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SIOUX @ CC - Friday


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I seem to remember reading some place where a couple of them talked about having it, but playing through it or having it to a degree...but not badly.

The only time I had any altitude problems was when I was at Rocky Mountain National Park climbing the stupid stairs to the highest point in the park. I was dizzy and had to sit down and rest or I'd have puked. However, that was at 14,000 feet, and I'd been staying at 8600 feet (and had been able to work out and stuff.)

However, in Stafford's case I don't know what the heck the deal was but he was just totally wrecked because of it. And not because of conditioning or anything, because he was/is great, and because most people just need a few days to adjust. It was just weird.

I know there were a couple other guys who struggled with it and if you all are saying Porter then it was prb him too, but obvs not to that degree.

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