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Summer 2007


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Been busy, that's for sure. Work hard play hard. Have kayaked quite a bit, but am also scrambling to get a bunch of work done for a conference at the end of July. With the inlaws coming into town today, we have been extensively fixing up the house... painting, cleaning, etc. Once the conference/inlaws visit is over, I'm going to relax for a few days... go river tripping somewhere while the wife is off on her cruise with her friend.


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All is well here, thanks for asking ;)

We made it out to the ocean last weekend for just one night, and have reservations at a different beach for a weekend later in the summer. But the most summery thing I've done so far this summer, by far, was trading in the tired old convertible for a shiny new convertible. So now we mostly try to come up with excuses to drive when the weather is nice enough to go topless :lol:

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Long time listener, first time caller. Great topic for discussion!

Let's see...

Trip to Louisville KY with my dad for his navy reunion...weekend softball tournament...bought a townhouse and moved...trip to North Dakota for godparents' 50th anniversary party...weekend softball tournament...4th of July in St Paul...trip with the son and some friends to Wisconsin Dells...and wide-open this weekend for a nice change of pace!

On top of that, I've been busy coaching my 5 year old son's "coach-pitch" instructional baseball team two nights a week and playing softball two nights a week. Our team is celebrating its 10th year this summer and we wrapped up a league title in Eagan this past Tuesday and hope to win our Bloomington league title on the final night of play next Thursday. Then it's onto regions and state tournament play. Good news, Sioux recruiters, on the son. While he thinks it's pretty cool to play baseball and have dad coach, he informed me the other night that he still likes hockey better and can't wait for his mites team to start up again. I expect that he'll sign his letter of intent sometime next summer. ;)

I hope everyone has had a safe and fun summer!

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Long time listener, first time caller. Great topic for discussion!

Well, my wife is 36 weeks pregnant now, so that kind of spoiled most of the summertime camping and traveling. But that's ok I guess. I spoiled it too, as in the middle of May, I had surgery to remove a Level 3 cancerous brain tumor. So I've been recovering from that, and taking radiation and chemotherapy. Overall, I'm doing very well, and I have lost some hair due to the radiation. Otherwise, I don't have any pain, and I get around pretty well. However, I still let the neighbors mow the grass.

So overall, it's not a bad summer to spend around home. There is always next year.

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Wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery and congratulations on your pending fatherhood!

BOT...we bought a travel trailer and have been spending our free weekends at miscellaneous campsites across North Dakota and Minnesota. Tomorrow my oldest daughter turns 8...yesterday she got pink highlights and now resembles Stephanie from Lazytown. I assume it will only get worse as time goes on. I spent two weeks in San Antonio, TX for army stuff. No one does humidity like Texas in the summer.

I am now a UND season ticket holder for football and cannot wait until 23AUG2007!

Otherwise...I am about 3 years behind on projects listed on my "TO DO LIST"...I better get busy.

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Trips to NYC for business. Possible trip to London for business. Trip to Nashville for fun. Trips to Louisville for alot of fun. :lol::D Puttering around the yard, and doing as little as possible, except drinking beer when the temps hit the 90s and the heat indexes will go to 100 or so. Hopefully, my house painter resurfaces, so the house gets some badly needed work done before I have to rebid the job. :(;)

NDFAN, take care and God bless.

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working, sleeping, eating, hanging with the family, celebrating my birthday, and counting down the days until football and hockey seasons (40 and 85 respectively). Oh, and buying a new computer.

And glad you are feeling better NDFAN, God Bless and spend many years with the baby to come.

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Spending most of the time at the lake. Mr. Siouxmama bought himself a new fishing boat, so the kids and him are pretty much AWOL. That's OK, it gives me more time for my hobby. I will be spending next week at a friends place at Rocky Point on Lake of the Woods.

Everyone, according to Walmart, summer is winding down. They have all the school supplies on display already! ;)

NDFAN, congrats on your soon to arrive baby. Hope your wife is feelling OK. I've been there twice with those late summer babies. Hope you have airconditioning! :lol: Godspeed to you on your recovery.

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I suppose since I'm the one who started this thread......

This summer sucks! It is so much harder to find a job in GF than it was in Fargo! I started and quit at the Super 8 and Days Inn (kinda qualified as one job, most front desk people worked at both places) within a month (I worked overnights). I took up a paper route after that, which lasted 2 days before I quit. Let me tell you, it takes a very special person to work overnights or to get up at 3 am every day to deliver newspapers, and I am definitely NOT that person! So now I've just been keeping with my job at the Union (my lowest paying job, but one that works with my schedule, and I like the people I work with).

School wise... Well the classes are easy in the summer, however the Registrar's office and the Business office need to be a little more efficient. At the beginning of the summer I was dropped from my classes after I added them. I however did not receive notice of this until just a week or two ago. And I now have to go get signatures from my advisor, instructors, and deans in order to enroll for the classes that I've already taken so I can get a grade for them and not waste the summer tuition that I paid.

Anyways, I'll quit my moanin and groanin now. NDFAN, wishing you a speedy recovery and have fun with your new little one! I hope everyone's summer is going better than mine! ;)

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May - attended Keikla's college graduation

June - Moved Southpaw to Colorado Springs (missed out on my annual Canada fishing trip as it was the same week) On the plus side, now have contacts in Colorado Springs for when we go watch the Sioux play there.

July - Family reunion in northern MN on Mrs. Siouxman's side of the family

August - Will be moving Keikla to Phoenix to start Pharmacy school. So, AZSIOUX and SIOUX-CIA, will be in the neighborhood for at least a few days and Keikla will be there for a couple of years. May include a side trip to CA with this.

Other than that, some occasional fishing including rainbow trout at Bad Medicine Lake.

NDFAN - all the best in your recovery and a successful outcome.

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August - Will be moving Keikla to Phoenix to start Pharmacy school. So, AZSIOUX and SIOUX-CIA, will be in the neighborhood for at least a few days and Keikla will be there for a couple of years.

Let me know when you'll be here. I'll make a special trip to see you!!

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Let me tell you, it takes a very special person to work overnights or to get up at 3 am every day to deliver newspapers, and I am definitely NOT that person!

Yep that is true... Caffine works wonders and energy drinks when your tired.

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oh ouch, what did you do?

INCH sent Tonya Harding after me. It's too painful to talk about. :lol::D

Actually, it's to repair torn cartilage. It's an injury I've had for decades, but crawling around on my knees to paint the foundation on my house made it unbearable.

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INCH sent Tonya Harding after me. It's too painful to talk about. :D;)

Actually, it's to repair torn cartilage. It's an injury I've had for decades, but crawling around on my knees to paint the foundation on my house made it unbearable.

well, feel better soon and just send Joe after Tonya! :lol: I have been lucky in my life to not have knee problems though I probably will when I am older given my family history.

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