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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Wow, Carlson did that ... and he still gets re-elected.
  2. Rep Carlson has come back from Indianapolis with his tail between his legs once. He knows this is one to keep clear of because the statewide electorate has spoken.
  3. ASU went through a study and committee process prior to January 2008 to end up at Red Wolves. No rushing. But they also executed, instead of choosing to dwell nearly perpetually on spilled milk. And I think they did OK with their logo and word marks; however, I'll defer to the connoisseur of such things, MafiaMan for his opinion. (I'll admit I'm not a fan of the white, runny mascara on their dog.)
  4. I'm going to need gfhockey's W-2 calculator for that cypherin'.
  5. And people also forget you can be good at more than one thing: Florida Gator football and basketball both peaked in the same time frame. Oklahoma was #2 in football and MBB the same season. And look at Wisconsin FB and MBB right now. If you want UND FB or MBB to be better, support them.
  6. Question: If that silly "cooling off period" law never happened, would UND have a new nickname installed since retirement of the old in 2012. I say yes it would have. Immediately. That would have followed what Arkansas State did: - ASU picked "Wolves" on Jan 31, 2008 - ASU retired "Indians" on Feb 28, 2008 - ASU got NCAA approval on "Red Wolves" on Mar 7, 2008 ASU went 7 days without a nickname. Smooth. Simple. Integrated. In place already for nearly a decade.
  7. Sound to me like another classic Toronto move: Dion Phaneuf is our solution! Pay him! Phil Kessel is our solution Pay him! So, third times the charm, eh?
  8. The first sentence: That's a significant portion of the "anti-Rider" crowd. It's not that it's a HS in GF; it's that it's the other HS in GF to many. The second sentence: Stop making sense.
  9. The University of North Dakota, aka North Dakota or UND, was founded in 1883. It was the University of North Dakota, aka North Dakota or UND, through "Nodaks", "Flickertails", and "Fighting Sioux". It was the University of North Dakota, aka North Dakota or UND, in 2005 when the NCAA edict first arrived. It was in 2012 when the settlement happened. It is the University of North Dakota, aka North Dakota or UND, today. And it will still be tomorrow. I don't understand the " ... staying North Dakota ... " statements. We are staying North Dakota no matter what. Or have some folks misunderstand that all along and thought the institution was "The Fighting Sioux" and the University of North Dakota, aka North Dakota or UND, was the nickname.
  10. I cannot disagree with that statement, but I hold out a sliver of hope. That's given to me by the Arkansas State Indians Red Wolves.
  11. Fill out the paperwork --> shoo in.
  12. Marquette. Stanford. Bump-bump. Two syllables. Go Marquette. Go Stanford. One. Two. Three. Three syllables. Those flow. Go North Dakota. Not so much. Almost a tongue-twister, and very little flow. Remember: Branding and marketing are about catchy, easy (to say and use), memorable slogans. Ready: Like a good neighbor ... Eat fresh. Just do it. I'm loving it. You know you flashed on State Farm, Subway, Nike, and McDonald's. That's why rebranding is important. If not, every "North Dakota" stereotype applies to just "North Dakota". About your examples, I'd stay away from Marquette completely. They demonstrated how to completely screw up rebranding. (See: Marquette Gold) Stanford. The Cardinal. With a tree logo. I'm not a fan; it's bland at best when looked at, but they're able to market it.
  13. The NCAA? They have a great sense of humor. Now read my signature and understand how the NCAA works.
  14. There is scientific proof each did or does exist. All denied.
  15. Yup. Internal versus external hiring processes, and they are very different.
  16. How do ... nope, not going to ask.
  17. Go Philistines!
  18. I thought you could direct the puck in as long as it is not a distinct kicking motion. Guess not. According to Rule 78.5 (i) "Apparent goals shall be disallowed when the puck has been directed, batted or thrown into the net by an attacking player other than with a stick." No goal Chicago." Then again, how is ANA first goal legal under 78.5? That was directed in with other than a stick. Cogliano used his skate to direct the puck*. Something seems not right in what is and isn't allowed. *Yes, it then hit a CHI defender in the leg.
  19. After the longest game in 89 years of Chicago franchise history: 85 - Ray77 66 - The Sicatoka 66 - UND-RedSox fan 57 - MafiaMan 49 - andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! 47 - jimdahl 43 - fight on sioux Please verify.
  20. Call me a homer, but I'm going with PCM's original suggestion of "Wild Nokota" ... Go Nokes. http://blog.siouxsports.com/2007/12/02/Nokota-state-horse-would-make-ideal-nickname/ Like they did for the old logo (when they locked Ben Brien in a room with a Chicago NHL jersey and didn't let him out until he had a drawn a new logo for UND), hand him this Poco album cover and lock Ben in a room again. PS - There's already a Nokota horse out front of Engelstad Arena today.
  21. RE: NAU Here's the much better lettermark/logo. This I'd call a win. (Suspenders guy? Not so much.)
  22. I'm making a call here and now: < gestures toward left field bleachers with bat > The new UND nickname will be found somewhere, somehow, in SSN-784's ship's crest.
  23. Just a "relight" of this one to all our Forum Communications friends who read this board: you can see it in their articles. Yet, they don't want to talk about their own credibility.
  24. I like it; however, to ward off the foreseeable onslaught of folks who will vote not in UND's best interests (i.e. vote for the worst of the list), I hereby offer the notion of weighted voting. The weighting? Number of posts here.
  25. I see what you did there ... and I'm not surprised. You are seldom niggardly with your extensive vocabulary.
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