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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Are you seeing double?
  2. I wish I could find it, but someone quite a while back posted the "final list" of choices a while back. I think it was something like: < a weather phenomena, like Storm > < a flying raptor > < a clawed mammal > < a generic "idea" noun, like Liberty > I wish I could find that again. It was genius.
  3. Milk's been spilt.
  4. It's after noon; I'm not sure this particular member of the %gobc is able to stand up.
  5. I'm just not a fan of UTTC. If they ranched they'd be "all hat, no cattle." They talk like they're a step below Harvard; they're a step above Rasmussen ... maybe.
  6. Use the power wisely.
  7. To put up the link to "The Cult: Fire Woman" the following was typed in by me: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNcpasj__WY[/youtube] Notes: - Make sure it's http:// and not https:// --- delete the 's' if need be. - Make sure it's www.youtube and not m.youtube --- change it if need be.
  8. If this isn't on your iPod, you failed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNcpasj__WY
  9. Right group, wrong song?
  10. Here and now, publicly: Mr. Goehring, Your contributions to the hockey program are clear and recognizable, both in the past as a player and today as a coach and mentor to current players; but your contributions to this effort are greater. Much was made of your stature while playing; dare I say you're the tallest man on the University of North Dakota campus today because of your willingness to stand up and take on the last and now this most challenging assignment. Thank you Karl. Signed, A fellow alumnus of the University of North Dakota
  11. I think you're close, because that's ... the right stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbIEwIwYz-c
  12. Mafia changes it up once in a while --> Toby and Willie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1JOFhfoAD4
  13. I started a new thread to talk about this (hopefully) last committee.
  14. I pulled this out of the "By May" thread. This deserved a thread of its own. Carry on.
  15. Yup. If the NCAA got the wild idea to ban acetaminophen (and tested for it) you'd better hope ibuprofen works for you.
  16. Chief Illiniwek is officially retired at Illinois. That video is historic only.
  17. I'm glad to see Christofferson and St. Peter on the list. They've both owned/run professional sports teams and should have a clue about the need for identity/brand identification and marketing. I'm glad they clarified Dr. McDonald is a 3x UND alumnus, because the rest of his identifier is not a credential worthy of this committee. The best combo of brains and brawn currently on campus -- Dayo Idowu (that's right: flagrant engineering bias!) The %gobc got their guy (Schweigert).
  18. #22 on the MafiaPod* ... but not with any plays in the last 60 days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0 *Yes, it was the non-English version on the 'Pod. Mafia == pro-diversity.
  19. While both of those sound like personal problems, the answer to posting YouTube video links is here.
  20. We've already discussed the #1 and #2 most played on Mafia's iPod in different thread. As a public service, I'll report the #3 most played on Mafia's iPod. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJL4UGSbeFg
  21. Jesus saves! Caggulia scores on the rebound.
  22. Yes it is. It would've been like buying a second PowerBall ticket. The chances would've gone from 1:175,000,000 to 1:87,500,000.
  23. I can find examples of awesome "athletes" in every sport: - John Kruk* - William Perry** - Wayne "the bodybuilder" Gretzky*** When you play a sport you do what you need to to be successful in that sport. You don't see a lot of marathoners with 30 inch biceps yet no one will argue that marathoners are in phenomenal shape and superb athletes. This argument bores**** me. * Favorite Kruk-ism: "Ma'am, I'm not an athlete, I'm a baseball player." ** There wasn't a shirt tail his belly couldn't over- (under?) come. *** Wayne never lifted weights. **** bore: to weary by dull, tedious repetition
  24. Checking an older version of MIE off an older Win7 box. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxrwImCJCqk Mafia: See. And raise.
  25. Friday UND@Miami is the front half of a national double header on CBSSN.
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