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Media Stories on the Sioux Name


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On which side of this equation are you placing me?

I need to know whether to feel good about myself today or otherwise.

I assume that being inviting to a booster function means you have a significant investment in the athletics department.

Makes you feel a little different, doesn't it, when you actually have your own money invested in an institution. You want that institution to succeed and not taking a multi-million dollar hit by missing yet another year in a real conference is a step in the right direction.

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I assume that being inviting to a booster function means you have a significant investment in the athletics department.

Um, yeah; significant investment.

The lunch cost me $8.00.

And the luncheons are open to anyone.

I'm a small-timer.

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Must be an election year... CYA mode is running rampant.

So yesterday we had our state's AG blaming the SBoHE and we had the president of the SBoHE blaming the SR tribe. If you have some personal involvement in this issue, like those previously mentioned, your bus ride just keeps getting bumpier every day!!

But that silence you still hear...that's coming from our school's Pres and AD! :glare:

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Actually see this as very significant: an elected official makes a statement that is non-supportive to the SBoHE.

The SBoHE itself needs to remain friendly with elected executive and legislative officials.

Contacting local legislators and expressing displeasure isn't a bad idea, either. :glare:


Must be an election year... CYA mode is running rampant.

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You want that institution to succeed and not taking a multi-million dollar hit by missing yet another year in a real conference is a step in the right direction.

I have had enough of hearing about the greatness of the Summit League from you and how much financial support UND would get from being in the conference. I did some research on the NCAA website and found some interesting figures for you to think about. For one, the "multi-million dollar hit" that UND is supposed to take, I assume that this comes from the amazingly large amount of money that the Summit league makes each year from the NCAA.

Well for the most recently reported budget from the NCAA, the Summit league was paid a little over $4.4 million. As a side note this is the second lowest amount that is paid to any conference listed in the NCAA report, with only the Atlantic Sun receiving less ($3.2 Mil). This amount of money is to be dispersed to all teams in the conference. So for the 12 team league this amounts to a little under $367,000. So it would only take UND 6 years to reach your "multi-million dollar payout."

But wait, there is a problem with that amount because even Independent teams receive payouts from the NCAA. Granted it is less than what is given to the conferences but these schools do still receive support from the NCAA. The largest difference is the amount received by the Independent schools is in the amount of the basketball tournament payout (which you seem to think is a LOT more than is received by the conference).

So let's take a look at that. In the report I used they even include the amount that is paid to each conference. The amount paid out is based on the number of "shares" that a conference receives. These shares are based on the number of games that conference teams participate in. The shares do not include an extra share for the play-in game or the championship game if I understand the process completely. The amount is paid out over the past 6 years. And each year one share approximately equals $222,000. Based on this amount the projected distribution will equal $1.3 million and for the last year the actual distributed was $1.2 million. I believe the difference comes from changes in the amount that each share is worth each year.

So to break down each school's share of that amount, of which I am going to use the actual payout, this results in each school receiving $103,000 each year. But also what I have read about other conferences is that the team(s) that won the conference the share receives a larger amount, as much as 25%. So if you take that into account then we have to adjust the amount paid and in this situation, each school that has not participated in the basketball tournament would receive about $84,000 ($14,046 per school per year) and about $122,000 if a team went to the tournament once. The $122K amount is based on the team receiving $51,505 for the one year they made the tournament and then the $14K amount for the other 5 years. In this scenario the most that a team in the Summit could receive would be $309,000. And all it would take would be winning the conference tournament 6 years in a row. Of course you also have to remember that most conferences won't share any money with a school that they feel doesn't deserve it. Such as a team that is not eligible to make the NCAA tournament like UND currently is unable to participate in until the 2012-2013 season.

And so in either case I make the assertion that by not joining the Summit league, UND is really only missing out on about $120,000-150,000 each year. And I truly feel that this would only be a loss for 2 or 3 seasons when there is expected to be a major shakeup in all of the conferences across the country and openings would become available to many different schools. And no, I don't think it would be worth UND to give up the name for what may only amount to $750,000 extra to the athletic program assuming the absolute best case scenario exists for UND. And I would be willing to bet that the total amount of money lost by the university would total a little more than that $750K amount.

