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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. So what was your record against USD and UMKC? This has to be the worst year in UND athletics I can ever remember. Why don't you reflex on that awhile.
  2. Waiting another year is not good will? Spin it all you want it was the right move but your AD didn't realize it. PS: your wrong about the en mass move for the NCC - you were never going to get the lower half to go DI.
  3. Again darell you're so full of bs it isn't funny. NDSU and SDSU waited another year for UND & USD to come on board for DI transition. UNC went the year before and wanted all the Dakota schools to come that year.
  4. Wet cycle and drainage. Not too hard to understand.
  5. If I was you I'd worry more about the poor performance of all your sports it's first year in the BSC.
  6. Enlighten us? I don't like the diversion any better than anyone else but to get protection to 45' it's the only game in town. Unless we could get turn stops on all the main colverts to hold back the water on the fields until the rivers have crested. But to get all the water boards to agree to that would be like herding cats.
  7. Fight a flood every year? Looks like you got tired of flooding and you build a system to prevent it. It's a pain in the ass to fight a flood every year. I grew up on a farm so don't get me started about paying for it myself BS. Farmers get subsidized: electricity, phone, water, fuel, sales tax, not to mention the farm bill. So that little dike is well paid for by the taxpayers. Biggest factor IMO is how well farmers have manicured their land in the valley to drain into the ditches. As soon as the colverts open the fields are all drained. 20 years ago those fields would hold the water for a week or more.
  8. Don't post things you know little or nothing about. Maybe if the NWS would be a little more accurate time and money wouldn't be wasted.
  9. For as long as Bohl has been coach. All are here for summer work outs. It's just part of the deal.
  10. I do seem to remember after 9/11 watching TV and seeing CNN show muslims in these countries cheering as the planes crashed into the towers.
  11. Wow darell 2 loses in 2 years and that's what you're going with? The MVFC is a very physical league and it does wear on teams.
  12. So funny - lets see our womens team is 6th in our region - ahead of a lot of BIG12 and B1G teams. With Morgan Milbrath from Minot turning down NU and MN and joining the Bison next year, the team will be better. Nice to cherry pick some events - how about the womens vault - I think the Summit winner was 2 feet higher. How's that for cherry picking events.
  13. You're not even in the same building as NDSU in fb.
  14. So a sub .500 season in the weakest mid major conference is a success? Good to know where your standards are.
  15. Yeah your great AD is clairvoyant. Your whole athletic dept from hockey to swimming is mediocre to poor. Did the soccer team even win a game? You can't expect excellence on the cheap. By the way the only reason you got a invite to the BSC is because the Montana's were thinking of moving up.
  16. Nothing wrong with the Summit - trading Denver for KC is a win-win. Every school in the BSC has buyers remorse over adding you guys. At lease we can travel to our away games. Why don't you guys focus what is happening and not wishing what would happen like why coaches are leaving the fb team and no one wants to apply? Really sad when you are forced to hire from within new cordinators with zero experience. See a pattern there?
  17. Lets see what was the UM score and the SDSU score against their respective tournment teams?? Face it the BSC last year was a 2 team conference in MBB.
  18. Bison Dan


    Weird or just looking out for themselves? Another poor year and Muss might be on the outside looking in. Might be real hard to replace them with good quality coaches.
  19. Wrong - There was a lot of snow on the field but it was cleared last week down to the last inch or so and the sun did the rest. It's called planning...
  20. I thought they installed the new lockers too....
  21. You sure put a lot of stock in academic excellence because you have a law and medical school. Nice to have a fantasy I guess.. Why doesn't someone (on this board) do an assessment of your first year in the BSC and your athletic dept as a whole. I doubt the word excellence would be used in any review.
  22. NDSU has had 25 home games over the last 3 years. I don't think doing 5 this year (without playoffs) will be a big deal. A lot of the players are still recovering from all those games and this years spring game will be little more than a simple scrimmage of mostlyt # 2's and 3's.
  23. Really are you 12 years old? If I had a AD that looks yours I'd stay away from things like this.
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