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I like rowney parks and mark. After that line if anyone chips in then great. The 3rd line could consist of 5 completly different guys and not we wouldn't notice much of a difference. The top 2 can manage the scoring. I go with Zane and panz

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whether we win or not tonight we will make the tournament. we need to see what this team is really made of tonight. enough of the sleepwalking through games. for the first time all year the SIOUX show up and win 7-2(4 in the first and Rocco has the hat trick).

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I think Clark should be back in there. The goaltending wasn't the issue last night.

This is my lineup for tonight, take it for what its worth:



Mitch-Gaarder-St. Clair

Rodwell-Pattyn-Jim or Chyzyk

I have no clue with what to do with the d pairings, but you have to find a way to get Panzarella into the lineup for his physicality.

Bingo on the forward lines. You aren't going to lose much on 3rd line w Connor and Colton. Those 2 are hard to play against.

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With all due respect, Tech's in the same boat...

I hear you but expectations are not the same. No way Tech makes NCAA. Gigantic disappointment if UND doesn't. Apples to oranges IMO.

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All I ask for is an honest effort from everyone and a little puck luck. What a perfect time for Rocco to light the lamp and get him going the rest of the way. No predictions just make me a happy camper when I go to my first final five thursday.

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All I ask for is an honest effort from everyone and a little puck luck. What a perfect time for Rocco to light the lamp and get him going the rest of the way. No predictions just make me a happy camper when I go to my first final five thursday.

Rocco needs the puck to go off a defensemen's butt and in the net. Or he needs to dump the puck in on the goalie, have it take a stupid hop and bounce in the net. Goals are like grapes, they come in bunches. Hopefully we see the grapes this season.

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would anyone else be surprised if simpson plays tonight? Sounds like his knee was pretty bad last night and he was the one who got beat on the winning goal.

That was a rough one he blocked! Sure hope he plays.

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As long as no structural damage he plays for sure. Remember Corbin played a good chunk of 2nd half of last season with a broken bone in his foot.

There are certain injuries you can play with and a knee isn't one of them. Just think about it, he couldn't catch up to Eick because of knee. IMO if there is a healthy D that can play, you sit Simpson.
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That rush was a direct result of an all out offensive push that got turned the other way with speed. Often times the best breakout is an opponent's shot and rush.

Rowney broke the cardinal ten foot rule. You don't turn over the puck anywhere within ten feet of either blue line. He tried to make a pretty play instead of getting the puck low and it creates a rush the other way.

Seniors need to be the difference tonight. Last game in the building should be memorable for the right reasons.

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There are certain injuries you can play with and a knee isn't one of them. Just think about it, he couldn't catch up to Eick because of knee. IMO if there is a healthy D that can play, you sit Simpson.

We will agree to disagree. Simpson isn't the best skater. The knee didn't help but other kid was plain faster.

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Rowney broke the cardinal ten foot rule. You don't turn over the puck anywhere within ten feet of either blue line. He tried to make a pretty play instead of getting the puck low and it creates a rush the other way.

Seniors need to be the difference tonight. Last game in the building should be memorable for the right reasons.

That's exactly what went through my mind last night...I was going: go, go- then dump, no, sh$t, oh sh#t

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Yeah I think so. Tech would have black or gold so green wouldn't be a issue

Kelly green vs black is not a good color combo for a game. Now if Tech brought the golds along, that's a different story.

The UND greens vs Colorado College yellows is a thing of beauty to watch...

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Kelly green vs black is not a good color combo for a game. Now if Tech brought the golds along, that's a different story.

The UND greens vs Colorado College yellows is a thing of beauty to watch...

Someone who appreciates color coordination on the ice :lol: While I'm not quite at that level, I could throw up when I see almost any colors when players have yellow and orange hair. Looks like regurgitation out there.

Must win tonight, can't depend on a multitude of correct combinations next week to occur to keep you in the top 12. Lose and expect to miss the tourney.

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That's exactly what went through my mind last night...I was going: go, go- then dump, no, sh$t, oh sh#t

Pretty much what I was thinking. It didn't do his defensemen any favors because they had to make a quick transition with no backchecking help because of the play. There are times to be fancy, and with three minutes left in the third period in a tied hockey game is not the time to get cute.

Simpson was probably screwed either way. Not going to put him or his knee injury at fault. Although if he's hurt and it will affect his play he's got to sit.

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