This last paragraph only has been complete speculation on my part with the previous ones based on the facts and figures I have available to me. And in case you don't want to believe my calculations, all of the information I used can be downloaded from the NCAA website at the NCAA Budget and Finances website. I used the first two links under the Revenue Distribution heading.

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I have had enough of hearing about the greatness of the Summit League from you and how much financial support UND would get from being in the conference. I did some research on the NCAA website and found some interesting figures for you to think about. For one, the "multi-million dollar hit" that UND is supposed to take, I assume that this comes from the amazingly large amount of money that the Summit league makes each year from the NCAA.

Well for the most recently reported budget from the NCAA, the Summit league was paid a little over $4.4 million. As a side note this is the second lowest amount that is paid to any conference listed in the NCAA report, with only the Atlantic Sun receiving less ($3.2 Mil). This amount of money is to be dispersed to all teams in the conference. So for the 12 team league this amounts to a little under $367,000. So it would only take UND 6 years to reach your "multi-million dollar payout."

But wait, there is a problem with that amount because even Independent teams receive payouts from the NCAA. Granted it is less than what is given to the conferences but these schools do still receive support from the NCAA. The largest difference is the amount received by the Independent schools is in the amount of the basketball tournament payout (which you seem to think is a LOT more than is received by the conference).

So let's take a look at that. In the report I used they even include the amount that is paid to each conference. The amount paid out is based on the number of "shares" that a conference receives. These shares are based on the number of games that conference teams participate in. The shares do not include an extra share for the play-in game or the championship game if I understand the process completely. The amount is paid out over the past 6 years. And each year one share approximately equals $222,000. Based on this amount the projected distribution will equal $1.3 million and for the last year the actual distributed was $1.2 million. I believe the difference comes from changes in the amount that each share is worth each year.

So to break down each school's share of that amount, of which I am going to use the actual payout, this results in each school receiving $103,000 each year. But also what I have read about other conferences is that the team(s) that won the conference the share receives a larger amount, as much as 25%. So if you take that into account then we have to adjust the amount paid and in this situation, each school that has not participated in the basketball tournament would receive about $84,000 ($14,046 per school per year) and about $122,000 if a team went to the tournament once. The $122K amount is based on the team receiving $51,505 for the one year they made the tournament and then the $14K amount for the other 5 years. In this scenario the most that a team in the Summit could receive would be $309,000. And all it would take would be winning the conference tournament 6 years in a row. Of course you also have to remember that most conferences won't share any money with a school that they feel doesn't deserve it. Such as a team that is not eligible to make the NCAA tournament like UND currently is unable to participate in until the 2012-2013 season.

And so in either case I make the assertion that by not joining the Summit league, UND is really only missing out on about $120,000-150,000 each year. And I truly feel that this would only be a loss for 2 or 3 seasons when there is expected to be a major shakeup in all of the conferences across the country and openings would become available to many different schools. And no, I don't think it would be worth UND to give up the name for what may only amount to $750,000 extra to the athletic program assuming the absolute best case scenario exists for UND. And I would be willing to bet that the total amount of money lost by the university would total a little more than that $750K amount.

This last paragraph only has been complete speculation on my part with the previous ones based on the facts and figures I have available to me. And in case you don't want to believe my calculations, all of the information I used can be downloaded from the NCAA website at the NCAA Budget and Finances website. I used the first two links under the Revenue Distribution heading.


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This statement could not get any further from the truth. The "issue" was hardly spoken of. And Faison had a huge smile on his face most of the time. Your buddy had given you misinformation.

I was there as well and agree with this. The reason he was all smiles was that he was too big of a coward to step up to the podium and talk about the Sioux name and\or take any questions. The attendance at Tuesday's lunch was probably 4-5 times as large as it normally is and everyone was there for one reason - the Sioux name - and it wasn't even brought up (minus Hak's few words).

