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Student Hockey Seats May Go


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Folks, the Sioux fans in Columbus were praised by UND and the other fans there.

What are the characteristics of those fans?

- I didn't hear the "other team introductions" chant*

- I did see the crowd stand and cheer during breaks and at key times, but

- I did see Sioux fans sitting so those around them could see at other times

- And could you ever hear those Sioux fans ;)

So how do we get that behavior standard in REA?


Give those of us that were there season tickets in the lower bowl to try and get the rest of the students behind us...

You have to admit the profanity has gone down since the opening of the new arena...it did get a little worse this year, but look who you had in the lower bowl. A few diehards, but mostly people to whom it was just a social event to go get drunk...and lets face it drunk wannabe hockey fans is not a good thing...

We need to get the Alerus atmosphere into REA...When I was in Duluth I talked to a UMD football player. He said we had the best fans in the NCC. The students never stopped giving them crap and it was the most fun loss they had all season.

Would the "Wheels on your house" chant be a bad one to try and get going? I know it's kind of an Eastern thing, but c'mon with SCSU and MSUM...it's gotta come into play :lol:

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And we'd fly in Rachel from The Platinum Fox in Columbus for a series or two each year... ;):lol::lol:


Why not, MM? The Ralph previously brought in Hooters Girls. Me, I preferred the meet and greet with the guy from "While You Were Out" and the hockey players turned actors from "Miracle."

Hey, look, dagies! I quoted! And it only took 3 tries to spell your name right!

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There was more to it than what you described. But, yes, it was a problem. I don't live in the immediate area, but I did walk my dog past the court every evening. It got to the point where I totally avoided that part of the park because I feared for my safety.

I'm glad that I didn't live any closer to the situation than I did. Having seen the problem firsthand, I fully understood why those who lived across from the park were concerned about what was going on there. Anyone with common sense would have been.

At any rate, it had absolutely nothing to do with the community being out to get college students or any anti-youth sentiment, as has been implied here.


How about the city having their election in the month of June when college kids won't be around? A policy that I am sure is more geared toward the typical college aged kid than the forty something going for his doctorate.

And what were these problems at University Park? It is not that I don't believe you, but you keep making vague references to their being more to the story. What are the examples?

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And what were these problems at University Park?  It is not that I don't believe you, but you keep making vague references to their being more to the story.  What are the examples?


I'm not going to go into detail because it has nothing to do with this thread. If you don't know anything about it, why'd you bring it up? :lol:

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How about the city having their election in the month of June when college kids won't be around?  A policy that I am sure is more geared toward the typical college aged kid than the forty something going for his doctorate. 


It might be the traditional time at which elections are held because the fiscal year ends June 31. But that's just a guess.

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It might be the traditional time at which elections are held because the fiscal year ends June 31. But that's just a guess.


Brookings, SD (SDSU) has June elections as well. If you think you have it tough in GF, try being a college student in a town of 15,000 during the aftermath of the illustrious "Hobo Day Riot." They were out for SDSU blood . . . but it eventually toned done after a few years (for both sides).

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It does have something to do with the thread if you are claiming that "anti youth sentiment" was not the reason that the court was removed.  This whole subtopic was started while addressing students (young people) treatment/seating situation at the Ralph.  I brought up my opinion that the treatment of students (young people) is not only a problme at the Ralph, but in the community as a whole.


Okay. If removing the BB hoops from University Park was because of the "anti-youth sentiment" that prevails in Grand Forks, why are the hockey and skating rinks set up there every winter? For the senior citizens?

Why are the tennis courts still there? Why do I see UND students playing volleyball in the park as soon as the weather warms up? Why do I see UND students playing horseshoes there? Why are they using the park shelters for social events? Why hasn't Spring Fest been outlawed?

Yeah, it's all because of the anti-youth sentiment. :lol:

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You might be right, or it could be because many college students are not around during that time.


The anti-youth citizens of Grand Forks really need to do a better job of hiding their conspiracies.

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Apart from getting the Engelstads involved into this, I think this fan and Kupchella may finally have the leverage they need.


Because the students always had a buffer in Roger Thomas to hold the UND line without doing it too much too quickly to the students. Now that Roger and Dean are gone, the buffers aren't there. Hakstol doesn't have "tenure" enough right now to buck the system like Dean could have.

What could very well happen is that the students could be removed entirely from the lower bowl.

