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Everything posted by iramurphy

  1. No one restricts who Lucia or any other Gopher coach recruits as long as they can meet the admission criteria. Where do you guys come up with that crap? Blais would take the U of Minn job if offered and recruit the best players he could to be successful.
  2. Lucia took them to two titles. Those talking like that aren't any smarter than those who keep trying to throw Hakstol under the bus. He was a good coach at CC and he is still a good coach.
  3. Agreed, easily the best class of the group from what we have seen so far. Manke, Trenbeath and Bruggeman were academic All-Americans weren't they?
  4. That would be someone who has no clue. Looks good on paper right now and the coaches seem happy. How anyone thinks they know anything about these recruits (not having evaluated them on film, talked to their coaches, parents the kids and reviewed their grades and character) only proves they dont' know what they are talking about.
  5. Makes sense. I assume their job is to keep those big ears from getting frostbite when its so damn cold. He maybe should have two bodyguards, one for each ear. That is more of a danger to this guy than someone attacking him. What a putz! The only thing in danger of being attacked is this guys enormous ego.
  6. None of this is anything the legislators should be wasting their time on. Let the schools work it out. It will happen and is nothing you want politicians making laws over. If someone nees to intervene then the Chancellor can direct them to do this. Despite what some may think, the two presidents answer to the chancellor and the board.
  7. Now I understand why Lucia (the coach) doesn't want his hockey players to play football in High School. They are pussies. I wouldn't want Lucia (the player) to play on my FB team either. He has shown himself to be a coward as well as a cheap shot. You couldn't count on him. I wouldn't go to war with him either but that is a totally different subject. These are the kids who play for a coach who doesn't want his recruits playing high school FB. They might get hurt. BFD. No wonder the Gophers got their ass kicked despite all the talent they have. If I wear on the Gopher hockey team I would kick lucia's ass for being a pussy and embarassing the rest of the team.
  8. I am sure some of you will love this but what the heck. Other than stand all game, what is unique about our student fans??? If you are not in the student section, and someone asks you to sit down, sit your ass down!. You can get up and cheer when something happens but otherwise what the hell is your point? If anyone thinks students standing the whole game is a big deal to the players, you have never played. They hear the level of noise and that can help. We are not in the same league as far as fan participation (both students and adults) compared with Wisc. and maybe even the Gophers. They have unique and coordinated cheers that the fans both students and adults know and do together and that includes their school songs. A lot of their cheers show some ingenuity. I seldom hear anything clever from our students anymore. We used to at least see some pretty clever signs behind the visitors penalty box. I don't even see that anymore. People on this board complain a lot about how they are treated at Gopher games, then seem smug when they comment about how the old UND fans can go home and watch it on TV if they don't like someone standing in front of them the whole game. At least at a Gopher game we get insulted by an opposing fan. There are also a number of negative references to those who have season tickets or are members of the Fighting Sioux Club. To those rubes, do you really think any University atheltic department can succeed without both the student support and the support of the Alumni? I have been going to UND hockey games for almost 40 years and our student section has never been this obnoxious to our own fans nor so weak both as far as a cheering section and the cleverness (or lack there of) one would expect from college students. Some people who attend hockey games actually work for a living and might be too tired to stand the whole game. Some people want to bring their kids and they can't see through some of the big butts in front of them. At the Frozen Four in St. Louis, there were 4 drunk UND students who swore at some of the UND Alumni of the so called "greatest generation" because they wanted to watch the game and the students wanted to stand. I wonder which of the fans we should be suggesting watch it on TV!
  9. iramurphy


