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I would not be surprised at all to see Earl leave early. The CBA encourages underclassmen to leave early. Toronto is not exactly loaded with forwards either. Elliot by all accounts should leave early, but I'm not so sure Ottawa is as eager as some might think. They have a couple prospects in their system now that they are very high on so they might not mind if Elliot stayed another year. Pavelski lacks speed and doesn't have a particularly hard shot so I doubt his game translates to the NHL. He is skilled and does all the little things that you love a player to do, so I may be proven wrong on this. Gilbert will play in the NHL and he will probaly play for a few years, but I don't think he will ever become a star. Skille might be someone who leaves early but it won't be this year. He has a lot of things to work on including his vision. The next time he passes the puck on an oddman rush will be his first time.

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well...I was a little skeptical about Wisconsin too but after meeting a lot of Bucky-ites going to the afternoon session in Milwaukee to cheer on a fellow conference member - that swayed me a little. Granted - the badgers have their share of *sses! (don't ALL teams? :D ) but I think they're easier to get along with on a whole than other NAMELESS teams (or TEAM) in the league. So congrats to Wisco to keeping up the WCHA dominance! What is it? 7 of the last 6 from the WCHA now? :)
This is the second biggest dissapointment of this years college hockey season for me. 1rst, Goldy losing in the first round to HC, and now, 2nd Becky winning the NT. They started threads about how this team was one of the best of all time. 14 GAMES INTO THE SEASON !!!! Yes they won a NT this year, but this team didn't have the talent that 3 WCHA teams had, (Minny, UND, and Denver ) that didn't win. The crappy Nuetral zone trap, and dump and chase hockey that won 2 Stanley Cups for the Devils, is what won for the Flaming Red HOMOS from Crapison. I realize this style of play would be adopted by everyone, if they could win a NT with it, but It sucks that Becky Badger wins it all with a MN,UND, DU REJECT lineup, whos best player is an prolific dive queen, who would be passing out towels in 9 out of 10 WCHA locker rooms, because of his fondness for being on his knees. BUCKY SUCKS, and FU and your 6 to 5 chants that will surely follow. You live in a crappy state, with crappy fans, crappy uniforms, and a general lack of class.
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I'll have to agree with you on this one locogopher. This year is a prime example of why the best team doesn't always win. As good as Wisconsin was, I still feel UND was the best team at the end of the year, one bad period of jitters ends the season. I also feel that BU was better than BC, but BU can only beat BC so many times in a year. They could've played 10 times and BU would've won 9 of them.

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After years of hating the Goofs and Bucky, I FINALLY realized something. I don't hate the teams, I hate the rude obnoxious fans that make them all look bad. Hearing Badger fans call our guys classless, goons, and talentless (!!) made it hard for me to cheer for their team although I did want a WCHA team to win.

Oh well after explaining what it took to get an icing call and that being in the crease was not a penalty to an exceptionally rude Bucky fan, he at least stopped crying after every penalty/non-penalty the refs called/didn't call; the back of my jersey was dripping with his whine.

Sad though I am at our lose, I'm proud of the year our guys gave us. GO SIOUX!!!!

I don't think that I have ever heard the truth stated so well. I agree 100%... it's not so much that I hate the teams, it's that I HATE the fans!!! (And I was raised in Madison) When I think of Badger fans, arrogant is the word that comes to mind

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Give me a break...to even bring up the thought that Wisconsin was not the best team in the country with Elliott in the net is simply an irresponsible thought.

Elliott is an awesome goalie. Had the rest of the team been anywhere as good as he is, it wouldn't have taken, what was that, four overtimes to beat Cornell. The BC team that they beat was not the team that played the Sioux and Whinysconsin barely got that win.

So, NO, Wisconsin is NOT the best team in the country. BUT they have one of the best goalies in the country.

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Elliott is an awesome goalie. Had the rest of the team been anywhere as good as he is, it wouldn't have taken, what was that, four overtimes to beat Cornell. The BC team that they beat was not the team that played the Sioux and Whinysconsin barely got that win.

So, NO, Wisconsin is NOT the best team in the country. BUT they have one of the best goalies in the country.

And if I remember correctly the Sioux beat Wisconsin in the final five. not like it matters. but i want to congragulate Bucky on the win,you dove in and fought through injuries for it. ;):). I heard the swimming and diving team wanted to share the trophy and send Earl to the Olympics in a few years. In all fairness i will say Elliot is a great goalie and deserves the win. :D

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Question is, why didn't the Sioux pick up on the long bomb pass from the BC goal line to a BC forward out in neutral ice, opposite the benches, near the Sioux blue line on Sioux line changes. One guy has to stay out to pick up that forward and eliminate that long pass, yet BC scored 3 (or was it 4) off of those passes.

It did not happen once vs. Wisco, even though you could see BC looking for it. Since the pass was not made, one Wisco dman had to have stayed out to eliminate that pass (you couldn't see what was happening on TV since it was out of the picture, but had to assume that was what happened).

It was hardly defensive breakdowns that led to BC goals, but rather the line changes. I seldom, in all the games I've been at, seen that happen, much less attempted by the offensive team. Did BC catch the players/bench sleeping and they never adjusted? Is this a by-product of wide-open hockey as opposed to the Wisco trapping style?

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Gilbert's rights are owned by Colorado picked in the 4th round of the 2002 draft.

All may have noticed Gilbert had four shots from the same area that game, the first, he shot it right at Schneider rather than at the open half of the net, shots 2 and 3 were shot at the open side but missed the net entirely, the fourth finally connected. Wisco really should have won in a blowout. Credit Wisco's difficulty in scoring to this game even being close.

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All I can say it was a great game & the national championship say what you want & think what you want is still in the WCHA. If i'm not mistaken & if i'm wrong someone would please be kind enough to tell me but out of the last 7 frozen fours the WCHA has won 6 of those. I maybe wrong but if so would someone tell.





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Sorry about that post. One of my children did that when the computer was under my name. I have since deleted the post.

I was wondering where that came from...didn't quite seem like something you would post. And for the record, it wasn't me.....I'm the innocent one living in SC.

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It's so cute, I like the one that pops up behind the bush. Also, I see what System of a Down does in their spare time.

Is it just me, or is that video disturbing? Does it ever end? When does the snake eat the badgers? When do the badger eat the mushroom?

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