Under NCAA rules, they cannot completely remove the students from the arena. It does not say how many seats have to be given to the students, however.

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Why won't you provide any examples of what was so bad about the basketball court?

Why should PCM when examples have already been given:

.... I think that the things that were going on (beer bottles and urinating) ....

I'm sure the youth in question collected and brought empties to leave in the park. :lol:

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Tennis and horshoes are for the most part old geezer sports.  Springfest may not have been officially outlawed, but it is a shadow of its former self.  Park shelters may have young people at times but are more geared towards the church group/family reunion crowd.  Why won't you provide any examples of what was so bad about the basketball court?


Have you ever driven by University when it gets warmer out...college hotties sunbathing as far as they eye can see....? ;)

And the basketball courts were removed because bouncyball sucks... :lol:

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Why should PCM when examples have already been given:

I'm sure the youth in question collected and brought empties to leave in the park. :lol:


Beer Bottles and urinating? Close down Ulland park then.

PCM keeps referring to there being more to the story. I am just curious as to what he means.

Bottom line, young people are not staying in this city or state as a whole. The census numbers do not lie. I suppose we can argue about the reasons until we all turn blue in the face.

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The fact that about 80% of the arena doesn't participate in the sieve cheer, makes me wonder if many of them ever will get involved in any cheers. There are plenty of cheers that the students do that aren't bad, but no one else participates in them. What would make this change. Are some people really so bitter with the students that they refuse to participate in any cheers? If so, those people are acting just as childish as students do at times.

If by some miracle of God everyone would quit acting like a bunch of two year olds who pout every time something doesn't go their way, this problem will be solved. I don't have much hope though because overall neither side really seems to want to act like anything other than a spoiled brat.

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PCM keeps referring to there being more to the story.  I am just curious as to what he means. 


I was here during the entire episode. I saw firsthand what was going on. Everything was covered in the media. If you want to know more about it, look it up. It has nothing to do with this discussion.

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Diggler,Apr 15 2005, 07:31 PM

The fact that about 80% of the arena doesn't participate in the sieve cheer, makes me wonder if many of them ever will get involved in any cheer.

The "Sieve" cheer can sometimes defeat itself. It makes no sense to get after that one when an opposing goalie finally lets one in after having put up a 35 save performance. But that's what you guys do.

It works at St. Cloud where the whole crowd does it as part of a song blasted on the PA every time the Huskies score. It has gotten to be part of the ritual there.

You need to get rituals going at the Ralph. How many of students even know the words to the fight song? Or Stand Up and Cheer? That song is played by the band every time the Sioux score, but nobody sings it.

When I was young, the band used to start playing the fight song a few minutes before the team took the ice. They started out slow and gradually got faster and faster. The fans clapped and stomped and the place rocked. Many sang the song. Think how great it would be to have all the students singing and stomping and clapping along with the band to the fight song in this manner. You will set the tone for the crowd for the game.

It will take time for the rest of the arena to join in, but the students can't give up. You need to set the tone.

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The band is only allowed to play a certain amount, I believe. I'm not sure why either, the band is much better than about 95% of the canned music they play. There is no doubt that students need to learn the school song. REA really does need to start putting the words up on the video board. That is completely seperate from this conversation and just plain only has to be done. Gotta stop trying to make a pro arena. It's a college arena and what is played/put on the video board should reflect that. They also need to have that "Ever wonder what was below the ice" thing that was at the old arena. :lol:

While students shouldn't give up, it does get frustrating for them. They often put in the effort to try to get others involved and it just doesn't work. No matter what you are doing, it's no fun when you are doing all these things to try to get other people involved, but instead of getting involved those people just stare at you blankly.

I think Student Governament should use some of it's money to print up sheets with cheers, school songs, etc. on them for the first five or so series. Of course the freshman will be the ones who need the sheets and many of them will probably make paper airplanes out of them to throw on the ice. *sigh*

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Get together with the REA and work out a better plan for distribution of your ticket so that the die-hard student fans get the lower bowl seats.

Organize some student committee in charge of spirit or something.  That committee will then be responsible for holding an annual orientation meeting at the REA.  All student ticket holders must attend this first year, and then freshman will be required to attend every year thereafter.  At this meeting the following will occur:


A lot of good suggestions! Perhaps an orientation meeting should be required attendance for any student wanting to be eligible for lower-bowl season tickets.

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