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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. PCM punched out of everywhere, USCHO included.
  2. Stay on topic please.
  3. UND lacrosse would need to just do what we've been accused of for years: Load up the team with 25 year old Canadians.
  4. I do find it interesting that the CEO took some of it on himself, at least the entitlement parenting he believes is the issue. I ran the numbers in the story. With quarterly profit sharing you're over $14. If you have a referral that puts it over $15. And that assumes no OT at any point.
  5. Comparing Goon to PCM as writers is like trying to compare a Wahpeton mites squad to the Gretzky led Edmonton Oilers.
  6. Did Ralph strongarm UND about the arena? Yup. It was his to control as he wanted. UND chose to play along; they didn't have to. Now knowing and admitting that, let's look at Ralph in another facet of his life: Ralph started in construction. He said he missed the days of someone's word and a handshake being all that was necessary for a deal. But, the world of construction changed. It became lawyers and contracts. That world change was beyond Ralph's control. I'm sure he wished and fought against it, but that's what the world around him changed into. So what did he do in a world where the rules changed but he wanted to continue to compete? Ralph hired lawyers and started signing contracts. When, beyond his control and influence, the rules changed around Ralph, but he wanted to continue to compete, what did he do? He (surely begrudgingly) changed along with it. When Ralph had power and control, he used it; when he didn't, when the old way was lost, he adapted, adjusted, played by the new rules of the game (lawyers), but he did it. He didn't insist on continuing to do "handshake" deals. When an era is over, whether you agree or disagree, like or dislike the changes in the new era, you appreciate what you had, but you move on to the next. That's what Ralph did in the construction business. That sounds an awful lot like where we're at also.
  7. Ralph's been gone more than a decade, let him rest. But he'd expect us to make good business decisions.
  8. You misheard. They said "Bisons". They were preparing for the season opening hockey exhibition against U of Manitoba.
  9. How soon people forget that Tim O'Keefe, letterwinner, member of a three (four?) generation UND family, the man who stood in St. Cloud's "no use of the S-word press box" and mic checked with "Fighting S----, Fighting S----, FIGHTING S----!!!", former Exec VP of the UND Alumni Association, ultimately publicly stated for the good of UND the name had to be dropped and that UND had to move on from it. I guess he surrendered. Oh, and I guess Earl Strinden (for reference for the older generation) surrendered also. My goodness people, the Governor of the State of North Dakota intervened and it mattered not.
  10. Strong looking horse. Shall we politely say "metrosexual" looking horse. You decide.
  11. I'd like to use Mafia's iPod to send out a tune to Dr. Kelley and his (mis)handling of the nickname situation. The third verse lyrics seem rather ... fitting. http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/fixx/onethingleadstoanother.html
  12. That story really shoots to ribbons that "upper Midwest work ethic" mythos.
  13. Pretty sure that's Mafia in the red jacket.
  14. Uh-oh ... that other name for the "ambling gait" of a Nokota is a problem ... The concept would be something like this ... but with a green eye. For those of you unsure what a "Poco" is, go listen to Mafia's iPod.
  15. I heard about this recently and was stunned by the experience Trail King has had with workers in South Dakota (Mitchell) and North Dakota (Fargo). http://www.argusleader.com/story/ourchangingcity/2015/05/05/workforce-development-yakley-trail-king/26913199/ And the follow-up story: http://www.argusleader.com/story/ourchangingcity/2015/05/06/trail-king-yakley-millenials-workforce/70879616/
  16. Do that and to be consistent the NCAA would then have to dump MInutemen, Volunteer, Cowboys, and ... No. Wait. I said "NCAA" and "consistent" in the same sentence. Never mind.
  17. The words you used are meteorological. Physics? Force. < vomit > Vector ... no wait, might be confused for an arrow ... < facepalm >
  18. When you go to the circus you want to see the elephants.
  19. After last night I'd say Michal Rozsival is done probably into next season. He didn't have good knees before that ugly spill. This is where Chicago the acquisition of Timonen may turn out to have been the right move. So does Rundblad take Rozsival's spot? Then again, if CHI can find a way to get Duncan Keith onto the ice for 68 minutes in a regulation game. I mean, he's close to that already ...
  20. C'mon Cratter, don't resurrect this thread. It makes certain people in small towns around North Dakota crabby when we talk about real problems in real North Dakota cities like Fargo. Everything is fine in Fargo. The police are telling the citizens and people who live there everything to be wary of. FPD would never hold off on briefing the city much less the city's leaders. Fargo police probed gangs for nearly a year before briefing city leaders Meanwhile, up in Grand Forks, there's a problem with synthetic drugs that haven't been "cut" and lead to overdoses. And out west (the Bakken) is, well, the Wild West 2.0.
  21. Investigation will find that Ray77's team deflated the pucks.
  22. Morning of May 8, 2015 (please verify): 65 - Ray77 53 - UND-RedSox fan 50 - The Sicatoka 47 - fight on sioux 45 - MafiaMan 42 - andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! 39 - jimdahl Minnesota going out gets rid of Dubnyk for RedSox, Home, and me; FightOn loses Parise.
  23. Playoff teams? Short-term? UND needs transfers to fill some gaps left by the pre-Bubba regime. Long-term? It's better to recruit and develop talent within your systems.
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