Come on, everyone expected the name to be discussed - we didn't go there to hear the WDAY announcement.

And then to top it off, the associate AD (Sean Johnson) was the MC and ends the lunch with something along the lines of "That wraps it up for today. Thanks for coming. Yes, Faison is still here (points to him in the back of the room) and is available for questions" (knowing why everyone came). Then, what does Faison do - sits down with WDAY, puts on a headset and goes on the radio. Coward!!

The only thing that was heated was the mumbling as everyone left - obviously upset that the Sioux name topic was not discussed.

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I have had enough of hearing about the greatness of the Summit League from you and how much financial support UND would get from being in the conference. I did some research on the NCAA website and found some interesting figures for you to think about. For one, the "multi-million dollar hit" that UND is supposed to take, I assume that this comes from the amazingly large amount of money that the Summit league makes each year from the NCAA.

Well for the most recently reported budget from the NCAA, the Summit league was paid a little over $4.4 million. As a side note this is the second lowest amount that is paid to any conference listed in the NCAA report, with only the Atlantic Sun receiving less ($3.2 Mil). This amount of money is to be dispersed to all teams in the conference. So for the 12 team league this amounts to a little under $367,000. So it would only take UND 6 years to reach your "multi-million dollar payout."

But wait, there is a problem with that amount because even Independent teams receive payouts from the NCAA. Granted it is less than what is given to the conferences but these schools do still receive support from the NCAA. The largest difference is the amount received by the Independent schools is in the amount of the basketball tournament payout (which you seem to think is a LOT more than is received by the conference).

So let's take a look at that. In the report I used they even include the amount that is paid to each conference. The amount paid out is based on the number of "shares" that a conference receives. These shares are based on the number of games that conference teams participate in. The shares do not include an extra share for the play-in game or the championship game if I understand the process completely. The amount is paid out over the past 6 years. And each year one share approximately equals $222,000. Based on this amount the projected distribution will equal $1.3 million and for the last year the actual distributed was $1.2 million. I believe the difference comes from changes in the amount that each share is worth each year.

So to break down each school's share of that amount, of which I am going to use the actual payout, this results in each school receiving $103,000 each year. But also what I have read about other conferences is that the team(s) that won the conference the share receives a larger amount, as much as 25%. So if you take that into account then we have to adjust the amount paid and in this situation, each school that has not participated in the basketball tournament would receive about $84,000 ($14,046 per school per year) and about $122,000 if a team went to the tournament once. The $122K amount is based on the team receiving $51,505 for the one year they made the tournament and then the $14K amount for the other 5 years. In this scenario the most that a team in the Summit could receive would be $309,000. And all it would take would be winning the conference tournament 6 years in a row. Of course you also have to remember that most conferences won't share any money with a school that they feel doesn't deserve it. Such as a team that is not eligible to make the NCAA tournament like UND currently is unable to participate in until the 2012-2013 season.

And so in either case I make the assertion that by not joining the Summit league, UND is really only missing out on about $120,000-150,000 each year. And I truly feel that this would only be a loss for 2 or 3 seasons when there is expected to be a major shakeup in all of the conferences across the country and openings would become available to many different schools. And no, I don't think it would be worth UND to give up the name for what may only amount to $750,000 extra to the athletic program assuming the absolute best case scenario exists for UND. And I would be willing to bet that the total amount of money lost by the university would total a little more than that $750K amount.

This last paragraph only has been complete speculation on my part with the previous ones based on the facts and figures I have available to me. And in case you don't want to believe my calculations, all of the information I used can be downloaded from the NCAA website at the NCAA Budget and Finances website. I used the first two links under the Revenue Distribution heading.

Now, THAT'S and awesome post!!!!!

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Summit League Commissioner monitoring retirement of Fighting Sioux nickname.


I don't like the sound of that. I feel like Douple has a lot more control in this situation than he should have.

Sounds like Commish D-bag is grandstanding to put it mildly. Or is he now racist because he wants to keep SR in check?

