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Kinda hoping for Forney myself.

We were pretty good physically tonight. We need scoring. Between Davidson and Forney (what little on both you can interpret), Forney has the best upside in that category.

Kind of hard to put Forney in when he didn't make the trip!! Obviously Hak thoought there was moe chance for Davidson thna Forney to get into the game

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I can see where Mankato has had success, especially against teams that don't like getting hit. They are physical and work that angle well. Fortunately for us, UND plays better in that kind of game. Shinny is not our style.

We'll need to be better tonight ... need to create more "riding time", make the Mavs chase us, cycle the puck deep.

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Got back from the game a while ago. Thanks for the ticket, NorthDakotaHockey. It was good watching the game with you.

This game had some good and bad. First period was pretty good for the Sioux even though they seemed to be slightly missing. Had they been "on" they might have scored a couple more. Lots of bouncing pucks or passes that weren't caught cleanly, or were just behind instead of ahead, etc.

Second period was pretty ugly. On Saturday in St. Cloud the Sioux won but we thought they needed to clean up some of the bad plays with the puck, especially in the defensive zone. Last week against Tech that seemed to be mostly accomplished. It appeared to come back again tonite. Some lazy or ill-advised passes or chances taken in the defensive zone, or in neutral areas that were dangerous led to many opportunities for Mankato. That has to get cleaned up or tomorrow will hurt.

Not much to say about Kaip other than PETA will be after him for beating his rented mule.

After watching LaPoint in St. Cloud and again tonite, and Marto 2 games last week I hope to see Marto tomorrow night. LaPoint seems to need a little more time to get comfortable on the ice. Either that or he just looks a little tentative in the way he does things. One or the other. I was impressed that he went to bat for Oshie when Oshie took a NASTY crosscheck about 2 seconds after the whistle blew in the first period. LaPoint mixed it up pretty well with the Mav player. Good for him.

I think Malone's injury must have set him back because he doesn't appear to be as much of a factor as he seemed to be early in the season.

Finley looked great tonite, I thought. Very confident with the puck and did a good job shutting down scoring opportunities.

Genoway was fun to watch as usual. He really does well with the open space on the big sheet.

JPL had a great night. Always looked in control and in the right place.

Oshie took a nasty slash to the elbow in the first period, and then a few minutes later took the nasty crosscheck in the back after the whistle. I hope Motzko is warning his ladies about the big bad Mavericks and their after-the-whistle stuff because they are as bad or worse than the Sioux.

I was surprised to see Trupp moved off the top line after only 2 periods. Miller has had games to play with them. I was hoping by pick for tonite's contest, Kozek, would benefit from this move but he just couldn't quite close the deal. I didn't notice that line was anything special with Trupp on it, but they didn't have much time together, either.

Speaking of closing the deal, I could have sworn in the 3rd period LaPoint scored a goal. NDH thought it hit the post and he must be right because I was the only one apparently who thought it was in. I didn't actually see the puck in the net but I did see the netting move and thought the puck must have gone in and out really fast. Anyone else see that? I must have been mistaken.

Jutting was purple after one of their goals was waived off. He was riding Thul from the time he made the call until after the faceoff, and then once play started he started riding the linesman stationed in front of his bench. I thought his head might pop off his neck. Wow.

Night, all.

Thanks for the great recap.Since I couldn't watch or listen to the game because of my coaching duties I appreciate a game summary in detail.The rented mule statement is hilarious.

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You are welcome Dagies. Great watching the game with you as well. Nice solid recap. Thanks for a couple of lessons on the intracacies of the game.

The Kaip Fight, as it will someday be come to be known as the time when this collection of boys melded into a team on their way to a Championship, was great. Hope that there is some video out there of it. As Al Shaver may have once called it, "There's a right, a right, another right, and another right! Now a left. A left. A right. A roundhouse to the back of the head. Oh my nelly!! A right. A right. Bruess is getting beat like a drum. This one is ugly. . . . This one is over." For those who like fights in college hockey, this one was a doozie.

After the game, some old lady was standing in the concourse next to me, on the phone. She gave me a snarl while I minded my own business. She talked both to me and into the phone real loud. "That Kaip is a cheater. He didn't want to fight Trevor. He was so afraid of Trevor that he pulled Trevor's jersey over his head so Trevor couldn't hit him." Priceless stuff.

Tonight's game, like most every Saturday night in the WCHA, will be a war. Especially in Mankato. Especially with the venom and thuggery that Jutting will be preaching in the locker room. Mankato does come to hit. There were some crunching hits on both sides nearly all night long. Earlier this season, the Sioux might have let in a tying goal and watched a win slip to a tie or a loss. Not last night.

It was impressive to see the Sioux bottle up Mankato in their own end the last minute of the game with a solid forecheck. By the time that the Mavs could pull Zacharias for an extra attacker, there were only about six seconds left on the clock.

Big win. I think I'll go out and buy a broom today.

P.S. By way of a short history lesson, Mankato is the site of the hanging of 38 Sioux warriors in December of 1862 following the Dakota Conflict. It remains the largest mass execution in American History. The lives of 265 more Sioux were spared only by Lincoln's intervention. For those with time in Mankato today, there is a great historical center site on the history of the conflict, and the Sioux way of life, on the outskirts of Mankato going north on Hwy 169. Actually, just north of Saint Peter. Get your kids there before the PC Police completely erase this part of history from their minds.

The Mavericks were, of course, until not all that long ago, known as the Mankato State Indians.

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Maybe because his coach wouldn't let him take any punches! :lol:

I'm pretty sure Kaip took some punches last year. He didn't throw any punches. How exactly could Hakstol prevent Kaip from taking any punches? Turn the arena lights on and off before scolding Bruess, "Now Trevor, you know it's not nice to punch Rylan! Shame, shame, shame." :love:

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Great game last night and it was fun to see a lot of Sioux fans in Mankato. They said it was a sellout but lots of empty seats. We were down by the ice in 105 and there was some hard hits on the glass. Tonight we're up in section 300 with the Sioux fans. Looking forward to another great game. Go Sioux!

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After the game, some old lady was standing in the concourse next to me, on the phone. She gave me a snarl while I minded my own business. She talked both to me and into the phone real loud. "That Kaip is a cheater. He didn't want to fight Trevor. He was so afraid of Trevor that he pulled Trevor's jersey over his head so Trevor couldn't hit him." Priceless stuff.

Only Bruess' mother could have seen the outcome in that light. :love:

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I'm pretty sure Kaip took some punches last year. He didn't throw any punches. How exactly could Hakstol prevent Kaip from taking any punches? Turn the arena lights on and off before scolding Bruess, "Now Trevor, you know it's not nice to punch Rylan! Shame, shame, shame." :love:

Kaip definitely took some punches, and what control he showed not just slaughtering Bruess last year, well deserved captaincy. Then Kaip scored a crucial goal 2 games later in a 2-2 tie with UMD last year, which made for our 10th game without a loss during last year's 2nd half surge!

Here's to hope for similar results. GO SIOUX!

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Kaip definitely took some punches, and what control he showed not just slaughtering Bruess last year, well deserved captaincy. Then Kaip scored a crucial goal 2 games later in a 2-2 tie with UMD last year, which made for our 10th game without a loss during last year's 2nd half surge!

Here's to hope for similar results. GO SIOUX!

i think that they meant that he didn't throw any punches...just worded weirdly. I did read the USCHO article and was like "what the heck" Kaip woulda kicked Bruess's butt last year just like he did this year if he woulda been given a chance.

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