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just got home. hell of a time in columbus..first of the people in columbus were first class all around. it was cool that the frozen 4 was around the college atmosphere at the ohio state..the horseshoe was sweet to see..i think mafiaman and a few others got to go inside. the games were so much fun and the sioux fans were great.met a lot of new fans..mafiaman, siouxnami and others....all great people...seeing all other wcha teams represented was very cool as always..took til the last day but ended up seeing a huskies jersey...from the people who did not make the trip watching or listening at home to the people at sports bars all over the country to the ones who were fortunate to make it to columbus i have never been more proud to be a sioux fan after last night..its something i cannot explain and you all know what i am talking about...

observations................the NC$$ made a clear and cut point by not using the native american logo on almost everything they sold..pathetic...they used the ND logo on everything...that got old....i have a logo cup from a drink at the game that has the sioux logo but it was in black and white with all other logos in color..WTF??? strange...

a great site to behold was the gopher fans sitting on their hands for most of the game on thursday..god that was great dominating them all over the ice and shutting them up for at least a few hours...another great site was seeing 70% leave and not be there for saturdays game..the few that were there were big denver fans which is what to expect..all in all met a lot of great fans of other programs...college hockey fans are second to none...

not to sure what to think about them showing the robbie bina injury on the big screen during the game..then showing the jersey hanging in the locker and the denver players with the #28 stickers on the helmets..maybe they should have not shown the hit and the other stuff would have been ok...still trying to figure this one out..

it was great having eddie belfour at the sioux party a the crown plaza on sat night before the game..he signed tons of autos and was great...the band was playing and it was a lot of fun!!

friday was the off day..we drove to celveland to the rock and roll hall of fame..pretty cool..a lot of history and it was worth the 2 hour drive..then came back and hit up a old irish pub called O'RYANS...very fun atmosphere....oh yeah, drank a lot of beer in columbus...almost left that out..........

last note....seeing jake brandt give a wave to the fans for the last time was nice to see heading off the ice...wish these seniors could have gotten # 8 but they gave it a hell of a run this season.. i have a very good feeling # 8 is not far out of range...

in all it was another great run by the sioux..thanks for the great season........FIGHT ON SIOUX

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just got home. hell of a time in columbus..first of the people in columbus were first class all around. it was cool that the frozen 4 was around the college atmosphere at the ohio state..the horseshoe was sweet to see..i think mafiaman and a few others got to go inside. the games were so much fun and the sioux fans were great.met a lot of new fans..mafiaman, siouxnami and others....all great people...seeing all other wcha teams represented was very cool as always..took til the last day but ended up seeing a huskies jersey...from the people who did not make the trip watching or listening at home to the people at sports bars all over the country to the ones who were fortunate to make it to columbus i have never been more proud to be a sioux fan after last night..its something i cannot explain and you all know what i am talking about...

observations................the NC$$ made a clear and cut point by not using the native american logo on almost everything they sold..pathetic...they used the ND logo on everything...that got old....i have a logo cup from a drink at the game that has the sioux logo but it was in black and white with all other logos in color..WTF??? strange...

a great site to behold was the gopher fans sitting on their hands for most of the game on thursday..god that was great dominating them all over the ice and shutting them up for at least a few hours...another great site was seeing 90% leave and not be there for saturdays game..the few that were there were big denver fans which is what to expect..all in all met a lot of great fans of other programs...college hockey fans are second to none...

not to sure what to think about them showing the robbie bina injury on the big screen during the game..then showing the jersey hanging in the locker and the denver players with the #28 stickers on the helmets..maybe they should have not shown the hit and the other stuff would have been ok...still trying to figure this one out..

it was great having eddie belfour at the sioux party a the crown plaza on sat night before the game..he signed tons of autos and was great...the band was playing and it was a lot of fun!!

friday was the off day..we drove to celveland to the rock and roll hall of fame..pretty cool..a lot of history and it was worth the 2 hour drive..then came back and hit up a old irish pub called O'RYANS...very fun atmosphere....oh yeah, drank a lot of beer in columbus...almost left that out..........

last note....seeing jake brandt give a wave to the fans for the last time was nice to see heading off the ice...wish these seniors could have gotten # 8 but they gave it a hell of a run this season.. i have a very good feeling # 8 is not far out of range...

in all it was another great run by the sioux..thanks for the great season........FIGHT ON SIOUX


I was sitting near the Gopher section on Saturday night and there were still plenty of Gopher fans with Gopher jerseys,sweatshirts, jackets etc in the stands. So I think your 90% of Gopher fans not there is big exaggeration.

