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1:22 left in the game... Harvard looking for a chance to pull their goalie.

I always love the opportunity for an open net goal... don't know why but they are just so darn exciting! (And I don't think I think about the fact that it means they have one more player than us...)

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Hennessey says Smaby and Zajac were big players tonite.

Hak says both teams played better tonite.

Hak said Harvard scored their second goal due to the youth of the Sioux, they were caught standing around a little bit and Harvard squeezed one through.

Hak says Jordy was excellent, several very big saves.

Says the Sioux took a big step back last night, maybe not all the way back tonite, but a good step forward.

Put Spirko, Stafford, Zajac back together and counted on them to make plays, and they did.

Felt the Sioux had a lot of good "second efforts" tonite that paid off for them, specifically Stafford and Spirko's goals. Smaby had a great game tonite. Recently had a few down games but has rebounded from that. Stafford maybe played the best 120 minutes of hockey of the year this weekend.

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I think as Sioux fans we can just take it was a split with a half way decent team, Harvard is nothing special and their trap style with catch up with them when the playoffs come around. You have to be offensive in my opinion to win in the NCAA tourney. UND had them on the ropes in the second period and let them off.

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Watching the game on TV, I would have to say I was impressed by Fabian, he leveled a Harvard player who attempted to check him. Wow does Stafford have a shot. Porter also played well.

I only saw one player agressively get to the front of the net, and that was Sparky. :lol: Sparky, shoot the damn puck, enough with the cute 4 ft passes in front of the goal.

Prpich, Kozak where are you? We need you.

Marvin looked like a fish out of water on D. I miss Lee and Chorney.

Would someone put an invisable fense around the goal and put a coller on Parise? I'm too young for a heart attack. ???

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Some random thoughts. Some with Sioux glasses on, some maybe not so much:

1. Defense- Our D played much better than I anticipated. Alexander didn't look as lost as I thought he would. Maybe it is the age factor he holds coming in to UND. In any case, with Marvin's play being as it is (hate to say this about a guy whose character is solid), maybe Hak should play more Alexander and less Marvin (if that's possible). No, Alexander isn't the next Robbie Bina in terms of surprise dmen, but so far he's been fairly solid (as solid as 2 games can tell me). We saw a little more body from Finley (I loved how he took out two Harvard players by himself in the defensive zone), but I still think he could be more physical. Smaby stepped up tonight as did Jones and even Radke looked pretty good defensively. Radke's offense has tailed off a bit tho... I'll lump this in here too: Our goaltenders BOTH of them, played lights out hockey this weekend. I can't speak about Phils performance other than the stat sheet, but only giving up 1 goal in 29 shots is pretty good. Parise performed about the same statistically. I'm really happy with our tandem.

2. Forwards on defense: Zajac and Stafford played very well. I also thought Fabian, Kaip, and Prpich was solid in this aspect as well. I really wish Kaip would get in on the offense. I don't know why, but I really like Kaip. Martens was flying around the ice tonight and made a few plays, though, for the most part he was quiet. Foyt did pretty good tonight too.

3. Forwards on offense: We were hit and miss all night long. Harvard seemed to allow us to cycle as much as we wanted and, the more we cycled, the less I thought we'd score. At one point we were cycling so much that it basically took off 30 seconds of our own power play... in other words, we were PKing our own PP. Smaby did eventually shoot the puck and Daigneau made the save. I watched the ESPNU feed and they didn't show a good camera angle on Smaby's goal but the direction change made me think Porter got the goal. Who cares though, it actually went in, which is all that matters. Stafford's goal was beautiful. It reminded me of Toews' goal vs. Denver. Spirko's goal reaked of Stafford's goal vs. UNH done on the other side of the net. For the last half of the second period we really looked good.

4. Harvard: Now that I've watched them play I can say that they are pretty good defensively. They really only made one major mistake (Spirko's goal) when it came to leaving the goaltender out to dry. The Sioux were guilty of doing that far more than Harvard was. I think their goaltender is pretty good. Daigneau can hold his own. Reese isn't that bad and Frasier could turn out to be good as well defensively. I'm not big on whomever it was that was number 5 for Harvard. As to the trap coming back to bite them in the playoffs... well... DU's system didn't come back to bite them the past two years. Yeah, I know the WCHA officials don't care about the obstruction crackdown enough to call it, but the trap works unfortunately.

Other notes: Even though it was a goal, I think Mason should have reviewed Harvard's second goal just to be fair. The officiating wasn't that bad tonight, though I saw a lot of interference, some slashing, and at least one high sticking call missed. There were also a few instances where I thought UND was going to get called for checking from behind as well. One of the dunderheads (whomever does play by play.. Sweeney?) demoted Spirko to a freshman at one point. Bredahl is still an idiot. And I hope Hak works them hard this week going into UAA. If I were UAA, even with a bad record, I have to think that I have a good shot against UND at least one night. And, with their new coach being someone who potentially will improve the program more than Hill ever could, UAA as a patsy could end so we'd best live it up while we can. Our dominance on Friday continues. We just can't win on Thursdays at all. We're not much better on Saturdays. We're now 5-4-0 in 1 goal games. We're 5-5-0 at home.

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