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Just remember when fans of other teams come on here spewing smack how well that goes over.

Hey just trying to level the playing field a little. I don't mind read other fan's postings - really. But we need to spread the love a little on their site's similar to how they spread it on ours.

Yes I thought of putting PILEONICE in large letters with a caption or pictorial underneath of a Gopher squatting down letting go of a steaming pile of sh*t. Adobe Photoshop will work wonders with the graphics.


Did you just turn 12? Most all Gopher fans that post here are very respectful as are the SS.com regulars that post on POI....I guess that's a one way street in your world? :angry:

Did you just turn 12? Most all Gopher fans that post here are very respectful as are the SS.com regulars that post on POI....I guess that's a one way street in your world? :angry:

I agree with Greyeagle on this one...

...we welcome ScottM, Dagies and even airmail over on POI,


More of the "Rodney Dangerfield" treatment I guess. :angry:

Posting boards are like houses:

There's how you can get away with acting in yours,

and how you should act when you are a guest in another's.



More of the "Rodney Dangerfield" treatment I guess. :angry:

Posting boards are like houses:

There's how you can get away with acting in yours,

and how you should act when you are a guest in another's.

Actually, those guys have been very respectfull on POI and others too that I can't name off hand. No Dangerfield treatment from me in that post, unless I miss your point.


unless I miss your point.

I'm one of the others who's never been banned (or even warned) from POI even after some pretty good 'disagreements' there. (Hence, my point of Dangerfield, "I don't get no respect," treatment. :lol: )

Heck, I think I was posting on POI before you ever were. :angry:


While I like the pun, I don't think you a person should go to another team's message board and use a name like "pileofcraponice". Geez, even Happy(USCHO regular) wouldn't pull something like that... although he might now, if you've pushed him to it. :angry:


Thanks... I think? :lol:

(is it my avatar/ signature?) :D:lol:

yep! You got it! :lol:

I'm one of the others who's never been banned (or even warned) from POI even after some pretty good 'disagreements' there. (Hence, my point of Dangerfield, "I don't get no respect," treatment. ;) )

Heck, I think I was posting on POI before you ever were. :D

gotchya...you may disagree with us, but you don't spew crap like that other one is, so I will induct you into the "list" just for you! :p And include MinnesotaNorthStar also. And yes, you got me beat by like 8 months there...but I got WAY more posts! :angry:



yep! You got it! :lol:

gotchya...you may disagree with us, but you don't spew crap like that other one is, so I will induct you into the "list" just for you! :p And include MinnesotaNorthStar also. And yes, you got me beat by like 8 months there...but I got WAY more posts! :angry:


Lighten up Wpus....

well, if you are the troll that just showed up over on POI today, you deserve to have your butt handed back to you by your fellow UND fans...we welcome ScottM, Dagies and even airmail over on POI, but posts like the ones the "pileofcraponice" person is putting up is a good way to get your butt banned over on POI and gives your fellow UND guys a black eye. Unless anyone disagrees with me, the regular Gopher posters here are pretty darn respectfull compared to the posts in the link below. :angry:



I only got through about half of the posts, but from what I read it was just Gopher fans fighting with each other. You did a good job of showing some stupid Gopher fans, but maybe I needed to keep reading to get to your point. :lol:


I only got through about half of the posts, but from what I read it was just Gopher fans fighting with each other. You did a good job of showing some stupid Gopher fans, but maybe I needed to keep reading to get to your point. :lol:

Now we got a little spark going...this is more like it.....

By the way Wpus...e-mail me prior to the series and I will gladly give you my seat # and row and we can meet face to face. Heck I'm such a nice guy - come up to the coaches club and I might even buy you a drink while we discuss our different perspectives on Gopher Hockey fans.

Or I can dial you up on the short wave radio - I presume your name is your handle..

Now we got a little spark going...this is more like it.....

By the way Wpus...e-mail me prior to the series and I will gladly give you my seat # and row and we can meet face to face. Heck I'm such a nice guy - come up to the coaches club and I might even buy you a drink while we discuss our different perspectives on Gopher Hockey fans.

Or I can dial you up on the short wave radio - I presume your name is your handle..

I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just being honest. For those who have not read it, Gopher fans were talking about how stupid and immature Parise is. There were Gopher fans sticking up for Parise, but I'm still confused why negative comments about Parise would be pointed out to us on this forum. I again do not agree with changing one's username to make fun of them.


cfm567b27 is the reason why I can't seem to "like" the UND program and fans that much...very low brow humor if that is what you want to call his (her?) posts...trolling and flaming behavior...if it makes you feel better by changing my handle in your posts, well go right ahead, it just shows how childish you can be.

For those who preferr to have UND fans treated with respect, you can see what some of your own people are saying about cfm567b27 on POI:

"Scott_M (Bringing wisdom to the) 2004-01-07 12:30:54 Msg #124917 Reply

Somebody please ban that bozo ... "

"The Sicatoka (Engelstad Arena) 2004-01-07 13:43:24 Msg #124934 Reply

Didn't the 11:00 pm EST (10:00 pm CST) ESPN SportsCenter that day make a similar comparison? (Hint: I saw it.)

Commence rippin' Stewart Scott. ;-)

As far as this "pileon" guy, treat him as you would an unruly guest in your home would be my opinion. "

Maybe the admin over here wouldn't mind me sending over some flamers to see how "fun" it can be flaming on non-USCHO boards.... :lol::angry::lol::lol:

NOTE to Admin and Co. : by no means is that meant seriously, but more of a way for your boy here to think about what he does first.



Wouldn't a better tactic be to simply ignore the flamer? Or, if that is beyond your capability, then just lobby your admin to ban the guy. In other words, deal with it. But please stop coming back here and whining about the message board etiquette of Sioux fans on POI. We can't do anything about it here. If it makes you feel any better, I would vote for pileofcraponice's banning on POI though. In fact, I think all Sioux fans should be banned from posting on POI, then we could all watch the rodents feed on each other.


Man, this thread started off badly (nothing but bad karma can come from a topic like this), and has gotten immeasurably worse. Here's hoping we can let this one die and fall to page two or three.


Lawkota, agree, I will let it pass here...it is obvious even to the posters here he is being childish, and no sense being the same.


Wouldn't a better tactic be to simply ignore the flamer? Or, if that is beyond your capability, then just lobby your admin to ban the guy. In other words, deal with it. But please stop coming back here and whining about the message board etiquette of Sioux fans on POI. We can't do anything about it here. If it makes you feel any better, I would vote for pileofcraponice's banning on POI though. In fact, I think all Sioux fans should be banned from posting on POI, then we could all watch the rodents feed on each other.

And on the flip side we need to also vote for all Gopher fans posting on in this forum.

You above all people Lawkota should recognize freedom of speech and opinion.


I read it and I was amazed at how well those guys can read between the lines.

I read Zach's comment to be "right up there with the miracle on ice" Or something to that effect. But the term right up there jumps into my mind.

I could not for the life of me find Zach saying that it surpasses or is even equal to the 1980 olympics. Ranks up there is a fair assessment. Take the words as they lay. Isn't that a legal term?

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