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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Mafia's personal credo and theme song.
  2. Welcome to the Don Henley commentary section of Mafia's iPod. On the media: On society:
  3. So living in a house worth more than half a million is a bad thing? ...
  4. Not to be a wet blanket but ... running back?
  5. Get shot after robbing a HoJo's? Who the < bleep > robs a HoJo's?
  6. The news ran a story a couple of days ago where they talked to the woman who was shot in Walmart in GF. She said the gunman said a word before every shot. But she can't remember the word? A traumatic event like that, most folks will hear that word in their mind forever. I guess I wonder what the word was. I have my guess at the word(s).
  7. No, this is Baxter (the robot from Rethink Robotics).
  8. I have no idea who that person was but their site was greatly under-appreciated and they and their site will be missed. Condolences to the friends and family.
  9. C'mon guys, you know the old saws: - TBL scores first they win - TBL doesn't blow third period leads this year (41-0-2) - You're never in trouble in a seven game series until you lose at home Uh ... nevermind ...
  10. After Game 1 of the Cup Finals: 131 - Ray77 98 - The Sicatoka 97 - UND-RedSox fan 72 - andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! 69 - MafiaMan 59 - jimdahl 51 - fight on Sioux Only one player on our sheets did anything last night: Keith w/assist.
  11. I took the link in your post and did two things to it: 1) Removed the "s" --> http://... not https://... 2) Wrapped it in the square braced youtube tags you mention. That's it, and it works in your original post.
  12. Disclaimer: I meant no offense to agnostics, atheists, or members of faiths or religions that do not subscribe to a concept of "Lord". I don't need my own "Meg Brown from Squaw Creek Drive" letter.
  13. I'm starting to wonder about some of those K-Wings teams Brad player/coached, or some of the (AHL) Moose guys he coached.
  14. I've heard he may end up in Toronto ... "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
  15. Steve Johnson ... does anyone know what he was in charge of at SCSU and UNO when he was an assistant there? I ask because Steve was a forward, but he may have coached to meet these two "musts":
  16. Those are "musts" not "wants" (required, not preferred). Notice that the playing at the NCAA DI level is a "want", not a "must". So, we need someone who is at least 12 years post-playing career (as there's only one player coach out there in recent memory: some guy named 'Brad Berry' with the K-Wings). We need someone who stopped playing in 2002-03 season or before (first coaching season: 2003-04).
  17. I rattled down the list of UND guys I thought maybe: James Patrick -- short on the 12 years* Craig Ludwig -- ditto Rick Zombo -- ditto Jason Herter -- ditto Nick Fuher -- ditto Mitch Vig -- ditto Dane Litke -- ditto Mark Pivetz -- ditto *strictly based off what I can find in HockeyDB.com; if that's not correct neither am I.
  18. Going by HockeyDB.com, Dineen doesn't have the 12 years of coaching; however, there is a gap between the end of his playing career and his first listed coaching year.
  19. Let the speculations commence!
  20. Brad E. Schlossman @SchlossmanGF UND posts assistant coach job; looking for someone to work with D-men and someone with NHL coaching experience - See more at: http://undhockey.areavoices.com/?p=100566#sthash.ehQCa9mz.dpuf
  21. I have a relative in Jamestown who clued me in on what's happening. A lot of folks from the western part of the state that would have retired in Bismarck or Minot in the past have decided to move to Jamestown instead (cause: oil). That's triggered this growth spurt. Call it a secondary effect of the Bakken.
  22. Make you a deal: Go stand on the main street in Selfridge or Fort Yates and rattle off that phrase loud and proud a couple times. Let me know how it goes for you.
  23. As much as I'd love to believe you to be correct, I do not believe that to be the case. Why? They laud one; they scowl at the other. I see juxtaposition, not satire. However, I'll give them a little credit: They point to the problem. But do they realize the problem is in their (the NDSU) mirror?
  24. Want the problem with the NDSU faculty letter? I can give it to you two-fold: 1. They have no idea that the Nokota breed of horse got its name from the state (North Dakota). Now if a horse by itself is "too Native American", can we pass off the Crusades as done by Native Americans (not the Christian church) because Crusaders rode horses? It makes about as much sense. 2. I'll let them show their ignorance themselves: Uh ... "early in the selection process" would be about ... three years ago. There's a huge difference between educated, knowledgeable, and smart. They've borne that out.
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