSU football is now the number 1 sports team in North Dakota over UND Hockey. He said the hockey team only gets a state wide following a week or two in March. It took 50 years to get the following that Sioux hockey has. I don't think a win over one of the worst college football teams in DI is enough to replace UND Hockey as the number 1 team. Apparently Heinle hasn't been to the Frozen Four the last 3 years.
  17. Apparently the Gophers are our biggest and most hated rival. I was at an eating establishment yesterday and the Bison/Gopher game was on and the place was mostly full of Sioux fans . When the Bison won the game the whole place cheered. I guess when it comes to sports , fans around here cheer for North Dakota teams first. I guess that is actually sort of neat. Nice win by the Bison. Congrats. Joel Maturi was interviewed on the radio and he said he would like to see the Gophers continue to play DIAA teams in the future . He said he would like to see the Gophers play Northern Iowa, NDSU, SDSU and UND. Yes he included UND. Since Minnesota officials have said they won't play UND in any other sport than hockey, it was interesting that Joel included UND in his statement. That probably says more about the rivalry we have with the Gophers in hockey than anything.
  18. This whole conversation is quite interesting. Everyone is debating over whether NDSU and UND has the better team. The fact of the matter is that to even be debating over the topic says it all. Anybody who takes their blinders off realizes that UND would minimumly at least give NDSU a good game. UND has a great offense and NDSU's defense has at times given up yards. And there have way too many games between DIAA and D2 teams to verify that UND would give most teams in DIAA a great game and beat the majority of them. Considering how good UND is with the fact that NDSU has 27 more scholarships than UND says more about UND than NDSU. Dale Lennon has done just as good of job as compared to Bohl considering what he has to work with. We better be keeping an eye on Dales contract so we don't lose him in the future. Can you imagine what the quality of UND 's team will be in four years when we start having 63 scholarships next year.
  19. Every team is up and down some but they played UNI quite competitively for most of that game. That says something. They did get beat pretty good by Omaha but Omaha might be just that good. We'll find out about Omaha in a week.
  20. Mankato lost to Omaha last week. I see their other loss was to Northern Iowa. Northern Iowa is undefeated and one of the top ranked teams in DIAA. The score in that game doesn't tell the whole story. Mankato was only down 6 going into the 4th quarter. Mankato is definitely a legitimate team. We will have to play a game to beat them. Road games have always been tougher for us.
  21. I will give the Bison fans that they are a good team. They do have a very good team in DIAA. But the bottom line is they certainly aren't any better than the Sioux , and might very well not be as good as us. But I guess Bison fans won't know whether they are since they are afraid to play us. That is their problem not ours. Next year we get 63 scholarships. I can't wait. Just think what Dale can do with that. They have 27 more scholarships than we do know and were still just as good or better than them.
  22. If the Bison didn't turn it over they could possibly stay with us.
  23. I just thought of something that would be sort of neat. If Grand Valley would some how lose a game the Sioux would more than likely be ranked number one in football. The women's basketball team easily could be ranked number one when polls start. The hockey team is currently ranked number one in D-I. Wouldn't that be something to have three major sports ranked number one in the nation at the same time. Would somebody please knock off Grand Valley.
  24. sultan

    Goodbye NCC

    At this point nobody knows for sure whether DI will be good or bad for the non football sports. NDSU hasn't even finished their transition yet. Football will be fine. The other sports could end up being a bust. Time will tell. It could seem like a long time between games like the Wisconsin game and the next time it happens. How do you keep the interest in the 10 or 20 years between upsets? It might work out fine but it is way to early tell. Bison fans are way ahead of themselves.
  25. I just watched the Sioux Football show on television. I have just one remark after watching the show. Chappell is truly AMAZING. It would appear to me that he could be one of the best running backs to play collegiately around here in quite some time. He has the potential to be one of the best ever to play college football in this state ever. He is truly fun to watch. Our true freshman runningback , Murray, also is going to be a real stud. He is quite impressive.
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