    I would put him back at RB and they can use him as a receiver from there if they wish. He is pretty special as a RB. They can play him and Murray and split time if they need to or move them in the slot when they wish to. Hope he gets his grades up. If the person close to him is a friend they need to be enough of a friend to get him to class and keep his grades up.
  10. ' Jerry York has a lot of respect for Hakstol. So does Dean Blais. Those who have played Pee Wee hockey or video hockey don't have the same credibility in my mind. I didn't refer to current players. They are the ones who need to step up. If you don't think recruits reading posts are influenced by what they read, you have never recruited a kid to play college sports. I think you are mistaken. Every year people are critical of the coaching until the kids start playing better. I can read a roster. We have a lot of young kids playing. Those kids tend to make bigger steps from start to finish than older kids. This team will take time to develop and I am not sure we have the experience in the nets to win some of those games when we aren't scoring. I have been impressed with how hard the kids have worked to dig pucks out of the corners and to cycle the puck but we are losing, so most people are disappointed. We are also missing some key blue liners. I know we live in a socieity where we want what we want and want it now, but UND hockey's struggles thus far this year do not require a coaching change or even a discussion of one. If year after year the team doesn't get the job done, then you get a new coach. That isn't the case here.
  11. How many of you rubes have ever coached or even played college athletics? The coaching fraternity across the country has a lot of respect for Hakstol and the UND coaches. I would guess that is a better measure of how he has done and his abilities rather than those of us who don't strap on the skates or grab the clipboard and either play or coach. 2 six packs and season hockey tickets don't make us better judges than the college and professional coaches across the country. Hakstol's players who have gone on to the the pros have also complimented the coaching they have had here. He has had the team in the Frozen Four for four years straight. He has done a good job of recruiting year in and year out. If you think he wasn't directly involved with recruiting when Blais was here, you don't know anything about college hockey nor UND hockey. Remember, Blais gave Hakstol his endorsement as his replacement. Blais was not going to let UND hockey down with a poor recommendation. He has a very young team again this year. He has had nothing but success in his years as head coach. The kids are going to have to mature and put the puck in the net and get better as the year goes on. Recruits read these blogs and everytime we say stupid things about the program and the coaches, it is read and you folks do a lot more to hurt recruiting than anything the coaches do. If UND's program was sinking or not successful then that is different. Most of these comments would be of the type I would expect from the foul mouthed fans who swear at the 70 yr old fans sitting behind them who ask them to sit down so they can see the game. The coaches job is to put the kids in a position to have success. It is the players job to take it from there. Hakstol has done a great job for four years. He should at least be given the chance to fail before you call for his head.
  12. Big mistake by UND not to announce anything. The coaches and athletic department need to make the move to D1 and this shows someone doesn't get it. Same goes for the women's team. Missed an opportunity. GF media needed to get something out even if it was they are delaying announcements on X number of kids until they get all emails/faxes or what ever they are waiting for. To do and say nothing is a mistake.
  13. Doesn't matter what the Bison did nor when they did it. Until we can play them again or we are eligible for playoffs who cares? Shouldn't make a lick of difference to them what we do nor when we do it. None of what we do makes them any better nor worse and none of what they do makes us any better or worse. We need to get better. We need to improve the fan base and see if our students can upgrade for all sports with attendence and participation esp for BB and FB but hockey could be better also. Community support needs to improve and we need to support the band to increase the numbers and make it a bigger part of the overall experience. Get to some real D1 games and see what a difference it can make. We have the tailgating piece pretty good. We have to deal with being off campus. No excuse for the poor turnout Saturday and students leaving early. That isn't the first game they have done that. I would hope we can see better from them in the future. As far as the team we are OK. Poor game Sat by the O-line and QB. Lack of discipline with fake punt and personal foul. No excuse for that. We need another good recruiting year and we need to retain the kids we have. Chapell will help if he gets his act togehter and returns but I don't think he is in school and thus won't be back. We have some good kids coming up but need to get bigger and keep getting faster.
  14. Look at the Englestad Arena seating chart. 101 is at center ice to the left behind the visitors bench. 116 is at center ice to the right behind the Sioux bench.
  15. I have 4 tickets for both nights for this weekend. Section 101 behind the visitors bench , first row below concourse level. I think it is row K. Face Value. Prefer to sell all 8 but have someone for Saturday night if someone just wants Friday tickets.
  16. Where in heck do you come up with the conclusion this was a rant?? It was simply some comments and observations. Just cuz someone questions $4.50 for popcorn? Besides this guy is from Minnesota and has no need for money. He can well afford $14.50 for popcorn if he wishes, but not every one can, especially if you bring your kids and their friends and the "missus" Other than the popcorn comment and the observation that his butt was sore after running the marathon, what was the rant?
  17. It would be interesting to compare what the Herald had in today's paper for the season FB opener vs. what the Forum did for the Bison. The Bison had a great pregame spread and pregame coverage. The forum also ahd a great VB story. I wonder if the Herald has the ablility or willingness to provide D1 coverage for FB and for the other sports. Based on past performance I have my doubts. The Forum really improved their coverage when the AC made the move.
  18. How about televising the away games? Many of them are better games this year anyway.
  19. On the other hand maybe it shows there is no botterness toward Dale from those of us with an IQ below 60 either. I know better, but have to admit I didnt' give the label much thought. Thanks for the correction.
  20. Therre is no bitterness towards Dale from anyone with an IQ above 60. Dale was a class guy and won a titile and was the runner-up once. No one else has done that. He didn't pursue SIU they pursued him. If you want to move up in the coaching world you go when you get the opportunity. The five year hiatus from the playoffs would have hurt his chances. This was a good move for him. When Bohl goes, you will say the same. They are both good coaches and if you can make >$1million in the business at the D1 level you have to go where the money is. If someone still thinks what UND and NDSU are doing is D1 FB, read Sports Illustrated this week. The college FB preview doesn't seem to include the Class B (BCS) teams.
  21. iramurphy

    Sad News

    I received an email from Marty LeClair that Bonnie Klipfel, the wife of Bryan Klipfel, (former Sioux FB center and former Supt. of the N.Dak Highway Patrol) died August 2nd . I don't have any other information but I believe she had been ill for some time. Please remember Bryan and his family in your prayers. Bonnie was a UND grad and worked for the Bismarck Public schools if I am not mistaken.
  22. In answer to the initial question. No, UND isn't doing anything. Schedule doesn't matter, you sell the program. The AC did a great job of marketing for their atheltics and fans bought into the experience no matter who they played. They then used the same marketing firm to sell the school. It has worked and they have good crowds at FB no matter who they play and they are getting kids to go to school there no matter what the major is. Two things that I would not agree with. One, although I am a UND hockey fan, UND's hockey should have nothing to do with whether or not marketing of all sports wouldn't be successful. The AC marketing would have done well and been successful even if they did have D1 hockey. The other is whether UND and NDSU are really D1 in FB. D1AA or BCS is not big time FB. They should both be going one step higher so they are both really D1. The Bison guy is right in that we are behind by not moving when they did, but we were both late. We both should have moved back in the 1970's when they started D1AA. UND needs leadership and needs to get off the schnide (whatever that is). The failure of UND to market atheltics is a reflection on the leadership in athletics, the presidents office and the alumni office. The failure to market the University is a reflection of the leadership in the president's office and the alumni office. When all is said and done, it is very clear to me more is said than done.
  23. I am not sure anyone played well in that game. It is a team game. We laid an egg. There was good talent last year and we will have good talent again this year. We have good coaching and if we get good goal tending should be able to make another run. It isn't rocket science it is hockey. All you as a fan need is a goofy hat and a beer and show up on time. The rest will take care of itself. UND will be lucky if Finley is back. He has improved year after year and will likely be ready for his best year yet. Too many people let their goofy hat get in their eyes or too many beers if they think there isn't a team in the country that wouldn't love to have him.
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