IF SR votes and IF the nickname is returned and kept in place by the guidelines set forth by the NC$$, Commish D-dag better keep his hole shut!

Who does this clown think he is??

It's the Summit for goodness sake. 90% of college sports fans couldn't name 3 teams in the Summit.

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Sounds like Commish D-bag is grandstanding to put it mildly. Or is he now racist because he wants to keep SR in check?

IF SR votes and IF the nickname is returned and kept in place by the guidelines set forth by the NC$$, Commish D-dag better keep his hole shut!

Who does clown think he is??

It's the Summit for goodness sake. 90% of college sports fans could name 3 teams in the Summit.

So Faison said we had to act on the Sioux name now so we could get into the Summit this June. This article says there's no guarantee they'll look at it.

From my reading of the NCAA settlement that as long as we get approval from Standing Rock to the terms in the agreement then we can restore the name through a statewide referendum.

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I was there as well and agree with this. The reason he was all smiles was that he was too big of a coward to step up to the podium and talk about the Sioux name and\or take any questions. The attendance at Tuesday's lunch was probably 4-5 times as large as it normally is and everyone was there for one reason - the Sioux name - and it wasn't even brought up (minus Hak's few words).

Come on, everyone expected the name to be discussed - we didn't go there to hear the WDAY announcement.

And then to top it off, the associate AD (Sean Johnson) was the MC and ends the lunch with something along the lines of "That wraps it up for today. Thanks for coming. Yes, Faison is still here (points to him in the back of the room) and is available for questions" (knowing why everyone came). Then, what does Faison do - sits down with WDAY, puts on a headset and goes on the radio. Coward!!

The only thing that was heated was the mumbling as everyone left - obviously upset that the Sioux name topic was not discussed.

That's unfortunate to hear. If they won't listen to our voices, then we'll have to speak with our wallets. Josh is a great guy, but I think he's in for a tough summer. :silly:

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So Faison said we had to act on the Sioux name now so we could get into the Summit this June. This article says there's no guarantee they'll look at it.

Faison has one foot in his own grave and the 2nd foot is on a banana peel. If he doesn't get a thumbs up from the Summit this summer, watch out!

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Summit League Commissioner monitoring retirement of Fighting Sioux nickname.


I don't like the sound of that. I feel like Douple has a lot more control in this situation than he should have.

He wants the SBoHE to come out and say that the nickname is retired 100% and there is no chance of it coming back. That is what he wanted from the beginning, even though he wouldn't say it. Douple really ought to think about running for office. He'd fit right in.

After all that has happened, how entertaining would it be to follow this story if the Summit does not invite UND into the conference this summer? It might be fun to sit back with some popcorn and watch that story unfold.

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He wants the SBoHE to come out and say that the nickname is retired 100% and there is no chance of it coming back. That is what he wanted from the beginning, even though he wouldn't say it. Douple really ought to think about running for office. He'd fit right in.

After all that has happened, how entertaining would it be to follow this story if the Summit does not invite UND into the conference this summer? It might be fun to sit back with some popcorn and watch that story unfold.

I would bet on it. Nothing will happen before November 30 in my opinion.

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Sounds like Commish D-bag is grandstanding to put it mildly. Or is he now racist because he wants to keep SR in check?

IF SR votes and IF the nickname is returned and kept in place by the guidelines set forth by the NC$$, Commish D-dag better keep his hole shut!

Who does this clown think he is??

It's the Summit for goodness sake. 90% of college sports fans couldn't name 3 teams in the Summit.

It appears to me that UND has been duped.

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He wants the SBoHE to come out and say that the nickname is retired 100% and there is no chance of it coming back. That is what he wanted from the beginning, even though he wouldn't say it. Douple really ought to think about running for office. He'd fit right in.

After all that has happened, how entertaining would it be to follow this story if the Summit does not invite UND into the conference this summer? It might be fun to sit back with some popcorn and watch that story unfold.

I can see an AD and a president being shown the door at UND. I think some of the big time Alums might demand it.

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