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Everything posted by kr
Yup, it was a pp goal. Also was nice to see Brad B. out on the pk 1st shift and then Travis was out on the pk 2nd shift. Travis played his position well.
Just a head-ups for those in the GF area -- Mike Prpich is on "Mac-Lyte" Show -- 1310 am -- he'll be on for about an hour -- there'll probably be a little hockey talk -- they are trying to say his last name and discussing the hog market in Canada & the US ... Never a dull minute on radio.
Can I put in a vote for that one?
I didn't read their column. Did they mention that Friday night there was a high school football game in GF? Now, I realize that high school football does not rank anywhere near the level of a national collegiate #1 vs. #4 men's college hockey game; however, in GF, the citizens do like to support their children. The game in question was GF Central (then 5-2) against West Fargo (then 7-0), the game had significant playoff implications. (With Central playing well, there was a good chance of them knocking off West, and while the town was in a buzz about UND vs. BC and UND vs. NDSU, there was a lot of radio/citizen talk about the high school game.) I'm not saying 500+ people decided to to go to the high school fb game instead of the hockey game, but I am saying there was an impact. Regardless, shame on those people who missed the game on Friday night who had the ability to be at the game; it was a great game.
UND: consistently winning titles: 50's, 60's, 80's, 90's, 00's -------- what more needs to be said, well ......... 7 titles over a span of 5 decades or 5 titles over 2 decades, (23 years removed)? Don't get me wrong, back to back titles is awesome and it is a difficult feat, and should be loudly applauded --- and I wish UND had been able to accomplish it in 2001 --- but, I think the fact that UND has had championship teams in almost every decade since the inception of the NCAA championship game is something which is beyond compare. (FYI: Michigan won the first championship game in 1948 (40's,50's,60's,90's) and BC won the 2nd one in 1949 (40's,00's), Wisconsin's were in 70's,80's,90's) No wonder the Gopher fans can be a "little" antagonistic, it would be hard to have a team, which was consistantly good or better than good, that failed for 26 years to reach the pinnacle, then get their hopes up and win 3 in quick succession, only to have to wait 23 more years for the next one/two --- especially when teams like UND and Wisconsin kept on winning on a consistent basis.
The problem is that our team is too clean cut. If we had a team full of mullet heads then a sign like "FlowBee Free Zone" could work.
"someone connected with the hockey team, non-coach" was on the radio this morning -- it "could" be the case that "someone" hasn't been skating "much" this week during captain's practice -- 2 others, who might not have been at full strength this past weekend (players, say similar to MJ and TP) are skating and are close to 100%. Hopefully this is compliant with the Hippa regulations ......
Ed? I was talking about radio broadcasters, not a rambling radio rabblerouser(s)! I just think it's interesting that a broadcaster (i.e. whom Jerry York calls "Timmy") well known in hockey circles for over 20 years in the WCHA, HE, ECAC, CHA, you get the drift, is called out, but since it's done by a YALE guy he (YALE guy) doesn't get at least a little grief over that? Sertich's butt pat (or whatever it was) resulted in an apology, which was warranted -- it wasn't a good reflection on the school/team; just as the AD's harangue reflected poorly on his position.
beating a dead (bull)dog RE: Thomas A Beckett, AD for Yale http://www.yale.edu/opa/ybc/v26.n16.news.04.html AD since 1994 -- known around campus as "Yale's Biggest Fan" -- has attended almost every event over a 4 year period --- (he has) professionalism, energy and devotion -------- is he related to the "Saint" Thomas Beckett?? Having heard the exchange over the radio last year, I'm still peeved. Here is the HEAD OF THE ATHLETIC DEPT of YALE, yes YALE, threatening to take outside a radio guy, while Matt Jones is laying on the ice -- truthfully the events or non-events don't matter -- never, never should the AD lose his/her head at a public event (especially to the extent that he calls someone outside for a fist-a-cuff). Did Roger Thomas try to take out the fans at NDSU when they verbally and physically harrassed the basketball staff? NO -- the situation was handled in a level headed manner and it was resolved. The Yale AD came across as an arrogant, unprofessional hack; don't deny it, it was broadcast across the state of ND & western MN. As someone employeed by an Ivy League school, his lack of professionalism at a public athletic event was truly amazing. And yes, because it is YALE there is a higher standard .... I honestly can't believe that there were no consequences for his words and actions. What if this had been a Boston College announcer that was called out? Would not a stink have been raised, resulting in some statement to the effect, "I regret that my words and actions may have reflected poorly on the fine reputation of the Yale Bulldog hockey team, staff and fans" ... etc ? Obviously, with no apology given/forthcoming, Mr. Beckett and the Yale organization didn't have the respect for the listening public to apologize for his unprofessionalism. (And it isn't as if he didn't know that he could be on a live broadcast -- the security guard wouldn't have him removed when Tim H. and/or Dan Benson requested his removal, because he (Beckett) had been in those seats for a long time.) If he flew off the handle listening to Tim H., how in the world does he handle other stressful events/press releases ? Bottom line is: he is a highly paid and touted professional, maybe he should remember that and make sure his words and actions are worthy of respect. "Yale AD: arrogant, ignorant, or both?"
