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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. All the Dakota's were lobbying to get UND into the Summit baseball league. I don't know if it was UND officials or Summit officials that weren't receptive. Hugh travel cost for your baseball team in the WAC.
  2. Your jealousy of the Summit is funny. If they would have invited UND to join you'd have nothing but good to say about it. Denver couldn't wait to get out of the WAC and join. By the way NDSU is the marquee in the Summit and Oakland isn't even close.
  3. Bison Dan


    I think you're right.
  4. Bison Dan


    A DC job would be a step up for him so who knows. I doubt he'd take a pay cut. Most head fb coaches have group of coaches they feel comfortable with that they choose from.
  5. Bison Dan


    That and with Mussman on a short leash a lot of coaches may think twice.
  6. At least we pay our coaches a competitive salary - more than I can say about some schools.
  7. Revisionist history - Reason was you already had a DI sport and didn't see the need. We can all argue about how hockey controlled the athletic dept but IMO it was true. Nothing wrong with that. The success that the xSU's had in their transition was the reason for the move by UND. If they would have failed do you really think you wouild have made the move?
  8. Most of our sports are better and some not even close. VB & WBB you won this year but faceit both schools are down in them. The rest aren't close.
  9. Who follows who? Inferiority complext is your fans story.
  10. I think its you being dull - read the bold - "another example ...... " Who's been following who the last 7 or 8 years?
  11. You know very little about bb talent. And by the way the NCC was never a good mens bb league. Every other sport yes.
  12. You don't beat Wisconsin and Marquette at their house with DII players.
  13. Quite a accomplishment to only get blown out twice in one season! Good job......
  14. Yeah Hak has been so stuff on his players over the years! Joke!
  15. You're probably right. Teams do(can) lose interest in some recruits as time goes on.
  16. That's the arrogance everyone knows and loves! It explains why you are losing recruits to Mankato.
  17. You are really to compare your athletic sports to NDSU? Wow - which sport are you proud of? I won't bother to list all the sports that have made the big tournaments and their successes (soccer, SB, MBB, Track, FB, VB are a few. Which sport do you have that's going to any NCAA tournament this year or the near future?
  18. Wow Darell you're obsessed with this. You have two of your biggest rivals that really don't care to schedule you. Yeah it's MN and NDSU's problem.
  19. Mr. Plank commited yesterday to NDSU.
  20. You guys ever wondered why both your biggest rivals could care less if they play you or not. Think about it.
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