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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. That way out? Get Standing Rock Tribal Council (see: Jesse Taken Alive and his ilk) to change POV. Odds? Buy a PowerBall ticket; you'll have better odds.
  2. Mmmmm ... unicorn is delicious ... Nutritional information: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e5a7/
  3. U of Hawaii really are the Rainbow Warriors. Not kidding.
  4. I'd put out my idea for a 5 points per game here: http://boardsroom.blogspot.com/2015/02/what-nchc-needs-to-change.html Under that system the current standings would be: http://boardsroom.blogspot.com The 5PPG System: Regulation win - 5 Overtime win - 4 Shootout win - 3 Shootout loss - 2 Overtime loss - 1 Regulation loss - 0
  5. As a community service I'm re-verifying that Safari on an iPad works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEXHeTcxQy4 Score it.
  6. You convinced me.
  7. Well, I didn't want to bring it up, but #2 on the Mafia iPod was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_E2EHVxNAE And Mafia: I did this from Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.17633 on a Win7 box. I've also gotten Safari (on an iPad) and Chrome (on a Win7 box) to work in the last 24 hours. You must just be terrible at the interwebs.
  8. Show love to the black suit. Forget them not.
  9. Kelley had stakeholders on that first transition committee (Schafer, and yeah, Jeanotte ) so he had input available to him, stakeholders willing to get it done at that time. Kelley chose the course of "no action".
  10. A strong leader, after the statewide vote to retire the name, would've had the new name, logo, and apparel ready to roll out the first day allowed. And he'd have created a consensus such that on that day it would sell out. (The law said "adopt"; you don't make it "officially adopted" until that day.) Instead he's put Sherri Kleinsasser and Karl Goehring out front where he should be leading from. Those two are fine "face people", but they are not in the "buck stops here" job. A leader leads from the front.
  11. Odds of beets? Depends if any fell off a TransSystems truck passing by. Odds of pickled beets? I loved my grandmother's recipe but haven't found any concessions at REA serving pickled beets. Odds of finding gfhockey pickled? Wouldn't. Bet. Against.
  12. Rightly or wrongly, that is the world we live in.
  13. What you're forgetting, or unwilling to admit, is one of those nations (at least what mattered -- the tribal council) was just flat out never going to approve the use of the name.
  14. Yes. What I'm pointing out is that first the Legislature tried to mandate "You must keep name" (Al Carlson, "Sioux Forever") followed up with retire and cool off. Kelley et al balked at "you must keep"; however, when later it was "you must do nothing" nary a peep from him. If being forced to do X is not in the scope of power and should be fought, being forced to do Y is not in the scope of power and should be fought as well. They never fought the second time.
  15. "What if" scenarios are wonderful for conjecture; however, we live and act in the world as it is.
  16. Welcome to the 140 character world where a hash tag is considered a thoughtful and compelling argument.
  17. Now that you mention that ... Kelley's "do nothing" strategy, is it to freeze the Sioux nickname proponents out of the process of selecting a new nickname? The "no nickname" crowd happily aided and abetted Kelley by sticking to the idea that no nickname is the best approach. So when UND gets around to selecting a nickname that only a PC liberal can love, they'll have only themselves to blame -- not that they'll admit it. The clue here came when UND was willing to take the legislature to court when it wanted to force the school to keep the Fighting Sioux nickname, but acquiescing and rolled over when the legislature mandated a time period for no name. UND and the SBoHE squealed like stuck pigs and screamed about the legislature exceeding its constitutional authority when it tried to make them do something they don't want to do, but they totally folded when the legislature "forced" them to do what they wanted all along, namely, do nothing.
  18. A wise adviser has pointed out to me that: Jeanotte's concern was (in addition to "win") that if UND didn't give its fans a new identity for which to cheer, they would tend to cling to the identity they had; time has proven him correct. Schafer's point was that UND shouldn't "transition from something to nothing." He recognized the importance of the university having a recognizable brand for its athletic teams. Others at UND in athletics and student recruiting -- not just recruiting athletes -- told Kelley the same thing during the one and only meeting of that "transition" committee. Kelley believed, as Tim O'Keefe and Al Olson did at the time, that those who lost the nickname needed an appropriate amount of time to grieve for their loss, but their advice was in the minority. The diversity of opinions urging Kelley to adopt a new nickname coming from so many different areas (from Jeanotte to Schafer) should have been a clue and a red flag about appropriate action and direction the leader of the university should have taken. He chose the "do nothing" approach.
  19. If MarkMac is out for any period of time, the minutes will probably go to Nick Schmaltz. Hey Nick: There are no freshmen in March.
  20. First, FCS is what it is: the Football Championship Subdivision, not to be confused with the Football Bowl Subdivision (and the Bowl Championship Series). UND plays for the FCS title just as NDSU does. To degrade the FCS title is to degrade something that UND fans do covet. Now, to the point that 'jdub' was trying to make: NDSU is still using the "third prong" of the Title IX compliance methodology. Some (Hammersmith) will gladly try to justify it; however, very few NCAA schools are still using that "interests and abilities" approach. Most NCAA schools are using the "substantially proportional" test as that's most defensible if challenged in the courts. Background: The I&A is survey based. The survey methods and results are what have been challenged at other schools. The defense is that it takes the most effort; but, if the result allows for a 2:1 ratio (66/33 or more) is that what "equity" legislation intended? It does seem interesting that the NDSU sports line-up hasn't changed in quite a while, even through the regional demographics change that jdub points out (in bold). Apparently their survey methods haven't picked up on that yet.
  21. With this we agree. He failed to lead on the key issue of his era. And he had a historic opportunity to lead and be a leader. As the cool kids (used to) say: Epic. Fail.
  22. You can chant "Sioux Forever" and still accept that a change is the reality.
  23. Both schools are at about a 54 men/46 women general undergraduate population ratio; yet, NDSU's athletics participant ratio is 69 men/31 women.
  24. Now, what I found in doing that: I had to use YouTube XML tags manually. Remember, here it's [ youtube ] and [ /youtube ] but without the extra spaces. Make sure you have a WWW link and not a mobile "m.youtube.com" link if you're coming off a portable device. And yes, make sure it's http:// not https://
  25. OK, so I hacked Mafia's iPod and brought in his #1 play just for him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPYZpwSpKmA
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