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Brady Murray done for the year


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Expected that, the way he went off the ice when he reinjured the shoulder. Can't expect him keep taking hits on that shoulder and endanger his hockey future. Time to get it repaired and rehabed for next fall.

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I don't think we can go anywhere without him.

I disagree. The Sioux have been winning games all season with Brady out of the lineup, they can continue to do it. Having him in the lineup would be a huge boost, but they can still win without him.

Injuries or not, this is what is called a sophmore slump.  This may solidfy him as a four year player though.

I wouldn't classify this as a "soph slump." It would have been easier for him to break out in points if he wouldn't have missed 16 games along the way. I don't think anyone was thinking he would match last years output, especially when both of his linemates went pro.

I look for him to have a big junior year. Hopefully he can remain healthy and this isn't a reoccuring problem with his shoulder.

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Edit: The lines above are based on the assumption that Prpich doesn't play.

What do you think the lines would be should Prpich play?

I see the top two lines remaining the same.

Leave the 3rd line intact, but move them to 4th in the line chart.

New 3rd line of Prpich-Fylling-?

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I disagree. The Sioux have been winning games all season with Brady out of the lineup, they can continue to do it. Having him in the lineup would be a huge boost, but they can still win without him.

I wouldn't classify this as a "soph slump." It would have been easier for him to break out in points if he wouldn't have missed 16 games along the way. I don't think anyone was thinking he would match last years output, especially when both of his linemates went pro.

I look for him to have a big junior year. Hopefully he can remain healthy and this isn't a reoccuring problem with his shoulder.


Murray out is a big hole but the team can win without him, and now they will need to.

It's not a sophomore slump when you miss that many games and are in traction for many that you do play in (shoulder and knee braces).

With Prp in the lineup, I would see Foyt sitting and Prp taking his spot. I'd still leave the Horsemen as the 3rd line the way they have been playing.

Let the Red Peppers go out and create havoc.

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Even with the injuries, I like UND's chances in the first round because:

1. The team is playing with some heart - something they didn't have at times this year.

2. Mostly, they are playing smart. Too many penalties vs Minn in the 2nd period, but the 3rd period of that game was easy to tell that they were all business. Could this be due to some good coaching?? :0

3. Goaltending - No complaints. Both are playing good enough to win.

4. Luck - UND hasn't had much this year... they are due.

5. No WCHA teams in their bracket - less distractions.

Get well soon Brady!

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I wish I shared the optimism. The only time all year that I have seen Sioux hockey played by the Fighting Sioux started with the healthy Murray vs UMD in the first round playoffs. There are certain guys that make everyone else around them better and there is definite chemistry among linemates that either you have or you don't. You get used to how other guys play, you know where they'll be and you can just have fun out there. Spirko is definitely a good player, but he doesn't react the same way as Brady does given certain situations. This makes TZ and DS have to think instead of just react and play. I watched a disappointing SIoux team without Murray in the lineup, and I watched a tremendous team with him in. I unfortunately don't think we will play two games in the regional. Murray is that important. In my opinion he is the best player on the team. It is too bad that just when we get the wheels greased, we lose BM.

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This makes TZ and DS have to think instead of just react and play.


With all due respect to Drew, I don't think making him think a bit is going to have a negative impact... just the opposite. Maybe this will force him to take charge of the scoring line and produce a bundle of points.

I watched a disappointing SIoux team without Murray in the lineup...


You found the "Murrayless" team at the end of the Denver & all of the Minnesota game disappointing? Odd........... :0

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The end of the Denver game was disappointing to me, as we couldn't put any offense together. Our defense has been outstanding, I will definitely give a ton of credit to the defensemen, JP and PL and all of the forwards who have been hustling back. The MN game was kind of a joke. It looked like both teams were sort of going through the motions. A 3rd place WCHA trophy isn't exactly a big deal to these storied programs. MN was without some of their best players too.


Raised in GF, educated at U of MN; my two favorite teams are still UND and whoever is playing the Gophs. I was raised on Sioux hockey and care more about SIoux hockey than any other sport/team there is.

Both Stafford and Zajack are highly skilled players, but they need that third piece of the puzzle. Neither one of them appears to be that great at creating. Stafford is great along the boards and in the corners, Zajack is great moving with the puck. We need Brady. Losing Prpich is also a huge blow, he really mixes it up and frustrates opponents.

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It seems to me that it wasn't long ago that Hakstol said he would leave the Spirko-Zajac-Stafford line together because they were playing well and had developed some chemistry. He apparently changed his mind when Brady returned, but it's not as if those three haven't played well together before.

I'm not worried about that line. McMahon and Genoway play well together. It's been a while since Chris Porter has scored, so I hope that playing with those two will get him going. Fabian, Canady and Massen will continue to do what they've done well the past several games.

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I agree that losing Brady makes it a tougher climb, but from what I saw last weekend this team can overcome quite a bit. I think our top 2 lines can play with anyone and our other 2 lines know exactly what their jobs are. Having some of the best defensemen in college hockey and 2 very good goaltenders going into the NCAA tournament leaves me with a very positive outlook. If we do get beat out before winning our 8th National Title this year, we still have reason for optimism for the future of Fighting Sioux Hockey. I think most people would agree that the Sioux have been one of the better teams since the 1st of the year, even though we lost some tough games to CC and Denver. The experience our young guys have got the last few months can only help their development and with our new guys coming in the next couple years our program should be in great shape. GO SIOUX

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I wouldn't classify this as a "soph slump."  It would have been easier for him to break out in points if he wouldn't have missed 16 games along the way.  I don't think anyone was thinking he would match last years output, especially when both of his linemates went pro.

I look for him to have a big junior year.  Hopefully he can remain healthy and this isn't a reoccuring problem with his shoulder.


I think everytime Brady has come back from injuries he has made great strides only to get hurt again. With Brady in the line up, UND has looked good. Brady this season made some awesome plays and it would have been nice to see him in all 41 games this season. Brady has the talent to be an all-American in opinion.

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Murray gave your team a serious shot of speed. Very few other players could have made that play he did scoring against UW. Starting at the blue line 10 feet in front of the defender, he burst past him and made a passing lane before running out of space.

I still think the Sioux can beat anyone in the field, but it does certainly take away a valuable scoring option.

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I don't think so. I think, like all hockey players, Brady just wants to play. Also, hockey players are tough and are used to playing with pain. If it hurts a little when you shoot and a lot when you get hit, big deal. You tough it out. I think that Andy Murray and the LA Kings would not let that happen, and I don't think Dave is that kind of coach.

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Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for him getting hurt, it hurts the teams chances of going far in the playoffs. I also do think he has a chance of becoming All American. But, he was 5th on the team this season in points per game. That doesn't seem very All american to me. Also is PPG dropped from a 1.24 to a .8ppg this may be do to the loss of a pair of studs. Just try and see my point of how this was disapointing, people (me) were expecting at LEAST 1 pt per game for a player with his talent. Anyway... I want some wins this weekend.

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