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Robbie Bina


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If true he will never play hockey again ??? I also heard this from a fairly reliable source - he will have to have his vertebrate fused together, but should have no paralysis. The good news is he can recover and live a normal life. The bad news is playing hockey will not be a part of his life.

I hope Paukavich learns from this, if he has any conscious the knowledge of what he did is the worse punishment he can get.

If there is someone to blame I put it more on the refs - as mentioned before this was not the first hit from behind into the boards. The play was getting dangerous and the refs were losing control. Also it was competely classless for Gowzdecky to play Paukavich after the hit. He should have sat the rest of the game - it was a very blatent hit from behind.


First let me say my thoughts and prayers are with Robbie.

On an encouraging note, I watched a 1st period interview during the Michigan-Ohio State game with Ohio State D-man Nate Guenin. He stated he broke is neck last year on a play where he went head first into the boards (7th vertebrate). I don't know if it was the same injury as Robbie's but if it is I hope Bina makes the same kind of recovery and we see him in a Sioux uniform next season.

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Bina's doctor would know more about this than anybody, but if Bina is really lucky, all that happen was that the vertabra broke, and they was able to get him stablized at the hospital before any perminate damage happen to the neurons in Robbie's spinal cord, he should be fine. Would most likely have to have some vertabra fused together, but that would be minor to what could have happened.

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and they was able to get him stablized at the hospital before any perminate damage happen


Sorry to go off on a tangent in Robbie's thread -- but a huge thank you to Mark Poolman and the others which gave assistance to Robbie at the arena -- the whole sequence of events post-cheap hit was done how it's suppose to be done -- in a situation like this you really appreciate the people associated/working with the team.

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From the INCH recap:

Late Friday, INCH learned Bina, who was taken off the ice on a stretcher, broke a vertebra. The injury is considered to be potentially career threatening. Bina was able to speak and move his extremities after the hit and was transported to Regions Hospital in St. Paul, where he was x-rayed and underwent a MRI.
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To quote Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, that's pure bovine scatolgy. I watched the replay in slow-motion, stop-action. Adam is looking directly up the boards right at the play when Bina got crunched from behind.


As soon as Adam blew the whistle he motioned for Paukevich to go to...yah, I'm sure he "didn't see it" ???

Shepherd knows what he can do...besides resign ???

Great to hear that Robbie was moving and was in good spirits!

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Nice thoughts guys - I'm with you all the way!! RB has been someone who's been willing to do whatever is asked of him...whenever...now he needs OUR support - and not just on an internet forum...REAL tangible support!

I'm posting an address below...it's the mail address of the Ralph in care of Chris Semrau. Chris is a good guy and I don't think he'll mind that I put this up and hopefully he'll have a sack of letters and cards to bring Robbie when he comes back home...

Ralph Engelstad Arena

C/O Chris Semrau 4 RB

801 Columbia Road North

Grand Forks, ND 58203

Send a card...a letter...or just a notecard that says "thanks!" Something he can hold in his hand to show what an asset he's been to this team in whatever role he's been asked to perform. He put out everything just for the privilege of playing for the Sioux - this is the least we can do for him now!! go for it...

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Just got back from the X.

Get well Robbie. Best wished to Robbies friend and family. I hope to see you again in a Sioux Uniform, but if I don't, I and the rest of the Sioux faithful are forever greatful for seening someone like you who truely represent Sioux Hockey. You have already stepped up and exceeded everyones expectations. I do hope that we can someday see you as a captain.

The Sioux organization top to bottem have handled this with an incredible amount of class. Far more that I would have or Paukovich, Gwozdecky, or Adam did. That is not to say that everyone in the organization is not hurting.

We all know it, and have heard it, but I just want to say it too. The play was a viscious cheap shot that happened right in front of me and friends. While I had a great view it was not as great as Adam's who watched the same act of needless violence happen from 15 feet away.

One comment for anyone who defends Paukovich, Gwozdecky, or Adam. F&*% you and go to hell, you a$$hole this is indefensable. I though Gwozdecky was doing the class thing holding Paukovich out of the game until I realized that he was just waiting for a power play to reinsert him so the Sioux couldn't go after him. Gwoz knew he didn't belong in the game but put him in anyway. Kudo's to the Sioux for not taking the bait (well too much, no one held up).

Paukovich was booed by my section, everytime he got on the ice, got near the puck, or got off the ice. And he will be forever more. I hope the entire Ralph is equally hospitable.

Adam, your career is over. No excuses, it is over. If they don't fire you, you need to resign. May no one else have this experience under your guidence. I am not so nieve to think that you could have prevented what happened, but your sorry ass response let Denver know it was OK. You saw the whole play from 15 ft away. I am not among the ref hating crowd, and can accept mistakes, but not this one. Your career is over. I have said this before and I will again. I have so much respect for individuals like Campion who facilitate the game the right way.

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Look, I'm going to say something that's going to get me ripped but I will say it anyway.

I don't know what Gwoz thinks of what went on.

However, it IS possible that Gwoz didn't see what happened himself, therefore doesn't know how bad the hit was. He MAY have kept Paukovich off the ice for a while in order to let the whole situation simmer down for a bit before putting him back on the ice. Frankly, if the above suppositions are true, it's a pretty smart move.

I'm only trying to put forth another explanation. We've all generally assumed what Gwoz's motivations were, but no one has put forth a different viewpoint to consider. So here's one.

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Look, I'm going to say something that's going to get me ripped but I will say it anyway.

I don't know what Gwoz thinks of what went on.

However, it IS possible that Gwoz didn't see what happened himself, therefore doesn't know how bad the hit was.  He MAY have kept Paukovich off the ice for a while in order to let the whole situation simmer down for a bit before putting him back on the ice.  Frankly, if the above suppositions are true, it's a pretty smart move.

I'm only trying to put forth another explanation.  We've all generally assumed what Gwoz's motivations were, but no one has put forth a different viewpoint to consider.  So here's one.


A possible explanation, I just have trouble giving Gwoz any credit due to the open tackling hockey they have played over the last couple years.

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Make's Taz Boy's heart heavy to see this happen. Let's hope and pray there is a full recovery in Robbie's near future. If I must say something nice about Gooferville :lol: , it is that Mr. Bina is no doubt in excellent care.

taz hopes the biggest Sioux victory this year will occur off the ice

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Get well Robbie!!!

He is one of my favorite players on the team! He is not a big flashy player, but we works very hard! He does what is asked of him the best he can and despite not being over 6' tall, he hits like he is! He is also a local boy and I find myself cheering for the GFs boys, too. It will be very sad if he can never play hockey again.

It is a shame to hockey players and fans that the situation has been handled the way it was! Cheap hits do not belong in hockey, but if players can get away with it with only a slap on the wrist, it will not stop it from happening again...

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My best wishes to Robbie Bina, I hope he makes a full recovery from his injury. I saw that hit and it was in poor taste. It is always disspointing to see such young talent taken away at such a young age, I hope all turns out well for him. How that was not called at LEAST a major penalty with Adam standing right there is beyond me, but whats done is done I guess. Get well soon Robbie.

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Robbie, we wish you the best. I know your strong heart, strong will, never ending tenacity and great courage will get you through this. I've enjoyed watching you play hockey (and football) since you were a 'little guy' and played with my 'big guy'. Your an amazing athlete and young man. We're praying for you.

"Bear's" Mom and "Bear"

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