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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. I have wished more than once this website had a live chat box where fellow fans could shoot the s**t in an informal setting. After reading the topic "Meeting People from this forum" on drywalltalk.com (Drywall is my profession.) I read this and wanted to see if there was anyway to get one on SiouxSports. Its been five years, there has to be some you like by now or driven enough.
  2. Sioux vs Beavers: 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-1 (Dell screwed it up)
  3. First time the Sioux make the Final Face Off.
  4. Sioux Win. 3-2 They play Wisconsin at Ridder Arena in Minneapolis.
  5. And from 2002 on GFRR and GFC are tied for the same number of titles.. Gotta love stats! I can make them look anyways I want
  6. Looks like our Bison Buddy might be right.
  7. 1) Small Group? The answer is one person. 2) History has shown a nickname advisory committee comes up with a list of names by UND stakeholders, and a popular vote is taken by the Higher Educational Governing Body. The one that hires the University Presidents. 3) Not a chance.
  8. In case you missed it. There will be no popular vote, no nothing on a nickname. One man will decide what he thinks is "cool" for UND's nickname for the "rest of eternity." Will it be Beavers, Elk, Horses, Blue, Spirit, Or Farmers?
  9. Just a reminder that Saturday (9-6) and Sunday (10-4) is the Grand Forks Men's Show at the Alerus Center. I am looking forward to checking out the turdy point buck, riding the mechanical bull, and the sampling free beer (Its really "free" for me cause I get "hookups" within the radio industry ) before I walk down the hallway to the Tavern United to continue my buzz before I board the hockey fun bus Saturday to the Ralph to watch the Sioux take on Bemidji St.... Next weeks topic: How the event: 1) Was poorly attended. 2) Lost money. 3) Wasn't a "big name" concert. 4) Could have been held at the Betty, Hyslop, Ralph, or Holiday Inn banquet room.
  10. Boston College will be looking for payback for what the Sioux did to them April 9 of this year.
  11. (The original poster said conference.....that was untrue. Which I gladly point out. Many people are spewing lies here.) I don't believe that's entirely true, because the school had a ban on playing schools with indian nicknames since 1992 before the NCAA even came out with the whole "Hostile and Abusive" tell others what to think referendum. It appears Wisconsin came up with an "excuse" why they were scheduling UND. One would have to ask WI if they are changin their policy? And if they do and UND is removed from the NCAA list. All is good again. This will be THE story when we play any team anymore on our numerous national televised games. "The Fighting Sioux who are so beloved in the state kept the nickname against all odds and gave the NCAA a big middle finger!" And to top it all off no one can say the name is hostile or abusive. The closest Sioux tribe gave their approval for UND to keep the nickname! (and the other tribe gave their approval years ago which they say is forever).
  12. Time for all SIoux fans to fight. Email the governer telling him your support of the Fighting Sioux and how he wasn't even elected Governor and how it would be a travesty for him to override the vote of the people (house and senate)!
  13. I have a question too. Can the administrators see IP addresses on peoples computers and see if there is more than one name used for that computer.... Say for example if MPLSBison and another name come from the same computer?
  14. Do you have any quotes or facts for that? Wisconsin said they wouldn't play us, but then they played us in womens basketball not very long ago. So they were lying apparently? This No home playoff games, only affects football that that would be rare. I say screw it stand on principle, and keep the name!! Pass the legislation.... Then work on getting the other tribe to comply (got more time), and BOOM all good again in Fighting Sioux Land.
  15. "No Kristo? Must be coldfeet." I don't care who ya are. Dats funny right der.
  16. Yeah talking about the MacNaughten Cup. Minnesota also won the MacNaughten Cup in 1997. As did Colorado College in 2005. Wisconsin was the last team to win the MacNaugten Cup outright and an NCAA championship over 20 years ago.
  17. Make that two of his sons as WCHA refs then.
  18. The Cup is basically the kiss of death. No WCHA team has won it outright and won a NCAA championship in the same year since Wisconsin did it 21 years ago.
  19. You mean the WCHA Supervisor of Officials? That Greg Shepherd? The one who.... and... The one with a conflict of interest hiring his son to do officiating? Hired by the WCHA commissioner who got in trouble for money missing at UMD? All you can say is WOW! What a league we have!
  20. Do they need to start adding "challenges" to hockey? Has to be an odd feeling being a ref at center ice watching the replay knowing you made the wrong call, and knowing you still have time to enter the replay booth, but you don't out of "principle." Basically saying "screw" getting the right call!
  21. Hard to believe this before this year: To recap this season, The Fighting Sioux beat the Gophers 3 out of 4 contests.
  22. Yeah, I couldn't believe that. Would have loved to have heard the refs explain that one. Maybe they will ask the coach on Sioux Sports Extra. Thank gosh it didn't matter.
  23. Sioux women win today. I was there. The infamous man around here, Dakota Dan, even took me. Don't quote me, but I think attendance was around 2,900.
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