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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. I'm thinking the qb brings a lot of attention to the program. Doesn't mean squat - just win baby- just win.
  2. People love to spend other peoples money that's a fact. But as a whole if that's all they found what's the percentage of questionable spending to total funds collected? That would be the best measure.
  3. Really? you win a couple of games and that's proof of what? That you won a couple of games. You guys are so delusional - why don't you go win an important game and then we'll talk. After you guys couldn't take the success we had during our transition so you followed us into DI. Time to get off our coat tails and make a name for yourselves in the BSC. I won't hold my breath.
  4. You mean like you've been doing for the last 8 years. Only trouble is you have been failing to keep up...
  5. Like I've always said NDSU is your gold standard.
  6. I don't think anyone is getting bend out of shape over preseason poles. Where are you guys at?
  7. Money pit. Have yet to talk to a hockey fan that thinks different.
  8. Facts are facts. If Fiason and company really had faith in them they'd get a average contract not a extended below average contract.
  9. Darell just admit it both Muss and Jones are on the bubble this year. IMO
  10. For all you delusional people women's hockey is the golden goose. There happy?
  11. Really - you don't get out much do you. I wonder why they don't pan out to the crowd?
  12. You tend to forget about women's hockey. Pretty much neutralizes a lot of money. I highly doubt you could get the big money for fb from the fans as they are being tapped out with hockey. If you had a larger home base then maybe. Ever think that hockey might be holding the "other" sports back?
  13. That's the trouble with you guys you think money is the real key to success. Money is only one ingredient in the mix.
  14. Obviously great last year, over 12,000 season tickets sold this year, tailgating lots full with over 200 on a waiting list, 5-3 in FBC games - yes by any measure they have done great since moving up. (should be good the next few years also) FCC did the comparison not NDSU.
  15. UNI for whatever reason is a terrible playoff team. I think they get out coached maybe in the playoffs.
  16. Poly was a jekyll and hyde team last year. No sure if they had alot of injuries or what, they did play UM tough.
  17. Man chipping in 2 Mill, they should have sat down with Newman and explained to him the way of the world. What would happen when the naming rights come up if UND bids and wins, then puts their new nickname on it?
  18. Their records show different - no big wins period. Although they did smoke some NAIA & DII teams.
  19. Not sure to as why UND had to foot 2 million for the new rug. What was the Alerus going to put in or was it not time for a new rug? The Alerus naming rights up soon?
  20. GWC was terrible last year - and well if that's all the hockey fans expect from their hockey team is to win the Broadmoor then Bingo - successful year!
  21. Prepare yourself for lots of disappointment.
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