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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. They're still manipulating. They should be stepping back and implementing the process as advertised originally. This (Nov 2-6) should be two options, not three.
  2. I don't look at plates first; I'm just anti-Buicks. Don't trust any of them. Only thing worse? Buick with "blue plates" (Minnesota).
  3. Yeah, ... until the Thanagarians show up.
  4. I was going to joke that isn't this about the time where the second exam in fall classes happen? ;)
  5. Is it I'm just paying more attention or is UND hit by an inordinate number of injuries across the board this year? MH: Tomek, CJ, Janatuinen, Gersich, et al FB: Studsrud, Rich, Arnell, Reyes, et al WBB: I just read of a couple "out for season" in a thread in that forum. VB: Seems there's a couple injuries there now also. So is this unusual or is it just this hyper-media world where we know about all of them?
  6. Except that's not the F-word I most commonly hear in front of Nodaks.
  7. Awe inspiring pre-game video follows. Go Ponies GO!
  8. I'm pretty sure there's a long list of things you'd do for 40 bucks.
  9. I wouldn't even call it xenophobic. I'd say that most consultants only know the "coast" mindset and don't know much at all about us out here in "fly over territory". They bring what they know with them and it doesn't align to us. Not xenophobic, just different bases of experience that we work from (that sometimes clash).
  10. FYP.
  11. (Not aimed at you yzer ... but) .... And there it it. Long ago, when it was clear the old name had been lost, I said (ad infinitum, ad nauseum) that those of us who do care need to "control what is ours to control". The sentiment in yzer's post is exactly what I feared. The powers that be (see: Kelley) beat us into process-committee-process submission so they could feed us pablum (see: inoffensive "adjective birds" or not-a-word, no real meaning, postal abbreviations) and prove their "superiority" by not even following their own processes. And that's why I say Roughriders. It's not academic-approved pablum.
  12. So what you're kinda saying is ... Q: Why not? A: Minot
  13. Allow, indulge, me one more: I am NOT going to adjust my expectation that the fumbles must stop (recovered or given away). It takes a down away from an already questionable offense.
  14. KnightRiders. It's what the shared girls hockey team is called. < cue the music >
  15. My problem with "Nodaks" is this: it's an obsolete postal abbreviation. It's neither imaginative nor creative.
  16. OK, so I'm not the only one wondering ...
  17. I know how I voted. (Anyone can do a quick search and figure it out here.) But right now my biggest issue is not which name comes out of it but how it comes out of it; specifically, ... The process for voting was announced before the round of five. To change it after that is at best arbitrary and capricious, and at worst manipulative and conspiratorial.
  18. Why not take the Minot solution - they have grades 9 and 10 downtown and grades 11 and 12 at "Magic City". Just be "Grand Forks" with 9th and 10th grade at Central Campus (downtown) and 11th and 12th grades at Red River Campus. Based on the GFH story, there are 2087 (937 GFC, 1150 GFRR) between the two schools. That's about the same number (2100) that is listed for Minot High. The theory follows in that Minot also has (private, Catholic) Minot Ryan where GF has (yes, East Grand Forks, private, Cathlic) Sacred Heart. The difference is that there is EGF public there also.
  19. You mention Badger you get the obligatory ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7txPU6efos
  20. Quite honestly, do we have an FCS QB in the stable today? Studsrud has an average release at best (not fast, not slow) and is consistently throwing a step behind receivers. What makes him passable is his mobility. Bartles? I think he got his windup from Hideo Nomo. It's way to long from decision to release. Add in lack of mobility, that spring in the first step to allow escape, and it's a problem. Mollberg hasn't seen the field since his Achilles injury. To me that is telling in itself. Heidelbaugh, the kid from Rugby, has the current generation QB size (6'5") and good mobility for ND HS FB, but do we know if he has the arm, release, 'head' and ability for FCS?
  21. We knew (probably didn't want to admit it to ourselves) that we were one deep at many positions. Many positions. And of course, those are the spots we took injuries. More importantly, there is first line talent there. What is missing is that next tier, the ability to not see a significant drop off when the injuries happen. 4-1, lose the starting QB and both starting safeties, plus a bunch of other important guys (primarily LBs and OLs), 4-4.
  22. What's longer: the two-deep or the injury report.
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