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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. It appears the best we can hope for is to replace Bemidji St with the loss of Wisconsin and Minnesota with the hopes that UND will be able to become a member of the Big Ten Conference since it will obviously need members anyways. Otherwise a conference UND is in without "Big Names" (MN & WI) would be very bad for UND.
  2. To kiss butt a little: I think the moderators have done a perfect job on this board. They make the ultimate decisions but also take into accounts what the users want. They are willing to try new things to see if they work while always updating this site to make it better. Jim and others continue to let people know their positions so the "informal rules" (noise to content ratio) seem to be clear to most, or at least those who are regular users (the ones who are the most important to keeping happy). Kudos.
  3. I don't think it would be that hard for the WCHA (or any other team) to make/pay for a trophy and start its own history instead of having to always worry about having Michigan Tech being in the league for use of their cup. Now that I think about it. Who needs the history of the McNaughton Cup. Shouldn't the league care more about the history of the WCHA and its championships than the simple name and looks of the cup that the winner is awarded?
  4. If that was the case the arena wouldn't be on the verge of setting a record this season (perhaps you missed that part or didn't read the article) for the number of sellouts. Since the arena is nothing new and the team isn't dominating every team. Rather it is the hard work of the REA staff using their collective heads to finally find solutions to common problems like the article states:
  5. I too hope Bemidji St isn't added. They would water down the league. All this would mean less games against more traditional rivals and give reason for the proponents of a Big Ten Hockey League. The WCHA just can't go around adding schools. 10 is a good number.
  6. Gotta love it when the fans themselves become "news" To Heath Hotzler: Can you show me where someone said this on this message board. I don't remember reading it. And don't feel like searching through the posts. Thanks.
  7. Don't feed the trolls.
  8. It wouldn't be from one rich alumni, but probably 10 donors of $30 million.
  9. Can you imagine if Ralph wanted to have fun with people: To UND: "Have an architectural firm draw up the nicest stadium in the country. Leather seats. Luxury suites, milliondollar scoreboard. Tell them this is what you plan for a hockey arena in the future. If I like it, I might donate a lot of money to UND. " UND: "How many seats" Ralph: "11-12,000" UND: "That seems like a lot. Double the current 6,000 seat one and sometimes we can't even fill that that." Ralph: "Dont' worry. Build it and they will come. Better to have to many seats than not enough!" Every fan in the country to UND: "Pipe Dream" Ralph reaction:
  10. I gotta agree. It would be disasterous to move football outdoors again in Grand Forks regardless of what "traditionalists" think. There is no doubt that being outdoors would cost UND attendance numbers meaning less revenue for UND. The new stadium needs to be in the 23,000-28,000 seat range. Lonnie Laffen of JLG Architects wrote this on the blog I like it. Integrating the tradition with the future.
  11. Just so you know. The Sioux Football show is broadcast on the web too. You really seem to be bent out of shape about nothing. The only fact here is the Bohl show dropped in ratings because it switched times to Sunday mornings when less people watch it (the average fan has probably yet to realize when and where it moved to). That is all. Undo you undies.
  12. On a SDSU message board. All right I'll stop now. They do a good job of supporting there football team similar to UND and its hockey.
  13. Wrong again. No surprise though . I think it was to guage the football TV ratings.
  14. Apparently I should add the McFeely blog to my favorite links that discuss UND sports. I had no idea there was so much good talk going on there about UND.
  15. Anytime things like this occur Minnesota Politicians have a fit if they try to move it outside the state of MN.
  16. You are definately right. He is using SIU as a stepping stone. Otherwise he would have stayed at UND as mentioned by his "bleed green" during his press conference. This move will help him NOT lose four years in his career goals.
  17. I know of quite a few actually. Well I know of serveral people that would love to be the Next AD of UND. Dean Blais included. I think the AD job will be a tough one because the former one got fired/quit , coupled with the fact that coaches are getting fired or quitting. Not because of people talking on a message board. If so, God help us. Ah yes the "hide the truth" doctorine. "Jimmy is doing an excellent job. He is a very hard worker." Jane says to the "public." Then Jane tells Jimmy, "You aren't doing such a great job. You need to improve or you are fired." It is not a very good philosophy to live by. If there are problems that are not being addressed what better way to help create change than by UND fans (the people who care the most about the school) talking about it trying to find solutions. We all know certain people in the administration read these forums. And here's a shocker....they get ideas that they like and use them to better the university . I am not blaming anyone for anything. I speak in generals, not about Lennon or Buning or any other adminstratiors at UND, but if there are potential conflict of interests in the adminstration they should be addressed and possibly changed for the future. And as JimDahl pointed out
  18. Those so called "conflict of interest" nobody likes. I knew his point from the beginning.
  19. Cratter

    FCS map

    The reason UND/NDSU/SDSU/USD need to anchor a conference or at least be working to be in the same conference and so they have enough votes to control it.
  20. Cratter

    FCS map

    I believe there are 148 D2 football teams vs 122 FCS teams according to a quick lookup at mratings.com.
  21. Cratter

    FCS map

    Looking at that map I would guess there are fewer FCS teams than Division 2 football teams. Anyone know for sure? If no, no wonder it will become easier to competitive in FCS right away.
  22. I would have went but didn't know it was so soon. Forgot.
  23. Cratter

    new coach?

    It is easy to dream. But making things a reality is much easier. "out of our price range" ?? ?? ha Sorry, I have to laugh....It is one of the funnier things I have heard on this board. UND is the oldest and largest institute in the Dakotas. Has more national coverage than both NDSU and SDSU. Is one of the best colleges in the nation (NDSU is not), has more Division 1 titles than both NDSU, SDSU, and USD combined. Should I go on? Out of UND's price range? I think not.
  24. Tickets to the Frozen Four in Denver: ;)
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