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Everything posted by shep

  1. shep

    SJSU Game Thread

    It's going to be a looooooonnnnggg season, but it's also going to be a loooooooonnnnngggg 3 seasons in this rebuild. Saying that doesn't make anyone less of a fan. My hope is the game against the Plundering Turd next year is less than a 20 point loss.
  2. But according to Haks supporters, that doesn't matter.
  3. "go talk to a r.a."? Like the guy in Walsh Hall who lived on our floor in the 80s? That r.a.?
  4. I agree. It's taken a long time, we are impatient people, but it appears that a good coach will get hired and while I'm leaning DeBoer, I think UND ends up with a new face who moves the program forward whichever one is hired.
  5. My bad...I shouldn't have brought it up. I still recall where I was when it happened(local bar, of course) and how I could see it coming as I started saying and then yelling "oh sh1t, oh sh1t, oh shiiiiiiit"
  6. Exactly. My Mack Brown post compared Hak to him minus the critical point-Brown won a title, but also to demonstrate that elite programs are not just very good, they are elite. I believe Brown's down years (since the title) reflects a winning pct as good as Haks.
  7. I think that makes sense. It seems that those who support Hak think we are nuts to suggest a change and there is solid evidence right here in the program, that sometimes is necessary and can be effective.
  8. The Mack Brown situation in Texas is very relevant to this discussion. Expectations for Texas football: win a National Title and/or contend for one every year. Expectations for UND hockey: win a national Title and/or contend for one every year. Today Mack Brown is no longer the head football coach at Texas and it's noteworthy, as compared to Hak, Mack Brown won a National Title. Sometimes Elite programs aren't satisfied with very good.
  9. As long as we all are speculating wildly, Mack Brown may be employment seeking soon.
  10. Shouldn't innocent until proven guilty apply here? Regardless of his record and the fact he plays for UND hockey, he's entitled to that. However if this is true, it's a really stupid way to get in trouble.
  11. I was one who thought Nebraska would be his choice, but this makes sense. More money, higher class of competition and possible Big 12 move. These guys (coaches) seem to love improving and reaching the apex ibpn your field of competition seems to require a move to try it at the next level. Heck, there's still rumors of Saban gearing to Texas.
  12. My thoughts aren't based on one weekend, but on ten years. Plus is Western Michigan any kind of litmus test?
  13. The BEST thing about Midco is that it DOESN'T have Sweeney.
  14. But if that notion is true, wasn't that system in place when Gino and Blais were winning titles? Lots of pros during those years too.
  15. My bad, You're right in that it was Solich at the end when Bohl was let go. Osborne was there for Bohls first couple of years.
  16. Sounds like I was wise not to go tonight.
  17. I think Bohl would be considered, but IIRC he was let go by Osborne after some alum/admin pressure. Not sure how many of them are still there.
  18. No one said it's the only draw, but the nicest arena AND 10000 great fans has to help. I watched the Miami game in which they opened their new arena. They were so proud of what looked like the Scheels Arena in Fargo. It's a shell of the Ralph. Its not idiotic or stupid to state plainly the facilities, fans and tradition are sold to guys being recruited. A UND coach who didn't use those things in recruiting would be idiotic or stupid.
  19. Good stuff. I get why the supporters like Hak, I do. But those of us on this side of the fence are just saying that very good is just not good enough for UND hockey. He's been no better than Gino and he was similarly beloved, but it was time to go. Same for Hak.
  20. I get the strong support for Hak and I said he's been a VERY GOOD coach, but yes, UND hockey fans may deserve to feel a sense of entitlement if only that a title can be expected at least every ten years. I have NO CLUE who to hire, but I also stand by the strong draw the program and facilities are to any kid anywhere so I reasonably believe that whoever it is will succeed, and if after 10 years he doesn't get it done I'll call for a change then too. But it's not like he's been here a short time and hasn't been given a fair chance. I know it's hard to win a title, but I'm also proud to be a fan of a team in which not winning a title in 10 years is grounds for a change.
  21. Why is that idiotic? Why don't we seek more? Why isn't a title in ten years a requirement to keep your job? Who couldn't recruit to this program? What kid wouldn't want to play in this arena with that many fans?
  22. He's a very good coach but no Championships is THE issue and UND expects championships. Maybe it's bad luck, bad mojo, bad karma, whatever, in the final analysis his teams don't get it done. We aren't here to get to the Final Four. We are UND hockey and we seek titles. If the coach can't bring them we bring in a new coach. As another poster noted, no one thought Gino (who won Titles) would be shown the door. Hak does NOT have Ginos record so this would not be unprecedented.
  23. shep

    2013 Playoffs

    Oh I agree there are no guarantees, but as sports bets go, this is a good one though I'd guess they'd be a 2-1 favorite or worse. Not sure what Bama was to start the season, maybe 4-1?
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