Forecheck, Do you have anything planned for the Yale games? Would it be "incorrect" to mock the AD of Yale regarding his yapping at Tim H. while Tim was doing the broadcast last year?
jk -- you were right to post it -- you were the voice of the sane sioux fan -- I just figured not too many people would taunt the gopher fans this early in the season -- but it looks like some have already started -- I figure with their hockey team's loss and the implosion of their football team there isn't too much more that needs to be said ......
SFiP -- yep to all the above -- scoring change on Fox news -- Kolonas tipped Tanabe's shot. I still have problems saying Krys Kolonas (sp) name -- d*mn BC eagle! Good reps from college hockey in the P vs. StL game. It's nice to have the fox sports package. No Panzer, didn't see Pohl either, aren't they both in Worchester?
Hey jk --- what's up? Can't you feel the love? Yes, this should be on your USCHO thread "Attention Gopher Haters" -- and yes, the title pulled me in but I really try not to post on USCHO 'cause you all play mean over there. Tough loss for the gophers, of course they'll bounce back with a vengeance. The hardest thing to swallow for the gophers would have to be these two stats: 80+% return of point scorers and 90+ games without being shut out. No question that the gophers are the team to beat come March/April. The most important stat for the gophers is, what, 2+ years without back to back losses. UNO is in for a world of hurt. Phoenix beats StL in overtime -- Tanabe from Kolanos -- Sejna had powerplay time earlier in the game.
Yep. And Wooger's comments about yo-yos and rotation of goalies and etc (a very insight full comment) ..... I also liked when they showed the top scorers of the WCHA from last year, and the only returning one was Vanek, well, er, whoops as Mazoc-coco-puffs stated "I guess Brandon Bochenski is returning too". But as the dynamic duo stated they're not perfect. I don't mind listening to them so long as it isn't my team the gophers are playing. The Woog as Mr. Rogers skit was good -- par for the course (he reminded me more of Eddie Murphy playing Mr. Rogers, than Mr. Rogers playing Mr. Rogers -- flash to Frank playing "ButtWheat"!!! I wouldn't want to be on/the team playing the gophers tomorrow. They haven't lost back to back in how long? UNO/Wis. will have a long day tomorrow.
Maybe someone knows the answer(s) to some recruiting question(s) I have. In Jim's link to the previous thread Nathan's post mentioned that (MN) coaches when asked about potential recruits, have to respond with something like -- they can't talk about a recruit until a letter of intent is signed. When can a letter of intent be signed? The reason I ask is because Peter Mueller, age 15, recently gave his verbal to MN. In the Trib article it mentions that his family looked at, among many others, UND. http://www.startribune.com/stories/503/4131019.html It's mentioned that Lucia cannot discuss Peter M. until he signs a letter of intent, even though he has given a verbal committment to Lucia/UMN. When can other schools contact Peter M., if they'd want to try to dissuade him from the UMN; can another school even do that (I'm not talking ethics of trying to poach another school's recruit -- ala Parise) -- What about a player that college hockey has realistically missed out on? i.e. Since Sydney Crosby is playing up north can he be discussed by US college coaches? Couldn't he (technically speaking) quit hockey up there and sit out a certain amount of time (probably not a realistic situation, but it COULD happen) and play for a US college? Any one have any idea if CB and staff are following the trend to look at younger players? Besides Crosby and one or two others I didn't think the staff was looking at too many younger players .......
Almost forgot! The Saturday night hockey and football games are resulting in a radio conflict. The last I heard hockey will be on Kool 100.3 fm while the football will be on Fox 96.1 fm --- they'll probably mention it again during tonight's coaches show.
