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Matt Greene


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How is that trolling?

You keep talking about how Greene will totally shut down Kessel because he's SO good that Lucia might as well just leave Kessel at home and I was just stating that its all a moot point because Greene will be in the NHL so you can stop talking about Greene like he's actually one of the top 100 players in the WCHA..He's just big, he-l-l, he can barely skate.


Hey buddy...errr I mean Skippy. Whats with your obsession with ss.com? You have a perfectly functional message board that is a haven for you and your fellow rodent fans - USE IT. Cease with the continuous obsession over Sioux Hockey and the players. :glare:

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Somebody knows his Matt's!!!!!


I thought it was spelled with a Y? :D:glare:

Anyways, seriously, during the FF, I couldn't tell who was hitting harder, Greene or Smaby! It seemed like every time they were on the ice, the opponents were keeping their heads on a swivel.

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Said it before and I'll say it again. Greene is a Force. Always has been, always will be.

There were countless people on this board crying to high heaven about his boneheaded and inconsistent play last November, December, January, and even February. Only a handful of us stuck with him, and the rest of the team, during that somewhat lean stretch.

Nice to see that everyone wants him back now. Careful of that for which you wish. No griping about penalties next year. They are bound to happen. It's just a matter of fact.

The Force, of course, will be back, so says The Source.

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Greene also significantly reduced his stupid penalties down the stretch. That was another positive.

If he reverts to early season form where he took way too many stupid penalties it will significantly reduce his contribution overall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oilers' reps go on to say they really, really, really want Matt playing pro hockey next year. In my opinion, he has physically dominated college hockey and I can see why Edmonton would wish that. Of course, they can have their wishes and I can have mine, which is that he would return for his senior year.

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I thought it was notable how the scout mentioned at the beginning of the year the game was almost unwatcheable due to the rule changes but by the end of the year the Sioux defense was awesome, it didn't obstruct, they just got in the way.

I guess the rule changes worked.

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I didn't know where else to post this, but here seems to have the most relevance.

Matt Cullen's Thoughts on the CBA.

Cullen will be well-prepared to return to the NHL whenever the lockout that wiped out the entire 2004-05 season ends. Cullen's best guess is that a new collective bargaining agreement will be reached sometime this summer, although probably not before the June 1 target date that would assure a seamless start to the 2005-06 campaign.
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Let's hope they don't get it settled until September so Greene is committed to coming back to anchor the blue line.


Thats fine, basically Ty Domi basicallys said in so many words in the paper last week if the two knuckle heads can't get an agreement the players will fire their reps and find someone else that can get the agreement done. The players want to go to work.

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  • 3 weeks later...


#13 - What are the chances of Matt Greene turning pro next year?

Brownlee: Zero. Greene has already indicated he'll stay in school.

Gregor: If there is NHL, Greene will surely turn pro. If not, he returns to college due to the hassles of signing a contract when there is no existing CBA.

Matheson: Very good. Greene has outlived college hockey. He's a snarly defenseman who's a target of refs in the college game. Most people say he's got a lot of Jason Smith in him. If so, he'll play in the NHL. He may need a year in the minors first, though.

Weidman: I watched a bit of the Frozen Four hockey tournament on the NHL Network this winter. Matt Greene stood out and it wasn't just because I was specifically watching for Oilers' draft picks. However, he's only got one year left to get a degree and the Fighting Sioux are perennial contenders for a national championship. I wouldn't turn pro if I were him. He

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In my honest opinion, a lot of what those analysts say are true.

Both sides are correct. I am not sure how much more development Greene can get at UND. On the flip side, it is never a bad thing to get a degree. If unfortunate things happen, Matt can move on.

I argued that with Karl Goehring. I am not sure he'll ever play in the NHL (not saying he doesn't deserve to). However, he graduated with honors in marketing. He could go right from the ice to the front office if that is what he wanted to do. Or, if Karl's career were to only last 5-8 more years, then he has something to fall back on.

If Matt got his degree, it would be no different. He's covered in case the unfortunate happens or he leaves hockey.

I hope he does stay, but even if he does go, I hope he returns during the off season to complete his degree.

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If Matt got his degree, it would be no different.  He's covered in case the unfortunate happens or he leaves hockey.


If Matt signs, he'll have more than enough money to go back and earn his college education. It's a matter of if he wants it. I was taking undergrad courses with Lee Davidson (who was one of my favorites as a tyke) when he was a volunteer assistant. He came back to get his degree after playing minor pro hockey for like 15 years. Colleges will always be there. Pro contracts won't.

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