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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Folks, simple reality: Progress is good. Monstrosities like this poseur 'gfhockey' and his delusional "old boys" are what will make Grand Forks probably not a top five city in the state in my lifetime. (Fargo, Bismarck, Minot, Williston, and either Mandan or Dickinson ... or both). Grand Forks needs to fix its "Eeyore" attitude. GF is sure what it *can't* do. There is nothing that Fargo has that Grand Forks doesn't have also (save for one interstate highway) and it has some things that Fargo just doesn't but they aren't used: - Major university? Check - I-29 for N/S transport? Check - Direct road to major US port (Duluth)? Check - Direct road to the Bakken? Check - Major N/S and E/W railways including crossing the Red? Check What Grand Forks *does* have that Fargo doesn't: - Major flood protection already installed (Fargo's staring at a $2 billion bill) - Multiple water sources to support growth (people and industry) -- Fargo may *need* water from the Missouri just to meet basic needs in the not so distant future and that cost would make flood protection sound cheap* - Strong ability to support areas of the "new" economy (Bakken, UAV) through UND and unique items (GFAFB) I've said it before, but it bears repeating: Fargo is where it is because it is self-confident to a fault; Grand Forks is self-unassured to a fault. And the 1997 flood, I'm sorry it happened, it was horrific, but it was nearly two decades ago. It's usefulness as an excuse has worn thin. Move on. (Quit clinging to the past, like with other subjects as well ... ) Grand Forks has done some great things (flood protection after surviving that mess is primary) but is afraid to admit it. *If you don't have water, you're done. GF has all the water Fargo has plus the Wild Rice (of MN) and Red Lake Rivers. PS - Dear GFH ink-stained wretches that read this: Feel free to use it for your next editorial if you dare.
  2. Dan's has a fixation.
  3. You're still able to post here. I'd call that "pretty tolerant", wouldn't you?
  4. Just a tad high on the overstatement there, eh Dan? They have to address some findings in an audit. One of them is they are letting the remote campuses be *too* autonomous and not having enough central oversight. (I thought autonomy was good.) But to your other point: I've never been a Kelley fan but dumping him because of a football team as some have called for? No. Because of this trifecta on his watch? Yes.
  5. The State University of New York at Stony Brook is an AAU institution. That's pretty lofty status academically. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_American_Universities
  6. All it would take is one angry Norwegian.
  7. Will the opener be Bismarck St. Mary's versus Dickinson Trinity? (Let's see who all figures out the theme.)
  8. Norse (noun): Norwegians or Scandinavians, especially in medieval times. "Colleges and universities may adopt any mascot that they wish, as that is an institutional matter," said Walter Harrison, chair of the Executive Committee and president at the University of Hartford. "But as a national association, we (the NCAA) believe that mascots, nicknames or images deemed hostile or abusive in terms of race, ethnicity or national origin should not be visible at the championship events that we control." Norse would be fine ... except for that ... and the fact that we just came out of that brier patch.
  9. I'd say a better description would be "pretty tolerant".
  10. How things are today is exactly how they'll always be.
  11. I know some love headlines, but reading for depth finds: OK, so this latest group was below average. Putting that into perspective, and I know this may stun some, but 50% of all Americans are below the average age of an American.
  12. Day by day. 5 of 24
  13. Kyle Ruhe. Knee. Season. < curse word >
  14. Dang. I think I agree with this assessment. The program is at a point where the goal should be executing, flawlessly, the play in front of it*. That, and that only. Start small, at that level, and work on those details. The bigger stuff will take of itself from there. Day by day. *For example: - chipshot field goals - not fielding punts inside your own 10 - not running into a kick receiver - correct blocking schema execution on a play - form tackling - not looking like the "Keystone Kops" in your backfield on a handoff play
  15. Today's vocabulary words: foreshadow premonition preparation groundwork http://www.inforum.com/content/documentary-highlights-roosevelts-love-affair-north-dakota
  16. The SFI guys' tweet from a bit ago: I have to agree with that assessment.
  17. It's about line play, offense and defense, and the line play just isn't there. What's stunning to me is exactly how empty the cupboard is.
  18. I'd dangle from the tree branch next to him.
  19. Did you get to see Lee Corso up close? Is he as dreamy as you two say he is?
  20. A snarling canine logo with school color eyes ... where've I seen that ... hmmm ... http://www.collegefinancialaidguide.com/pictures/University%20of%20South%20Dakota/logo.JPG
  21. MInnesota TimberWOLVES Arkansas State Red WOLVES South Dakota Coyotes NC State Wolfpack Nevada (Reno) Wolfpack And as someone mentioned Northern State (SD) Technically, New Mexico's Lobos are wolves. There are wolves out there.
  22. First there was a comment that "football is a dying sport" or something like that somewhere here. Now this. You off your meds again John? I've never seen you so down on #buttfootballs and especially #buttbisonsfootball.
  23. The UND Miscreants -- go scoUNDrels go!
  24. Seems Senator Heitkamp got some not-so-great data about rail shipments in North Dakota. I know I see way more oil than coal or grain cars on the tracks lately. And I don't see the numbers of coal and grain cars of the past. Can we get the real numbers and start to work on whatever the issue really is?
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