Just received one in today's mail (at the GF post office) .... so out-of-towners probably have a couple more days wait.
We (collectively speaking for attorneys here) have a job to do .... we might spin it but it's the jury's and/or judges' job to weigh and determine how relevant/worthy the argument is ..... everyone knows that a lawyer only lies when his/her mouth is moving, so it amazes me that reasonable and prudent people believe us at all!!! Hey, isn't schmidtdoggydog a legal beagle too?
PCM -- They didn't say what matter it regarded. Can they really say anthing anymore? Hippa, spies from the east, NCAA rules & regulations ..... where does it end? Also, just an FYI totally off hockey, but a radio item: this afternoon on KNOX 1310 after 3pm Dakota Husby (sp?) will have someone from PETA on the radio -- should be interesting -- the promo bit indicated that someone identifying themself as a PETA person sent Roy Horn (Seigfeild & Roy) a letter something to the effect that he got what he deserved!?!?!?! (that isn't the person to be interviewed, but it still makes you wonder) (whoops, that'd be SIEGFRIED & Roy -- not too hip to the LV entertainment scene)
Thanks CRR that summarized the interview. A couple weeks ago Tim and Swyg talked about the posting of radio interview talk. It seems that last year after one of the coaches shows something which was posted (it was not a direct quote, and which I don't believe was posted to be read as a direct quote) was turned over to a higher authority in the college hockey world. Tim had to turn in an affidavit -- in addition this entity wanted an audio copy of the show. It was blown totally out of proportion. Hence I probably won't post as much regarding radio interviews, particularily with players -- since what is posted is being viewed as direct quotes, not a summary -- at best such posts end up as bulletin material on a locker room wall or internet site, and at worst result in requests for an affidavit. Any one who heard Andy's interview this morning heard a good interview, it was witty and informative. The team picked a good captain.
Tonight CB will be on 1440 with Tim and Swyg. Broadcast schedule includes CB and Coach Dale Lennon and starts at 6:30 pm, not sure who is first up. On Wednesday's Andy Schneider is (similar to last season) on with Swyg and Tim on 1440, around 8:45 am. If you're in the area and able to tune in. The interview(s) are fun. Today's topics included: the fight, iron man, captain. Pretty darn funny.
I realize that there is advertising which needs to be done and that it was a MN Wild event, but why didn't the REA and/or ADept put together a highlight video of the 5 UND players and possibly include some on the other 3 WCHA players -- a lot of people around me didn't know Murray Baron and Ryan Johnson were former Sioux players -- few recognized Sejna from CC and he played at the REA last season, so it wasn't likely they remembered Rycroft (Denver) and/or Mellanby (Wisconsin) the 2 who scored the only goals -- I would think that there would be tape on all of those guys ...... and at the REA we have an awesome set up for viewing such tape -- it would have added something extra to the game ....
Actually it isn't people in the general sense, it is UND fans. We are the Chosen Ones, at least as far as Happy is concerned. One of his biggest gripes is over-age Canadians ruinning college hockey -- well, if that was such a concern, why did he not rip into Cornell during last season? If cupcake schedules are such a fascination why focus on UND -- he could point out that Michigan & Cornell had weaker SOS than MN & UNH (and UND, not that that matters) and that's why they did not make the finals -- instead he picks on UND. Honestly, who cares about his opinion? Actually, I do because in the world of the internet he who posts the same thing over, and over, and over, and OVER to the point of ad nauseam, eventually convinces others it is gospel. So kudos to those who fight the good fight of rebutting the happys of the world. Hey happy here's a post for you that doesn't even list how many championships UND has. 5 is greater than 2!!! (50's, 60's, 80's, 90's, 00's) vs. (70's, 00's) Go Sioux.
St Louis starters: Jeff Panzer (76), Ryan Johnson (17), Eric Nickulas (20) -- Al MacInnis (2), Murray Baron (23) Minnesota starters: Alexandre Daigle (9), Antti Laaksonen (24), Sergei Zholtok (33) -- Nick Schultz (55), Filip Kuba (17) I thought Panzer had a shot on goal in the 1st period -- I'm probably wrong. The best comment I heard was from the guy behind -- when Brad B. took his penalty: "That was a Gino penalty." Sejna played well -- he had pp time and pk time -- didn't look out of place at all -- so glad he's not at CC this year!