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Everything posted by The Sicatoka
They don't have to be factual, but predictions have to be pointed out as just that: predictions. I don't know the NCAA will come after UND like Thought Police ... but they have in the past so it's not unreasonable to expect it again. And I never said the "ND" would have to go. Like I said already, that's not in violation. However, the ND logo is not a "new nickname". That's what's missing. I guess I don't find "Lemmings" all that catchy. To each their own. And I've never claimed a new nickname and logo will be a cash cow. What I have said is that it will generate more revenue than nothing. And it will stave off the Thought Police and that's worth a few bucks in itself.
We missed the boat on that in the current world. And you know this to be true. Cool. Can you hook me up with Saturday's PowerBall numbers too?
Because, not 100 years ago, or 100 years from now, we have to live in the world as it is today,
So, predictions on the final list? < ethereal noun -- like "Liberty" > < regional raptor > < clawed mammal, but not too scary > < weather phenomena > < color > What's missing?
That "retain the trademark" was to retain control, a means to the NCAA's ends. That's why they had it written into the agreement.
One amusing day in the future ... Minnesota Twins front office flunky: "Mr. St. Peter, the MLB league offices just called. They've been taking pressure from PETT* for a long time. Mary Kate and Ashley are leading protests in front of their offices. MLB has decided to ban team names related to twins! What do we do?" Dave St. Peter: "Well, we'll just go without a nickname then. We'll be known as the Minnesota MLB Franchise from now on. That'll show 'em!" Minnesota Twins front office flunky: "Sheer marketing genius sir! I'll go back and get on those roster moves now." *People for the Ethical Treatment of Twins
Don't go down a rabbit hole. The issue is the world is changing around us. We sat back and didn't believe it. Well, it did. And now, like it or not, we have to live in that changed world.
Methinks you have some SRV on that iPod. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F73EcycGCO8 Side note: I've long wanted to see REA put together highlights of opposing goalies left out to dry set to this music: " ... stranded ... caught in the crossfire ... "
Don't you see the color of deception? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psDTiUV0PNI
Six. That's a squiggly number.
Folks, I'm listening to a radio talk show right now discussing how Ringling Brothers is dropping elephants acts from their shows in three years because of constant, continual animal rights (PETA) protests. The host is talking about how it happened because the majority who support Ringling didn't get in front of it, didn't take it seriously, because they didn't believe it could really happen. And now folks are upset that the decision has been made. "Who are these people who complained? Are they < event > fans?" was the question he just posed. But that really doesn't matter. The elephants are kicked out of the circus. This scenario should ring eerily familiar to all of us.
No you won't. You'll see one color: the color of money.
Marketing a franchise and making poor roster decisions are not the same.
* And hopefully Schweigert and Idowu also.
The old N's and D's can stay because they comply with the NCAA policy; but, they still aren't "new". "If UND does not adopt a new nickname and logo, ... " <-- As that refers to UND, the "new" applies to UND, as in new to UND.
They're busy ... on the committee*. * Carla Christofferson and Dave St. Peter --> those two surely understand the value of brand identity when marketing a sports franchise
< a color >
"If UND does not adopt a new nickname and logo ... " Which logos and names were in use by UND on the date that settlement was signed? Anything in use before the signing of the settlement agreement would not be "new" after the agreement.
The driver was found guilty yesterday. http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/local-sports/3692756-teen-guilty-crash-injured-und-hockey-player-lisa-marvin
It's written into the settlement agreement.
Say the NCAA's lawyers showed up tomorrow and said: "Here's the settlement agreement. It says, ..."If UND does not adopt a new nickname and logo, ..., then UND will be returned to the list of institutions subject to the Policy" and we've been very forgiving on timelines until now. We're done. Show us your new, NEW, new since this settlement was signed, nickname and logo. Can't? You have no nickname you say? No ain't new. Welcome back to the list." That'd be their interpretation of the agreement. They'd be within their rights to do that. The only recourse for UND would be to return to the courts claiming "no nickname = new nickname". So, ask yourself: Would UND win in court? Would it be worth the court fight in terms of dollars? Would it be worth the fight in terms of the negative media*? *The media would "harsh on" UND for tacitly allowing the old name to live on.
Kansas played at UND because of Jeff Boschee. KU was going to play a "home state" game for Jeff. They did that for seniors at that time. The reason it was at UND and not "the school to the south*"? Jeff's older brother Mike played at UND. * © Travis Brewster
< ding > Winner. Sac State would love to have The Betty right about now.