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I was not in Columbus, but...I was in Las Vegas for the weekend.

Thursday's game, there was only about 5 Sioux fans at the Imperial Palace. However, there was about 10 Gopher fans, which made it that much better. (They were a good group of Gopher fans.)

Saturday's game, there were about 15-20 Sioux fans and 2 Denver fans (and a couple of Gopher fan's who couldn't cheer for the Sioux). They (The Imperial Palace) would not put the sound on the game...until the MASTERS was over. I like golf as much as the next guy but you don't need to HEAR golf.

Anyway, it was good to see a Sioux crowd along way from ND.

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Great recaps. One thing I will remember about Columbus is that everywhere we went during the 3 days we ran into Sioux fans. Seeing our logo and then yelling "GO SIOUX". Also, we met some great guys from Maine at The Varsity who were cheering for the Sioux. They stated that what North Dakota did for Shawn Walsh was awesome and "that is something that people from Maine will never forget". I was impressed at all the fans from different teams that were there to watch some great college hockey.

Can't wait for next season.

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sorry, will fix that for you to 70%....just comparing them to what i noticed on thursday i guess..my bad on the %...hope this % is ok ???

I was sitting near the Gopher section on Saturday night and there were still plenty of Gopher fans with Gopher jerseys,sweatshirts, jackets etc in the stands. So I think your 90% of Gopher fans not there is big exaggeration.


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I just wanna say, as a semi-rational fan a few things:

1. sorry for any Siuox fans that wanted to play BD out there, we never found a place to play so I never bothered to call you about playing.

2. UND played the better game on thursday and deserved the win.

3. The FF is ALWAYS fun and I am still tired and beat.

4. Our group was still there Saturday and was as loud as possible on Thursday, but for some stupid reason the rest of our section liked their hands.... ???

5. The two goals we got DID breathe some hope for me for about 3 minutes till we deflated again.

6. I look forward to NEXT year when it could be a UND/Gopher FF and/or champ game unless the NC$$ HE bias has something to say...


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nice WPOS, you were probably the group always up that i noticed over there...i will take you up on the UND VS MN championship game next year ???

I just wanna say, as a semi-rational fan a few things:

1.  sorry for any Siuox fans that wanted to play BD out there, we never found  a place to play so I never bothered to call you about playing.

2.  UND played the better game on thursday and deserved the win.

3.  The FF is ALWAYS fun and I am still tired and beat.

4.  Our group was still there Saturday and was as loud as possible on Thursday, but for some stupid reason the rest of our section liked their hands.... ???

5.  The two goals we got DID breathe some hope for me for about 3 minutes till we deflated again.

6.  I look forward to NEXT year when it could be a UND/Gopher FF and/or champ game unless the NC$$ HE bias has something to say...



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I too had a great time at my very first Frozen Four! I was especially pleased to get an autograph from Ed Balfour since he was the goalie when I first became a Sioux fan I was only in junior high. We just had moved into the WDAZ viewing area.

Anyway... the Sioux played great and it was money and time well spent! Even though we didn't bring home the title they played like champions!

I agree about the footage showed of #28 on the stretcher, I thought that was really distasteful, disrespectful and much more. Robbie was there watching and I'm sure he doesn't like to relive that moment any more often than he already does.

I skated on the Frozen Four Ice which I thought was great, met tons of really great fans and former players. Last years DU team had a beer with us in the parking lot. It was great to see so many loyal UND fans, not one left early and many cheered til every last player was off the ice.

I am counting the days til next year!

But I think the best thing about my trip was the photo we took with Parise!!


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I know we always base things on the ultimate prize and if we didn't set out for the ultimate prize there'd be no sense in putting the energy, time, money, ect. That being said I thought the Frozen Four was a great time, yes we didn't win it all but the effort this team put in was outstanding. I was standing amongst the Sioux faithful after the game and am proud to say was one of fans giving them a standing ovation. Right after the game, at a very difficult time for the players & coaches, you could see the appreciation from the fans helped a little. That and the fact that we did beat those damn Gophers on Thursday.

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Can someone explain why this isn't discrimination to have our logo in B&W, when all others are in color......I thought this issue had run the mill and was cleared up????


I think the NCAA shot themselves in the foot on this issue. As Cary Eades said, the Sioux won a lot of respect with their Frozen Four appearance. I think it would be hard for any objective observer of the tournament NOT to conclude that the manner in which the team played and conducted itself reflected positively on the Sioux name. And maybe I was imagining things, but Barry Melrose, Bill Clement and Gary Thorne seemed to take great delight in saying "Fighting Sioux." I got the impression that they wanted to rub the NCAA's nose in its PC position.

