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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Here you go: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1305128-re-ranking-all-124-college-football-teams-one-week-before-kickoff?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=college-football
  2. Final Pre-season poll for FBS teams has San Diego State at # 81 and Colorado State at # 101.
  3. Hey whatever you think but hear say isn't fact. But then you know everything on the Internet is true!
  4. Everyone is touchy on this subject. Must be a sore spot. Like I said if your happy with all the virual students great.
  5. Hey if you're happy with vitural students great because that's what you're getting.
  6. Yeah I'm sure you're spot on but I do see a few assumptions and you know what they say about assuming?
  7. That's right - I'll take butts in the seat to virtual students anyday. The economics is just better....
  8. Really - you guys are that plugged into the athletic dept to know their accounting. Wow
  9. Pay outs are kind of low - time you fly out and back there's not much left. I think we got 350,000 for a bus trip to MN. But the Gophers made it back in spades with the 20,000 ticket sales.
  10. Well there you have it - problem solved. NDSU is just plain scared.
  11. Do you really believe the crap you post? Frison turned down a evey other year contract several years ago that would have worked with our schedule. (remember we want to play every year or nothing quote by Muss) I love to hear you guys begging for a game. I have a feeling once the season starts that you won't be talking about the schedule.
  12. We had Montana our first year and have them and Montana State in 14 & 15. What's your schedule look like oh I see Valparaiso next year and Robert Morris in 14. You guys need to win some games against some good competition before you start running your mouths off. You have never won a FBS game (even against Idaho who is the worst) and have you ever won a game against a team that finished in the top 20 of FCS? Win some games before you start beating your chest.
  13. Doubt New Mexico State would have too much of a payout. You probably could get a home and home.
  14. One of the best athletes on the team - his choice to move. Makes the team better.
  15. You played the worst team in the FBS last year. Hard to go lower than the Vandals.
  16. You guys would know about playing Sioux falls!
  17. Hey congratulations on the appoval. You never know with the NCAA.
  18. Just quoting what some SDSU posters were saying. Were you worried?
  19. Let's see - GS, SHSU, NDSU, James Madison. This is just a small sample that run first but have the ability to pass to keep the D honest. Oh and you guys too!
  20. I'll answer that - there were no run first teams that you guys played last year. Why run when it's easier to just pass ? There are very few run first teams in the BSC. You'll have a better gauge this year as to how you stack up.
  21. Montana is a wounded bear right now and very well might just come together and have a great team and season.
  22. I'm thinking the qb brings a lot of attention to the program. Doesn't mean squat - just win baby- just win.
  23. People love to spend other peoples money that's a fact. But as a whole if that's all they found what's the percentage of questionable spending to total funds collected? That would be the best measure.
  24. Really? you win a couple of games and that's proof of what? That you won a couple of games. You guys are so delusional - why don't you go win an important game and then we'll talk. After you guys couldn't take the success we had during our transition so you followed us into DI. Time to get off our coat tails and make a name for yourselves in the BSC. I won't hold my breath.
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