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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Tons easier to recruit at SIU than in ND (have new stadium too). The amount of DI athletes within 250 miles is better by far. Ask any SIU fan about Lennon's time at SIU and you won't like what you hear.
  2. That's your opinion fine. Sounds more like a wish as I doubt you know what underclassmen we have coming up.
  3. Your jealously is duty noted!
  4. Would you want a committed recruits to take visits to other schools knowing that they're offering more scholarship money?
  5. This is the same BS that we saw last year at this time. Muss is great he's all world, etc ,etc, wait until next year, etc. Now Bubba is all world. Hasn't had a practice or game yet..... Last time I looked SIU was a middle of the road FCS team. Nice to see that the delusional posters are still around.
  6. It's not their scholarship until they accept it! An offer doesn't guarantee anything. You really think that most all schools don't tell a recruits that the scholarship is their's but if they get committments from some other offers in their position that it may not be there? What world do you live in?
  7. We want players committed to excellence in the classroom and field, that stay all summer and workout and want a shot at a NC. Lot's of kids don't want to make that kind of commitment at our level. You saw that when Muss was fired when you lost some kids.
  8. Forced to commit? How do you do that? I don't think you can compare your recruiting since going DI to our's in any way possible. The results speak for themselves. All recruits are told where they stand as scholarships go, as we usually don't hold them to the last day.
  9. How many hockey schools are full DI in all sports? You have to take that into account.
  10. Yeah CK has NOTHING to do with any defense the last 3 years. Do you really believe yourself or is the jealousy just get the best of you. Hedberg's choice was easy.... BACK TO BACK TO BACK.......
  11. It applies to everyone that draws (on average) 3-4 years. After that they're taking out more than they put in. You do realize that 50 years ago SS tax was hardly anything.
  12. Read the SS MC actuary reports. No one is saying that they didn't pay into it but when you take out many times more than you put in someone has to make up the difference, right?
  13. You forget the Dem proposal was more generous in benefits. And yes the people that have taken SS for the last 30 years never paid in a fraction of what they have taken out. So who going to make up the difference? SS going broke MC going broke.......
  14. You guys need to read the Herald OP Ed piece - never going to happen.
  15. http://www.bisonville.com/forum/showthread.php?32532-Welcome-to-NDSU-Ezra-Szczyrbak
  16. You're so full of jealousy over NDSU that it clouds your judgement. Did you watch the KSU game? Do you think KSU would beat the Gophers?
  17. Love how you turn on your own who don't drink the kool-aid.
  18. ND cares! http://bismarcktribune.com/news/opinion/editorial/the-bison-north-dakota-s-team/article_f205cfbe-77a9-11e3-b63c-0019bb2963f4.html
  19. Yeah big finger - would like to return the favor but you guys don't have anyone we could or want to recruit.... Love the jealousy in this thread!
  20. In what world do you live in? Your saying UND's transition was as successful as NDSU's? WOW! Talk about delusional..... Which big fb win are to pointing to?
  21. Good luck to Coach Bohl. By the way what are your players doing these days besides partying? Our are still playing for a 3rd NC.
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