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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. You have it, he needs to learn to slide. Maybe it's already too late?
  2. Cornell/Providence NCAA final 2-2 OT tie, going into the 5th period
  3. Cornell beats #6 Ohio St. at Las Vegas, NV We beat #60 UAH at home and get an * respective adjusted RPI's .6551* — .6538* *Team's RPI has been adjusted to remove negative effect from defeating weak opponent.
  4. Show up TV at The Ralph in GREEN 45 minutes early and purchase the Prime Rib sandwich / potato salad. Get limit (2 18oz glasses) and find your leather seat. Puck drops, stand up and cheer without spilling. Do not leave till the game is over.
  5. Overtime game, one team gets a not so pretty goal to win it.
  6. Can't even leave us alone over the Holidays? Prior posts on this page, 12 NDSU & 10 UND posts. Get a life.
  7. We could start seeing "Buy flood insurance adds on TV"?
  8. I live on north end and my alley wan't plowed as of last night, two cars were stuck in alley and left. I have a corner lot so I can get out from garage directly to street.
  9. There is a lot of snow in GF, especially for still being December. The city will be hauling snow for a while now. We don't need any snow or rain for the first half of next year.
  10. Very sad. I have been on a couple of committees with Lowell, a great person. My thoughts and prayers with the Schweigert family.
  11. Hopefully they understand that it's not just the lack of student attendance, but also where ALL other area Div I teams have their FB student sections by the end zone. I posted all the teams' (in 4 state area ) seating charts with students' sections pointed out in the FB Attendance tread a couple months ago.
  12. I wouldn't short suit the Hawks. And, at the same time I would say that if we played the Huskers next week at The Betty, the Huskers would be favorites - while we would still have a chance at the W. We were not out coached and played competitively well till the buzzer against Nebraska and could also play as well against the Beavers.
  13. To turbo charge the HPC phase II fund raiser, throw the name change in with it.
  14. Hopefully we'll get some movement of the student sections towards the end zone. Then you could try for mid field. We are the only Div I FB team in the 4 state area to have students at midfield.
  15. Think about it, and by the way the game is sold out, so you have that working for them. Maybe just 5 years ago, I would of agreed with you. But this month I bought 8 tickets through UND for over $120 each (seats behind the goalie) to go to a Hall of Fame game in Nashville to play Penn St,, and you do know what many posters on here think of the B1G teams??? Hint; garbage - nobody goes to see them. Well, they' are now going to see them? Has UND ever sold tickets over $100 before? Then add in 3 nights of rooms, plane ride, horderves, and beer. Al's plane package is also quite a few $. For some, the ticket is a small part of the 3 to 4 day endeavor, and they will pay to play.
  16. UND played a good game, stuck with it to the end, great win - bringing home truck loads of experience! When you win games like this one, the program transitions from "hopes" into "believes" and better things should follow.
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