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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Thats whats called holding on for dear life.......Nice win for the sioux...... I think we'll see Eidsness in the net tomorrow night. Dell was okay, but nothing fantastic.
  2. UND has started to play their third forward up high.....don't get overly conservative though fellas....
  3. I think everyone and their grandma saw that one coming. Good TV timeout here. Regroup, get the line matchup that you want, and the right d pair on the ice.....
  4. Besides giving up the first goal, the Kristo-Nelson-Rowney line has been good..... Do we want Denver to score? Christ we're throwing the puck around....
  5. There it is. Guy takes a dive, but you knew it was coming on us...... Big kill here.
  6. They should play with basketballs.....bouncy bouncy puck..... Bad couple of shifts after they scored....come on fellas.
  7. Kristo can't buy one....my god...... Wow......Hey we scored.
  8. Agreed. And the sioux will end up with the next penalty.
  9. I think SCSU will be hit or miss each weekend. Some weekends they'll look like Friday night against Minnesota, and other times they'll look like they looked against Clarkson..... Dell can't give up another soft one. Lets hope the sioux get one on this powerplay and put the pios away.
  10. I don't think that was a penalty right there. First really bad call of the night..... Big hits equal penalties...stupid...
  11. Gregoire has been the best player on the ice. Really impressive tonight. Those hockey east officials need to watch a tape of this game. I can't tell you who the reffs are because they are staying out of the game....
  12. I'm surprised that Gleason didn't get in with Forbort out.....Gleason could turn into a Fienhage/David Toews, and be on his way out.
  13. I'm still waiting for Brad to post the lineup tonight......I think the sioux are going to dress 12-6 tonight with Eidsness in net.....here is my guess: Malone-Frattin-Trupp Gregoire-Hextall-Knight Kristo-Nelson-Cichy Lamoureax-Rodwell-Davidson Genoway-McWilliam Lapoint-Marto Forbort-Blood Eidsness Dell
  14. I have a feeling that Eidsness gets the nod on Friday night. I'm thinking that regardless of his effort Dell gets the start on Saturday. Its funny that with more publicity this year Eidsness has started poorly......I think we've seen that a time or two before. I think the Freshman tender for Denver will is the big story this weekend. I don't see him playing average....he'll either steal a game or give up a Kangas like six spot.
  15. I hate Gwozdecky because he's constantly in the officials ear the whole game, and sometimes it works.....If you remember the dasher dancing game, the next five or so penalties were called on North Dakota.....He is a psychologist if there ever was one in college hockey.
  16. I think someone said it best. Is it worth making trips like this when this is the type officiating you will get? And this isn't the first time this has happened.
  17. The big thing tonight will be weathering the early storm. With it being whiteout night and all that Maine will most likely come out flying and throw everything they can towards the crease. I'm thinking that Eidsness will be in the net for the sioux, so a big game for him as far as turning his season around after a bit of a sketchy start. I'm looking for Malone to have a huge weekend. With all sorts of people watching him play tonight I think we could see one of his best weekends of the year......just watch the facemasks...... Don't know what to say as far as a prediction goes tonight. I'll say 4-3 UND.....in a playoff type game.
  18. Another great test for a well traveled hockey club. Maine will be the best skating team that the sioux will have played to this point of the season, and it will be an interesting matchup to see how the sioux can handle playing in a hostile atmosphere (can't call the weekend in Bemidji too hostile) against a top hockey east team. Eidsness Friday, Dell Saturday. I'll predict a split for the sioux.
  19. Should mention Aaron Dell for the effort tonight. Was a steady force between the pipes, and made the saves he needed too. I think he earned himself another start out in Orono.
  20. Not a lot of teams will sweep the Beavers at home this year. Great team effort by the sioux. Four out of ten done in this grueling stretch of games.....nice work so far.....
  21. Did anybody see the Ness penalty......talk about giving up on a play....someone forgot to tell the kid that they can score and still get a powerplay...... With that attitude I'm glad he didn't come to UND.
  22. Congrats to Rodwell on the big goal! Also congrtas to the women on the sweep of goldy today! UNO wins and Goldy goes O for the weekend......ahh yeah.... 3-2 on a great play from Genoway....
  23. Great play off the draw there. What people won't remember is the great job that Hextall did setting a pick for Gregoire......should have probably been a penalty.
  24. This was one of the best F5 of all time and the gophers weren't there. Good riddance....
  25. I was just going to say the same thing.....what an actor......I hate guys that pull that crap and are out on the next fricken shift......
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