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Everything posted by shep

  1. Are we seriously saying that our words can effect their play?? SERIOUSLY??? So if we say something negative and they read it they may not play well because during the game they'll be thinking "Geez. Shep really laid into this team-I don't feel like scoing on this powerplay." C'MON!!!!!!!!! They should be reading (and listening to) the words their coach says in the paper and in the lockeroom. Beyond that, if ANY of them think they can advance to the pro level, what's it going to be like to be ripped in the big city papers?? I understand there's a certain "say no evil" element here lest ye be not a true fan, but this notion that we shouldn't say anything negative because it could be bad for the team is just strange.
  2. I agree that sometimes this team comes out and just expects that talent will win. There is a ton of hype involved with their recruitment and some act as though winning a game will just happen because they put on the skates and the other "lesser talented" team will shrink or something. The new coach of the Colorado football team, Dan Hanskins, had a quote that I think fits this team: "You lose with potential; you win with achievers." Sounds applicable to this team??
  3. Good post. I gave up a while ago on seeing them in their own regional. That's not pessimism, that's reality. Can't wait for the "they will come together in February" replies.
  4. Well...I'm glad that I'm not the only one to leave last night's game with a bad taste in my mouth (and it wasn't the 5 beers I had to deaden my pain). They have lost the last 6 home games I've attended so tonight the Sioux get a W as I can't bear to watch. This type of loss really hurts come playoff time so I hope no one will suggest they got robbed if they don't make it. They brought it on themselves with efforts like last night.
  5. VERY GOOD points Diggler. The infatuation with Kessel is mind-boggling around here. The reason he played a lot is because the coach's wanted him to, not b/c he just kept going out there to pad stats.
  6. Boy, I was there and I don't recall thinking that he had a rebound problem. He made key glove saves in the third on shots targeted for the top shelf, but if he gave up rebounds it wasn't so much the South players weren't in the right place as much as the rebound was turned to the side. Just my recollection.
  7. Just got back from South-Grafton. South dominated for two periods and won the game 2-1 with Grafton's lone goal coming with 1.7 seconds left. South is big, strong, physical, good skating, well disciplined team. Grafton came back in the third a bit and had some chances, but the shots were like 34-23 South and Kringstad was SOLID as was South's who made the saves when needed. South had two PP's and scored their goals on both. Campbells were shut down. South hit Paul and Thomas EVERY chance they got and it seemed to work. After the first period one parent noted how the Grafton guys were not going to the corners and they will feel sore in the morning. South's size is very impressive. Lots of RR players/coaches there too to watch this one.
  8. Look, I'm TRYING to be optimistic, but most of those who are hopeful acknowledge the team hasn't been really good but they keep pointing out that the Freshman need time to mature. I agree. It's just that I'm not as accepting of waiting till next year as some, I guess.
  9. Me, too. It has a ton of potential (there's that word again and now I'm using it) with Lee as the QB, but it seemed the pointmen had a hard time creating a lane for a shot, so often they would either pass to a wing at the dot or when shooting would fire it into the Minny player at the point.
  10. Good post. Thoughtful, reasonable, showing good hockey insight, hopeful (more than I am right now, but I'm trying) and generally not a screed against me or anyone else who wants more from their favorite team. Nice job and I hope you're right about the West Regional!
  11. I thank you for noting your agreement and all I can say is that even TRUE SIOUX fans can disagree with each other and have dissenting views as to how the team is playing.
  12. I'm not a big fan of "Lammy" either, but I was too lazy to look up the correct spelling of Lamoureaux.
  13. I agree. The guy who wrote that he was off this weekend, did NOT see the same games I did.
  14. I suspect the main reason you've noticed that about me is because there are so many here who are intent on only seeing everything through Sioux colored glasses that makes everything seem all nice and good and causes them to spew sun-shiny pablum all in the name of being a TRUE FAN. See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil is the motto of the TRUE FAN. Well...I did say (in the original post) that I thought the D looked better. In fact the shot totals were decent this weekend. That's positive, right? But last week some said Parise should be a Hobey finalist, another suggested that these freshman could win four titles (ostensibly true I suppose), Kessel was slammed mainly b/c he's wearing Maroon and Gold, not green and white and whenever we lose it's the refs fault. I'd like to think that though I'm a fan I can still see things in a different light. In fact, the reason I'm so peed off is because I hate seeing them lose and out of that fact I do see some negatives and foolishly opined about that. Perhaps in order to prove I'm a TRUE SIOUX fan my next post should be about all the great saves Parise made when he wasn't being five-holed.
