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Everything posted by kr

  1. When Likens received the equipment penalty for playing without a helmet there were some comments made -- best one basically was: his hair is a crime and for that alone he deserves a penalty.
  2. The Spud Bar was lost in the '97 flood. Sigh. (so many of the old favs are gone: Frenchy's, Faces, the Antique, and help me here what was the name of the bar where Mike and the Monster's regularily played, next to the pink security building on N 3rd St.) (Anyone else at the Spud/Whiskey River the night the drummer had flaming drum sticks and it got a little "hot" -- considering the terrible fire at the Rhode Island club last year probably lucky we're still alive and/or in one piece!)
  3. You know what stinks, this thread.
  4. Check out the GF visitor's bureau . . . www.grandforkscvb.org Specifically the dining category http://www.visitgrandforks.com/main/dining...q=&category=all Some notes. Red River Deli is closed at present. Eagles Crest Grill at the golf course is easy access (on Columbia Road about 4 miles south of the REA) and good food. Sander's late night menu (after 9pm) is limited but affordable and the pumpkin cheesecake is wonderful . . (it's seasonal and it goes quickly, earlier you eat there the better your chance of getting a slice, later in the evening it might not be available) Sander's (downtown GF) vs. Bronze Boot (north GF approx. 2 miles from REA) atmosphere to Sander's quantity of food to Bronze Boot quality of food Sander's never a bad meal, Bronze Boot I've never had reason to complain but others have . . . so toss up cost to Bronze Boot "more food for the money" but the Sander's late night menu is reasonable More relaxed dining: Joe Dimaggios (downtown GF), Blue Moose (downtown EGF), Stormy Sledsters {my parents ate there last night, total bill under $20 -- the special was 6oz sirloin steak with baked potato or french fries, soup, salad or coleslaw, chips and sauce apps., a coke and a beer} (downtown GF) During the day/noon type fare: Mama Maria's (south GF) -- new Italian cafe -- very good reviews -- (owner's son stationed at GFAFB and his parents moved from the East coast to GF to open an authentic Italian cafe, not the typical scandinavian "Italian" food , or so I've heard) If you go give a review! Also the ND Museum of Art Cafe is open over the noon hour (located on UND campus) and they have good soup(s). http://www.ndmoa.com/template.cfm?page=coffeebar After the game: Italian Moon -- scandinavian pizza and italian food!! good, greasy, cheap The Red Pepper -- the one, the only (except for the one in EGF) There are many more decent dining options -- I tried to list the limited/non-chain restaurants.
  5. (To the regular posters, just ignore this next part 'cause I'm sure I've stated it before.) WD came in with a lot of expectations, which to be honest, he probably didn't reach or at least the level fans hoped he would . . . BUT . . . . while at UND he dealt with the death of his mother (yes, I realize that death is a fact of life so he could "suck it up", however losing a parent when you are in your early twenties can be pretty devastating, and truthfully it is probably too personal a matter for discussion on a college hockey message board) AND in his final game as a Sioux he was one of the 6 put on the ice by Blais with less then a minute to go; and on that shift WD scored the tying goal to send the team into OT (which they lost to BC -- it was the 2001 NCAA title game) so even if WD and some fans felt he didn't live up to his potential, Blais and Co must have held the belief that he was a key player to put him in that position that late in the game and he proved them right. So the short answer is yes, he didn't live up to some fans expectations. But thank goodness he was a Sioux.
  6. To take this a little further: had Praise gone to UMN, that could have sent Vanek to UW, would that have meant Alex Levitt (sorry for spelling) to UND??? Yikes. Thank you ZPAR for coming to UND -- the WCHA banners are wonderful -- too bad no national championships (but hopefully that'll just mean that JPAR will have one or two bragging rights over you/ZPAR) and lastly, thanks for saving UND from Alex L.!!
  7. kr

