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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. You forgot Rin Tin Tin. http://www.cc.com/video-clips/yl4nz1/chappelle-s-show--frontline----racist-hollywood-animals---uncensored
  2. That's risk/reward. Imagine Ray this morning if Wednesday night were to be ANA@NYR.
  3. Until someone has a better one. Remember, nobody was going to have better FCS runs than Y-State and GA State and App State either. And that's the beauty of sport.
  4. I'm thinking Ray has won and that the remaining battles are for second and fourth. PS - Agree on Sunday morning numbers.
  5. Physician, heal thy self.
  6. As soon as the Catholics (U of Mary) made the move I figured the Presbyterians (U of Jamestown) wouldn't be far behind. This all seems like wheels in motion.
  7. A team full of grinders will lose as soon as they give up the second goal. You need a mix of skills.
  8. I noticed the U of Jamestown (formerly known as Jamestown College) recently got some money from the Newmans to improve their basketball facilities. Now I see former UND associate AD Sean Johnson has been hired as their new AD. Why would an NCAA guy go to an NAIA school unless there's NCAA DII in their vision. UMary and Minot state already made the move to DII.
  9. I believe Union's goalie was the Team USA goalie at the most recent Worlds (US: bronze). Meh ... no stars.
  10. Yup. It's economics based, and you defined the scenario very well. (I tweaked your wording a bit to help those who don't see it.)
  11. You must admit that even you say it is possible when you say ... Folks on this site are very familiar with the NCAA changing rules arbitrarily and capriciously.
  12. Yup: http://www.almanac.com/ Folks aren't correlating Hitchcock's contract extension yesterday with this?
  13. I had the booth behind them at the %gobc monthly meeting at the truck stop. They were kinda loud so it wasn't really eavesdropping; and one of them seemed really inebriated but was still trying to type stuff out on his phone. Had the bacon cheeseburger but substituted the beef for bison. Bison: it's what's for dinner.
  14. Jordan Schmaltz signs with STL; in other news, the sun rose in the east today ...
  15. Love or hate the CSNBBS, the first place I ever encountered the phases "P5" or "G5" was there, and it was before I'd ever heard the terms used by athletics officials or major media. Somebody there knew something.
  16. Walmart's are heavily monitored with security cameras inside and out. Will GFPD be releasing that footage at some point?
  17. And if my aunt had ... nevermind.
  18. What is this ehn-bee-yay of which you speak?
  19. Eradicated? No. Do I want to make sure it doesn't become the de facto "official unofficial" name and we're back on the list? Yes. Don't believe that could happen? Can the NCAA control you as a fan, a booster, and what you say today? Yes, yes, it can. Do I want to make sure we don't look like a bunch of yokels who use a loophole (if there really is a loophole) to renege on a contract? Yes. Am I dissatisfied with our neighbors at Spirit Lake and Standing Rock (at least the tribal governments) and wish to see them reap the rewards of their actions? Yes, yes I do.
  20. C'mon, you know what that "casual slogan" would be. That's why I still say "no nickname" is just a ruse to keep using the retired name.
  21. May != September To quote the former Federal Reserve Board chair, " ... irrational exuberance ... "
  22. ... unless it's the game that keeps a team out of the playoffs, or gets them in.
  23. The victims: http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/3753593-victims-fatal-wal-mart-shooting-identified The (alleged) shooter: http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/3753801-air-force-releases-information-alleged-wal-mart-shooter Reactions: http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/3752920-willis-friends-taken-aback-shooting-grand-forks-wal-mart
  24. So "Badlanders" is popular in the Fargo newspapers unscientific survey. Does UND Aerospace want to be associated with the name bad landers?
  25. Contribute is the wrong word. UND paid part of the cost and retains partial ownership of the turf.
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