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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. I'm not running the numbers until Monday morning.
  2. So you ignored the fight in Vegas?
  3. I said long, long ago, when the old name was retired, that people who care about UND Athletics should demand an immediate replacement. Why? Because all we've effectively done is cede the power and control away from those of us who were engaged and paying full attention to a bunch of folks who have at best self-serving motives*. *Those are normally called weasels.
  4. I think someone is setting UND up to be called the weasels, because that's what an ermine is.
  5. I notice you didn't deny having "Cell Block Tango" from the musical "Chicago". Interesting ...
  6. Can I get that reposted into a couple threads in the Nickname forum?
  7. It is 36. I have a typo in my original post. The updated version: 51 - UND-RedSox fan 41 - The Sicatoka 40 - Ray77 39 - jimdahl 37 - fight on sioux 36 - andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! 32 - MafiaMan
  8. You were fine ... until now.
  9. Hey Weasel, uh, ... I mean Ermine, What would you think of the name Corona? Any insights?
  10. Once a weasel, always a weasel.
  11. Let's see, I think I'm getting a flashback, or an echo ... left to right red, green, yellow, and orange feathers, ... almost looks like a head dress, ... on a black hawk. Hmmm ...
  12. The 49ers are one of very few teams I'd approve of going to an alternate jersey in "Vegas gold". I can't decide if they'd stay gold helmet or reverse it to red. That mess they're wearing needs to be ended before it gets further.
  13. Well folks, I just hit the suggestion web page. If your epiphany was last night it's too late.
  14. That was going to be my question: How many of that list are NCAA members?
  15. Friday morning, May 1, 2015 (please confirm) 51 - UND-RedSox fan 41 - The Sicatoka 40 - Ray77 39 - jimdahl 37 - fight on sioux 34 - andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! 32 - MafiaMan RedSox has a formidable lead; however, if I could get Stamkos to light up Price ... And can every Chicago goal (against Duby) read Toews from Keith?
  16. And Mafia is diverse. He has both kinds of music. Country and Western
  17. Dare I say the "cooling off period" was more of a "smoldering period"?
  18. For some reason the YouTube didn't show up the first time, so, for Mafia's benefit.
  19. OK, OK, here's number 57 on the Mafia iPod playlist ...
  20. In that dark place Mafia doesn't admit to on the iPod ... Whitey and Celine and musicals starring Catherine Zeta and Renee? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA6R1DMb-Z8
  21. The biggest problem here? Fear of the unknown. And why we have that is a lack of leadership out of 300 Twamley.
  22. ... in a glass case, like a museum exhibit commemorating, recalling the past. If they were maintaining, one of those would be down the hall in an active locker.
  23. Half of us say he is no longer relevant. The rest say ... "Who?"
  24. Eh ... no. Preserving: maintain (something) in its original or existing state Commemorating: recall and show respect for something Note "maintain" versus "recall", one is existing state, one has to be recalled (from retirement).
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