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Lamar @ UND


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Lets face it with Football...we don't have a very good product right now. You go to the Hockey game, you get the atmosphere, the pre-game video, a Hall of Fame player drops the puck, and they actually beat tough opponents. Football has always had a problem with marketing their product at UND...I remember starting at the school and having the actual football team go from Frat to Frat to ask them to attend the games. Its a long haul right now and it will be some more time until they are in the BSC and have some additional recruiting classes. As well, no one really cares to see Lamar...Ask yourself how many people would show up at the Ralph if we had games with Alabama-Huntsville or Quinnipac for regular games and imagine if that all you had for a schedule for the year anyways, kinda like the football schedule as of late. Again, Grand Forks is a hockey town plain and simple and we'll need to market the team and the overall product better if we want people to come to the games and motivate the team on the field.


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I'm a bit torn on Goska's performance today. He certainly didn't do badly, but the concern about him has always been whether he can be an accurate passer more than about 10 yards down the field. Aside from one throw to Sutton, he didn't really show that ability today. Coincidentally or not, Hardin was largely a non-factor. Next week should be a much bigger test. He's going to have to show that he can get it done with his arm, or UND will be facing a lot of 8-in-the-box defenses.

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Whaaaat? Way too early, come on! If they are studying Saturday morning fine, but surely the hangovers should be gone by noon! Look at Wisconsin and most of the other Big 10 schools, they often start at 11 am for TV and are all just having a ball. No excuse, FB is part of the college experience. Once this program is in a conference and playoff eligible this trend should change. I cannot remember anything in GF that was more enjoyable than Sioux sports and I am sure it has not changed that much. I graduated in 4 years from engineering school there, did my share of imbibing, and never missed a FB, Hockey, or BB game in all 4 years. Come on, these are the best years of your life, enjoy them, don't sleep thru them!

hangovers? I had friends that during college on hockey-football-hockey weekends....started drinking Friday night and stopped sometime Sunday morning....the hangover normally lasted awhile, but hey they made it

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hangovers? I had friends that during college on hockey-football-hockey weekends....started drinking Friday night and stopped sometime Sunday morning....the hangover normally lasted awhile, but hey they made it

That's how it was done in the late 80's early 90's...with outdoor football on top of it.

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I'm a bit torn on Goska's performance today. He certainly didn't do badly, but the concern about him has always been whether he can be an accurate passer more than about 10 yards down the field. Aside from one throw to Sutton, he didn't really show that ability today. Coincidentally or not, Hardin was largely a non-factor. Next week should be a much bigger test. He's going to have to show that he can get it done with his arm, or UND will be facing a lot of 8-in-the-box defenses.

Believe he was 19 for 25? But I would say he was hardly accurate. He missed a few wide open receivers and I think I recall him hitting two guys in stride w a good throw. Overall decent, but he is not a "thrower".

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I'm a bit torn on Goska's performance today. He certainly didn't do badly, but the concern about him has always been whether he can be an accurate passer more than about 10 yards down the field. Aside from one throw to Sutton, he didn't really show that ability today. Coincidentally or not, Hardin was largely a non-factor. Next week should be a much bigger test. He's going to have to show that he can get it done with his arm, or UND will be facing a lot of 8-in-the-box defenses.

Agree with everything you say. In the first quarter, I believe it was his first throw, he missed a wide open Hardin badly on a 3rd and long that would have moved the chains or perhaps even scored with some creative yards after the catch. At the time I thought "oh boy, this is gonna be painful". But other than that I thought he did fine, and ended up being pleasantly surprised. Agree that he will struggle alot more if and when teams take away the intermediate stuff.

One thing I can't figure out about Goska's "package", as the coaching staff likes to refer to it, is why there is never any true option stuff in it. Seems with the apparent limited vertical passing threat, that could be an interesting wrinkle that could be difficult for defenses to defend with Murray or Sutton flanking him, rather than just having Goska fake the handoff and run off-tackle all game long.

At any rate, the offense gained yards today, and that was good to see. Also nice to see the D measure up against a pass first offense finall. Although the most talented opponent, they like to throw the ball and didn't have much luck with that today.

The attendance was so disappointing.....................There were probably 25 Lamar fans there, and not many more students. Thank you to the band for always showing up to do your thing, and participating while in the stands as the football team does their thing.

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Why is it when the attendance is low, people always jump on the students? A lot of people didn't show up for that game, not just the students.

In this case, I think it was because the number of students was just so alarmingly low. If there were more than maybe 30 students in the student sections, I'd be surprised. I've never seen it anywhere near that bad since to the move to the Alerus from Memorial Stadium.

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The reason I jump on the students for it is because its utterly shameful. Their fellow students are representing them, I don't care what the sport is. They receive free tickets. even now they receive free parking if they choose to drive, and have shuttle buses available if they choose not to. There are games that are starting at 12 Noon and 11am every saturday around the country--most schools can get their students to turn out. Please regular fans don't offense to the following....if you're a student, take it for whatever. I firmly believe on game day whether its basketball, football, underwater chess, i don't care, the student athlete likes that his parents and family are there, likes that long time fans and alumni are there to watch, but loves really loves when their fellow students who they see around campus on a day to day basis show up and support them. Thats the difference maker.

Don't give me that the Alerus is too far away bull, either. I've walked from Wilkerson to the Ralph and Wilkerson to the Alerus--the walk to the Alerus took me like 12 more minutes than it did to get to the Ralph---Big---Deal. I hope the athletic department takes those unbelievably prime seats that have been set aside for the students and begins to sell them. I will buy a couple and give them to people who I know will actually attend.

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So why aren't the student showing up for games? Anyone in the know on this?

Student attendance was part of the reason that I started the "back to Memorial" thread.

Good oppty for a marketing grad student to do a survey, study, whatever and write a thesis on the subject. I for one cannot fathom missing any major athletic event at UND while a student unless you have to work, are out of town or a death in the family etc. I do not buy the "it is too far to walk from campus" argument.

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Why is it when the attendance is low, people always jump on the students? A lot of people didn't show up for that game, not just the students.

Because a lot of the other people travel and/or work and like it or not, those athletes are fellow students who deserve the support of their peers. I completely and totally HATE the excuses of "its too early", "its too far", "BUT THERE'S HOCKEY".

A. I graduated in 2009, the fall of 2008 was the first time that there was a night game for me. 1pm and 12pm being too early is bull. If its too early, they can come down to the cities and go to 8am class on every other Saturday with me.

B. If you don't have a car, you have three options; find a friend who does, take the shuttle, or walk....it is barely 2 miles from Wilkerson to the Alerus.

C. So what if there is hockey, with the exception of the Gopher series, there is no reason to line up before 4:30 and there is plenty of time to get from the Alerus to the Ralph in that time. If it is the Gopher series, then maybe the University or Sioux Crew could work something out for those students. However at the last Gopher series that I waited outside for, it was 5pm before most students began to line up. There isn't enough time from 4 when the football game ends to 5pm when you line up?

Half the fun of a hockey-football-hockey weekend is running in between events, if you think you have it bad...try being the band? Some of them have had to play hockey-football-basketball-hockey. Sorry Charlie, but the excuses don't add up.

I apologize for going on about this, but it frustrates me to no end that the students don't seem to care about the football team anymore.

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