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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Yeah that makes sense that NDSU guys would be telling tales to a UND fan. Fact is the dance team made their bed and now they have to sleep in it.
  2. Your jealously of NDSU is duly noted.....
  3. UND fans sounded just like this before the fb season started. Too funny!
  4. You sure it wasn't last year and maybe 10 tickets?
  5. Just here to support Muss.
  6. So you think it's no big deal that on one on a B1G defense can't out run a ex. full back from the FCS?
  7. Really name some players that were better? Hell no one on their D could catch Roehl when we played them and he was a full back the year before.
  8. I wouldn't put much stock in a rating of any recruiting class. I guess we agree to disagress, but I wish Brewster was still there as we got some of our best recruiting classes when he was the MN head coach.
  9. I disagree that Brewster was a good recruiter. He's a great talker but nothing else. If he a great recruiter why is Kill losing all his B1G games? Have you seen MN play? Very few good fb players. Brewster went south with his recruiting and didn't recruit MN very hard and it shows.
  10. Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
  11. They piss pounded you the whole game and let the foot off the gas after it was 35-14 in the 4th and tried to coast the rest of the game. But if it makes you feel better you went toe to toe with them!
  12. Again why aren't they playing? Fact is they would be playing if they were better, any coach would play them specially one on hot seat.
  13. Love your delusional post in another thread about " 1 close game with SDSU" Wow!
  14. It's amazing that you guys take geaux_sioux word on how great the fr and rfr are. As poor as the players in front of them are if they are more talented why aren't they playing? Lots of teams have starters that are fr rfr. He's been wrong about almost everything about UND fb this year.
  15. You guys need to stop trying to compare yourselves to NDSU. NDSU always had a foundation just missing a few players those years.
  16. In the Summit Women were first and men were second. You guys were LAST
  17. This coming from a und fan that has all their sports in LAST place in the conference last year.....
  18. We will - as you and the rest of the country saw on Game Day! Something und will never experience.
  19. I must of missed the und coverage?? Gameday was for NDSU & Fargo who were representing all of FCS. Read the tweets in the Fargo Forum from the ESPN people.
  20. Then why aren't they playing? Lots of teams have tFR and rsFR playing. If those classes can't beat out what's on the field, what's that tell you?
  21. Only your fan base thinks that. Oh hell everybody else is wrong I guess. I wonder why the B1G doesn't want to schedule you in anything?
  22. I think Mr. Dahl hit the nail on the head.....
  23. My point is valid - diff sample. As far as mediocre who knows - everyone will know in 4 weeks that's for sure.
  24. That would mean something if they played the same teams. Until you play SDSU I think talk about how good or bad the O is, is mute.
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