Edited by PCM
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I think the NCAA shot themselves in the foot on this issue. As Cary Eades said, the Sioux won a lot of respect with their Frozen Four appearance. I think it would be hard for any objective observer of the tournament to conclude that the manner in which the team played and conducted itself reflected positively on the Sioux name. And maybe I was imagining things, but Barry Melrose, Bill Clement and Gary Thorne seemed to take great delight in saying "Fightintg Sioux." I got the impression that they wanted to rub the NCAA's nose in its PC position.


My first Frozen Four and it will not be the last! I met fans and spoke with fans from all over the college hockey network and did not meet one I wish I hadn't. I met and spoke with a few Gopher fans Thursday night when we were out and about, and even after they declined to cheer for the Sioux against Denver Saturday night, we still had fun talking about our rivalry. Those guys must be the exception, huh? Not my usual Gopher contact. Anyway, I digress. Several fans from the East made it a point to tell me that they LOVED our school logo. I was on Al's bus and we stopped in Crawford, Indiana for breakfast Sunday morning. As I did all week end, I was wearing my Sioux colors. A gentleman stopped me as I was passing his table. He wanted to talk hockey. He was a Blackhawk fan>> my hometown and my NHL team, he's my bud for life! He watched the first period of the game the night before and wanted to know the outcome. He said he really liked our Mascot, pointing to my shirt. I quickly told him we did not have a mascot, he was pointing to our logo. He said, "Oh yeah, yeah, I really like it." Like this gentleman, I'm sure that there were thousands of college hockey fans who would have liked to have a souvenier from the F4 that depicted our Sioux logo in all it's colorful glory. Shame on the NCAA for not displaying it with the same respect they did the other three schools logos.

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The overriding thought that was reinforced was that CLASSY Sioux fans draw a tremendous amount of respect from elsewhere.

The parents and 5 kids behind us from Hudson, OH hockey. The kids were sold on the Sioux. There were a bunch of adult??? DU fans, completely obnoxious. All of the kids wanted to play for the Sioux. "I want to be number 11", etc.

The Gopher father from Kentucky, with his young son in a Sioux jersey and hat.

The father and his son from Dallas. No connection to us, just reputation. The son was going to UND this summer to Hockey camp. Father said he was happy to be able to come with his son, and that UND had the best fans he ever encountered.

The two guys from New Jersey in the Varsity men's room. "You have the best jersey's and fans ever, we are going to make a point to come to the Ralph".

My message is that we continue to be true Sioux. We take our lumps, that is life, no whining about ref's, and congratulate the opponents. AND, cheer for our Sioux victories.

I was very proud.

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AZSioux, that wasn't you in the "Phoenix AZ Sioux Fan" on the back of a Tshirt was it? I saw a group at the Varsity Club by the arena Friday afternoon after watching the Sioux practice.

The only think I kept looking for was a sioux sports sweatshirt that Jim said he was going to be wearing but I never saw it, and a baldheaded man that resembled MafiaMan, but unfortunately didn't see him either. I saw Forecheck before the game on Saturday around a table of friends at the Holiday Inn tent, but was to shy to say hello.

We sat exactly at center ice lower bowl section 123. Like everyone said, Maine fans made a point to say they were cheering for us and "Maine fans don't forget." I'll never forget the look of one Maine fan standing in the exit as we walked out of our seats saturday night dissapointed, he didn't say a word but I could feel he shared in our loss by the way he looked at me/us. ???

Me and a bud bought our tickets off ebay, like i saw section 123. $200 a piece all three games. Drove 16 hours from Wednesday afternoon til thursday morning. Found rooms at the Red Roof Inn, about .5 miles from the arena. Good times. Everyone in columbus was extremely friendly. Saturday we were looking to drown our sorrows, so we stopped at a country bar right next to the hotel called Nyoh's. The bartender gave us some free shots, and even made sure to give us free coozies as we walked out.

Friday killing time, I hadn't heard siouxsports fans favored "Danny's Platinum Fox" but found a nice BYOB gentlemans club "pure platinum" $25 cover, and have to buy ice to put your beer in. :D Talk about a good way to get around a loophole, and open til 5 am. ???

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no that was not me. i was in cleveland at the rock and roll hall of fame friday...i have one of those shirts though..

on the platinum fox, wow now that was a experience, not sure if it was a good one though....very interesting and i will leave it at that or let mafiaman speak on this place...

AZSioux, that wasn't you in the "Phoenix AZ Sioux Fan" on the back of a Tshirt was it?
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