    Rip on Hak

    Thank you for starting this thread -- I've been steamed for a couple days at the coaching staff -- During Friday's game vs BC during the 2nd intermission I decided to make caramel brownies (in the attempt to avoid Watching the final period and to just Listen to the last period since the CSTV intermission guy stated that BC was going to "blow open" the 3rd period on the Sioux) Sure enough the coaches must have done something to fire-up the team 'cause the exciting come-back attempt resulted in me forgeting the d@mn baking goods until a "crisp" smell reached the living room. So: I blame Hak and Co. for the tough edges on the caramel brownies and the smell in the house.
  8. Jfr -- thanks for the updates. Our thoughts continue to go out to all concerned.
  9. I'm not surprised. What surprises me more is that this isn't more common -- it's much more "hip" to be counter-culture, break the mold, etc.... Last year didn't a guy run for Homecoming queen at the college/tech school in Morris, MN? At UND back in the late 80's early 90's a gal was one of the 8? finalists for Homecoming King at UND -- she didn't win -- but a little while after that she walked (barefoot?) to Chicago, or someplace to fight something. I remember thinking at the time how extremely helpful to society her two WELL publicized, self-promoting events were. Sorry for the ramble -- probably should be in the other section -- but does anyone remember her name -- something like Gail/Gayle D......
  10. Not too much to add since it has pretty much been covered here and on uscho -- but I will add: Start of the 3rd period I was feeling a little better about our chance to win, why, because no more friggin' Waibel Factor!!!!! (Always enjoyed watching his grit/energy but he always seemed to come thru against the Sioux.) Also misery loves company -- the Sioux suffered thru the year of the "post", nice to see some other team suffer the post effect to the benefit of the Sioux. Congrats to Jordan on a solid game. There were some really good, clean hits, keep it up. Might not have been the prettiest effort, but it got the job done. Congrats to the coaching staff on another WCHA win, may many, many more follow. Man, it was great to experience yet another come from behind win against the gophers. For me as a fan, I enjoy these wins better then a blow-out -- that whole "give 'em hope, and then rip their hearts out" I'm kidding.
  11. "Machinehead" by Bush "Hell's Bells" AC/DC The band used to play "Build Me Up Buttercup" -- I put that one on also. A fellow poster hooked me up with a CD made by a Sioux Fan -- he titled/called it "A Night at The Ralph" -- good stuff -- some of the songs: "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" by John D. "Beautiful People" by Marilyn M. "Mickey Mouse Song" "Three Blind Mice", some AC/DC, "Hockey Night Tonight", "Zamboni Song/I Wanna Drive..." "Hong Kong Phooey" -- good stuff!
  12. kr

    Gopher Signs

    Rule No. 1: It's a college hockey board, who cares about spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc . . . Exception to Rule No. 1: If you come to a message board and talk smack you may be derided and taunted. So in that spirit: How the heck would you know that this sounds high schoolish as your grammar is at best middle school? It is "Let's make signs...." as in Let us make signs ...... NOT Lets . . . . anyway, Minnesota sign makers may be "high schoolish", not the UND sign makers, they are witty.
  13. A heart-felt thank you to the Engelstad family and the REA for bringing this event to GF. It is still hard to fathom that these 2 RANKED players, a month removed from being in NY to participate in the US Open, played a match at the Ralph. Wow. Expanded advertising may have resulted in a near capacity crowd - tough with it being a weekday -- maybe the city could have tried to "advertise/sell" a dual ticket: come to Grand Forks to see AA vs. AR followed the next night by the T-Wolves -- I'm not sure if REA and the Alerus would be willing to advertise together and/or if the tennis and basketball entities would be willing to advertise together. Regardless, it still was a decent size crowd -- the couple next to us drove up from Sioux Falls (found out about the match via ticketmaster); there were signs held by people from "Kansas" and the Sauk Centre tennis club was there too -- so at least some out-of-towners found their way to GF.
  14. Can't improve on perfection! hahahahahahaha And as far as being in the wrong profession, um, don't quit your day job, please.
  15. Thanks to PCM for the following disclaimer language: Disclaimer: This is a summary of the weekly Fighting Sioux Coaches Show. It is NOT a verbatim transcript of the show. Comments by the show's hosts and the coaches are paraphrased to the best of the author's ability and are NOT direct quotes. This summary contains selected highlights from the show and is NOT a comprehensive account of all topics covered or discussed. This broadcast summary represents the interpretation of the author and is not associated in any manner with SiouxSports.com, the Universtiy of North Dakota. This summary MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED without the written permission of the author. Please excuse typos: Looking forward to the Maine trip -- great atmosphere at Alfond -- last visit by UND was Oct 2000 -- there's always a packed barn -- probably a little "tighter" confines than the old Engelstad -- they say it is regulation type ice, but it seems smaller -- things happen faster on the regulation size ice, and that's a good thing according to some of the players. The team went thru a full practice on Tuesday, so by the time they did the scrimage for the public they weren't at full speed. Regarding Manitoba: sloppy early on -- with the limited penalties in the 2nd, a good flow was established -- Swyg: "How do you give up 2 short-handers?" Coach Hakstol: "Real fast." Jordan Parise is 100% -- all 3 goalies will make the trip to Maine. This season the league will be allowing reviews (done by the referee) of goals at Denver and CC. Not every goal will be subject to review, it is up to the referee's discretion. This is just a trial run; since there is significant cost only will be tried at the 2 schools (Denver & CC). (More discussion on skate in the crease, reduction in size of the crease, etc.) Tough first 1/2 will make the team better. These first games are so important for the power rankings. Maine, BC, MN, Mankato (always good against us/UND except for 1 game last year). Question regarding Coach Hakstol's philosophy: We play every game to win -- take great pride in regular season title. Maine is a lot like UND -- small community -- in a smaller/more rural state -- campus -- there is a good, good relationship between the 2 schools -- always will have a good east-west rivalry. CSTV -- Great Exposure. Lineup? Know that Mike Prpich is back -- possible that Colby Genoway will be with Brady Murray and Chris Porter -- which would move R. Spirko onto a line with Fylling. Robbie Bina back in -- he had a really good summer. Regarding Andy Schneider's coast to coast goal: creating a monster! Coach Hakstol: Nice to see only Once A Year.
  16. kr