  15. Seriously, is there EVER a time when a fan can criticize the team? Or do I need to just be happy with close losses against teams that are good and play great? Cuz, this HOME losing streak is driving me nuts. I hated seeing those smug bastard Goofer fans walking out of the arena happy the last two nights and I'm not a big fan of moral victories, so tell me when enough is enough?
  16. The evidence? This year? They are 1-5 at HOME against the top teams in the WCHA. They beat up on Mich Tech and St Cloud and that's it. I can't predict the future, but I know what I've seen in those last 5 home games and I know that this can be construed as evidence of why I'm less than hopeful about a long playoff run. You're right, Sioux teams in the past have done well in the playoffs and last year's team surprised me and many others, but as someone else pointed out, that was a senior laden team. As some of the apologists always are quick to point out, this is a freshman laden team and "they will get better." I'm sure that's true, but I just don't see it happening yet this year. Btw, we weren't two blown calls from ties this weekend; we were three of four weak goals away from winning this weekend. No one seems to want to talk about that.
  17. Of all that I wrote in the original post, I really didn't think the Toews comment would be so controversial. I didn't say he was bad or stunk or anything like that; he had some difficulties making plays this weekend thus I'm surprised he's a potential #2 pick. Some have pointed out that many others have already been drafted and that makes sense, but I'm not saying Toews isn't a good player, I'm just not able to comprehend that he's the #2 pick when that type of player usually hits the NHL a year after he's drafted. Put another way, I was able to understand how Parise was a 1st round pick based on what I saw his Frosh year. The projections are that Toews will be drafted MANY spots ahead of Parise and that blows my mind based again on what I've seen.
  18. That's a fair point. I guess I may have too lofty an expectation of what a #1 or #2 should be. However, I think Kessel proved to be better than Toews this weekend.
  19. All that makes sense and of the ones you've listed he is the best. But that's just two teams. I guess I was spoiled somewhat by the World Juniors last year with Crosby and Ovechkin and now we're talking about someone who may soon be in that lofty category. I know those were the last two #1's but you get my point. Perhaps I don't know what a #2 pick should look like, but I still have a hard time comprehending this.
  20. Look Redwing, I know you and I have a totally different perspective on what it means to be a Sioux fan. I think I'm realistic and I sometimes say negative things (especially after watching the 5th straight home loss and against the hated rival). You are ALWAYS positive. The team could shoot pucks at your head during pregame warmups and you'd complement them on their accuracy. That said, I was at the games and on Friday night one team came out ready to play. Now if that's coaching issue or not, I guess I don't know for sure, but Lucia's team was ready to play. That's all. As for Towes being overrated, I will just say that he wasn't the best freshman on the ice this weekend and I just can't imagine how he's the #2 pick. I could be wrong, but maybe some of the 17 or so scouts in the stands saw that too. Time will tell.
  21. I'm really not trying to knock Toews as much as I'm just surprised that he may be the #2 pick in the draft next year. There MUST be some 19 year old in Russia who is better. Toews is a great 17 year old hockey player, but as I noted most of the 1st round picks play in the pros within a couple of years, and he would really need to make great improvement fast to be there next year.
  22. Kermit Good points. I forgot to mention Stafford and you hit it on the head. I haven't watched Minny play this year-why would I?- but they looked to be in the same class as DU and Wisconsin with Wisconsin being the best I've seen. I think Oshie is the MVP thus far.
  23. Oh and the sky isn't falling; just the Sioux Hockey team's place in the standings.
  24. If it turns out that it all "comes together" (I love how everyone keeps hoping that will happen even when the evidence thus far is to the contrary) and they play in the Ralph in the Regional, I want someone to print a copy of this, and I will eat it in the organ bar between the first and second periods of their first game. I'd love to cut Toews some slack, and I will, but I just can't believe he is the 2nd best undrafted player in the world at this point.
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