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Why does anyone respond to gf hokey? You respond, his desperation for attention is watered. He obviously is starved for attention and has this little show he puts on every game night hoping for some. Somebody buy him a hamster and maybe he'll go away forever....

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Why does anyone respond to gf hokey? You respond, his desperation for attention is watered. He obviously is starved for attention and has this little show he puts on every game night hoping for some. Somebody buy him a hamster and maybe he'll go away forever....

Not sure....I broke today because his comments are so absurd.

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Is that a personal attack on bigskyvikes mods?

Id expect you to enforce the rules as you do others.

Is this a telling attempt? Kinda looks like it, so if one rule is to be enforced I'd think a second would be.

Let's just keep to talking about the game.

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