    Wendy Blais

    Sending sympathy and wishing peace to Dean Blais and family.
  17. Since this is an exhibition game I'm assuming no signs will be made . . . thanks in advance to all the usual suspects for their funny and creative work, in addition, thanks to those who display the signs. . . although it seems like the student seating situation may adversely affect the placement of the signs. By the way, Matt Greene was named cheerful person of the week by Marilyn Haggerty . . . that'd make a good sign. Fight on Sioux.
  18. here's a vote for the ham & taco meat grinder --- also need to have a cheese tostada (warmed) on the side . . . . have a safe trip.
  19. Sorry if this has already been mentioned: The University Bookstore/Barnes & Noble - Book Signing -- "75 Years of Fighting Sioux Hockey History" -- Saturday, August 28th, 11am to 1pm -- with Zach Parise, Jay Panzer, Jeff Panzer and Karl Goehring.
  20. I'm really, really going to miss listening to CB on the Coaches' Show, and maybe even more so, the early morning once a week "talk"/interview . . . yes, some of it could be bulletin board material . . BUT a lot of it was the unvarnished truth and all of it was down-right hysterical. I'm glad that CB is leaving at this time, simply, because it is his choice. That's the best way to have a coaching change. Other schools have weathered coaching changes: ie. Maine's program survived the traumatic loss of Walsh; UND will be fine. I can understand the rational for Hakstol being the front runner -- if I recall rightly, Hakstol was promoted to Associate Coach the year UND placed 2nd nationally, because CB was dealing with a family member's illness. Hakstol AND Berry did a fine job that year, as they have every year. Also, and this probably bears NO weight in the selection process, but Hakstol's wife is employed with the UND Alumni Office and they (Hakstol and wife) actually WANT to live in the GF area. Sandelin would be a great choice, but does he really want to leave a program that he has developed, his players, close to home, a place his family (read: wife) seems to like better than GF? I'm partial to Steve Johnson 'cause it's been said/stated/gossiped that he has the same temperment/coaching demeanor as CB and Sandelin; in addition GF is his home town and he knows and appreciates what GF has to offer.
  21. Just a note: The kfan (1440 am) dudes have stated that Tim Hennesey will be on with them today during the 11 am hour.
  22. When I first saw "Georgia" I thought -- as in close to/warring with Russia? But with the name "Miller" that didn't seem right ......
  23. C: Schneider A: McMahon A: Prpich
  24. Congrats to Junior . . . too bad it wasn't awarded to ZPar, but as it has been said, Junior was more than worthy of the award. As far as UND players not being recognized, well, that's just life. Michigan has only one hobey winner and that doesn't seem to affect their recruiting success, just as only one hobey winner from UND hasn't been a huge hurdle in getting great players to come to GF. I saw Mike Mottau, BC, play 2 games in the 1999/2000 season -- he was good, but I thought Steve Reinprecht from Wisc was better and more important to his team, and would have been as deserving (if not more so) to receive the hobey as the BC player did. But that's just my opinion, and I don't get to vote.
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