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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. Maine Vs Merrimack is on channel 623 on DirecTv. Maine leads 1-0 after one.
  2. ESPN's "Outside The Lines" has written one of the better articles written on the nickname debate. Since it's an OTL article, I wonder if ESPN will be including it in their tv show? In looking at the comments, it appears Lakes is there once again to defend the those who are offended by the name. http://espn.go.com/espn/conversations/_/id/7653898/north-dakota-fighting-sioux-nickname-logo-center-dispute-state-ncaa-tribes
  3. While I agree with this post, I think you are referring to the Men's team...Either way, good luck to both the Women's and Men's team. It would be nice for the Women to send Gene out with another conference Championship!
  4. No matter how clear you explain the situation to some people, they either choose to ignore the obvious or just aren't able to comprehend what is being explained. Its amazing how many times they've been corrected or been given the facts yet they just don't get it. Unfortunately I think their are many more out there then just the few on this board. By the way, I ran into Mr. Faison at the hockey game in Denver and guess what? He was wearing Fighting Sioux gear. I have ran into both him and Mr. Kelley wearing Sioux gear. I'm sure there will be people on this board that will try to tell me I'm wrong about that though...
  5. I was a recipient of some green dye for my beer, which was much appreciated! Nice to know the story behind it. Hope your brother is able to win his battle as well. I did see a sioux fan sitting against the wall in the concourse. He was being attended to by event staff and there were a couple of cops there also. No idea what happened though?
  6. Yep, and Montana won and will be hosting the Big Sky Conference Tournament.
  7. 34-24 halftime. I hope coach Jones has our team watching this game so they can get an idea of what they could be capable of next season. Good atmosphere as well.
  8. It is on Altitude Sports which is channel 681 on DirecTv. Montana leads 32-24 with a minute to go in the first half.
  9. You can count me in the camp that wish we would have kept playing, NDSU. I know it wouldn't have helped us come playoff selection time but so what. To me playing NDSU was a "championship game." If we had a bad season, it could still be classified as "a good season" in my book if we beat NDSU. I didn't hear too many people complaining when we scheduled the UNI or SUU game and we were still DII. That being said, I understand, to a degree, why UND didn't want to play NDSU. NDSU fans still rip UND about those reasons today. Now the tables have turned. UND fans are wanting the game to be played and NDSU fans are coming up with excuses as to why they don't want to/why it's not good for them to play the game. Does anyone see the irony in that?
  10. Well we know he wrecks football programs, lets see how he does with a women's basketball program.
  11. I did attend the bball game and paid $19 for a ticket. Granted I went with my brother and a friend (no kids). I had no problem paying the "extra" fee for that game...especially considering the result of the game!
  12. UND still does this for hockey and football games, not so sure about bball and vball as I haven't gone to as many of those games the last few years. As you said, it's all about supply and demand. There are many who would pay premium for a NDSU-UND game or other "premium" games.
  13. I'm not saying it would be a popular decision, but if the opportunity is there, they should take advantage it. It's typically only done for 1-2 games out of the year which makes it easier for most people to accept.
  14. It appears as though the new "Doctors Hospital" didn't last too long. Altru has announced a major renovation and expansion for it's company. http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/229758/
  15. So you are ok with NDSU basically "throwing away" a few hundred thousand dollars that they could make by doing "premium game pricing." Ok, thats fine. Just as an fyi, not sure of the percentage, but I would venture to say that a majority of schools in DI have "premium game pricing" figured in to their ticket packages. Since I'm not a fan of NDSU, I'm fine with them not making the extra revenue that could go to Dome upgrades, indoor practice field, etc.
  16. Yes, for next season it would be to late. But it's probably something that the Bison Athletic Department should consider for future schedules.
  17. Not sure if you've read through this whole thread, but there's been discussion about premium pricing for the "big game" opponents such as UND, Montana, Northern Iowa, etc. NDSU could charge an extra $10-$20 a ticket for certain games for an additional $150,000-$200,000 in ticket sales. Also add in the fact that NDSU wouldn't have to pay UND since it's a home and home. Not sure what the going rate is for and FCS team such as Bobby Mo, but lets say it's $100,000. So not sure how that is a losing propostion for NDSU, Fargo, or the Fargodome?
  18. Look at the 2012 schedule for your answer...
  19. You mean like the "peace pipe" ceremony (contract) that the Standing Rock Elders used to give UND the Sioux nickname, only to have the current Tribal Council state it's "null and void?"
  20. Thanks Ira, I remembering hearing it was a rather significant amount we were leaving on the table. I understand the DI, DII, DIII thing. They are all governed by the NCAA so sanctions will apply in any division unless we go NAIA. Unfortunately, I will not get to vote if there is an election as I am currently a Minnesota resident.
  21. Another thing to consider with the move up to DI is that UND is now eligible to share in monies from the Frozen Four tournament if they win. Correct me if I'm wrong, but at one point, UND was not able to share in these monies due to it's DII classification and the tournament was a DI tournament. I remember hearing that UND was losing out on a big chunk of change because of it.
  22. Braden Hanson and no, he is not guarenteed the starting position. Chances are he will earn it. From all reports out of camp, he has been a great addtion to the team and has shown leadership and isn't coming in as though he is the starter. He is coming in to earn the position and the respect of the team.
  23. Or outbid them. Eastern Kentucky outbid some school, I think it was James Madison, this year even though their stadium held less and they averaged less in attendance. I will say the chances that NDSU allows UND to outbid them are very slim however.
  24. Depends. If UND were seeded in the top 4, they would host. If neither team were seeded, it would come down to bidding. Chances are, NDSU would have the upper hand in a bidding war due to more seats they can sell, but it doesn't mean UND couldn't outbid them.
  25. I actually agree with you on this. It's nice to face teams from other parts of the country. I'm not sure how the every other year contract that Gene Taylor supposedly offered, but I sure wish we would have accepted it or worked to make it acceptable. Maybe this is currently happening, who knows. I've been told that an every other year contract has been agreed upon beginning in 2015 with the first game in Fargo. The person I heard it from has been correct on some info in the past but has also been wrong on some info regarding Sioux sports. I won't believe it until the contract is signed and it comes out in the media.
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