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More Bison in trouble


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He obviously can't say anything until whatever legalities need to take place have taken place. You know you are still innocent in this country until proven guilty. Of course that wouldn't make it any fun for message board fodder for people like star2city would it? I thought they taught law up at UND but apparently not. Oh and I'm still waiting for anyone to produce the links to the media coverage of the story that back up some of the slanderous liable comments that have been flying fast and furious on this site. So far no one has offered except for "my sources told me" or " I know someone who's in the know" or my favorite "facebook" and "twitter" as sources. Cue the jeapordy music while I wait for the links to the news media reports to back up your great sources.

I guess they don't teach English at Moo You.

Slander.... defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.

Libel.... defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.

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He obviously can't say anything until whatever legalities need to take place have taken place. You know you are still innocent in this country until proven guilty. Of course that wouldn't make it any fun for message board fodder for people like star2city would it? I thought they taught law up at UND but apparently not. Oh and I'm still waiting for anyone to produce the links to the media coverage of the story that back up some of the slanderous liable comments that have been flying fast and furious on this site. So far no one has offered except for "my sources told me" or " I know someone who's in the know" or my favorite "facebook" and "twitter" as sources. Cue the jeapordy music while I wait for the links to the news media reports to back up your great sources.

You and Ehlin have a lot in common. Clueless until everything is spelled out in the media.

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You and Ehlin have a lot in common. Clueless until everything is spelled out in the media.

No I just respect the system and not those like you who like to spread internet gossip and rumors as fact. If what you say is true why not just wait until it's out in the news or do you have that bad of a case of little man syndrome that you have to be the person in the know with the big internet scoop? You don't have to reply I already know the answer to that as do most who really do have a clue. You don't fall into that category.

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If that's true I'm thinking that some Fargo law enforcement officials should be facing some legal scrutiny.

This is why I posted anything in the first place. I didn't want the PD blamed for what's happening, or in this case, not happening.

There's no crystal ball here. The clean players are naming names...it's no secret.

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This is why I posted anything in the first place. I didn't want the PD blamed for what's happening, or in this case, not happening.

There's no crystal ball here. The clean players are naming names...it's no secret.

Man you are so full of yourself you just can't help yourself can you? I bet you know if there was a second shooter in Kennedy's assassination to don't you? :lol:

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Man you are so full of yourself you just can't help yourself can you? I bet you know if there was a second shooter in Kennedy's assassination to don't you? :lol:

Is someone from the 1963 Bison team talking? :lol:

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I have no insider information on this specific situation, but I did speak with the #1 defense attorney in the Fargo area, and he told me he hasn't seen anything like this since Rocky left town.

Apparently, Coach Bohl has his phone number on speed dial and isn't afraid to use it.

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I have no insider information on this specific situation, but I did speak with the #1 defense attorney in the Fargo area, and he told me he hasn't seen anything like this since Rocky left town.

Apparently, Coach Bohl has his phone number on speed dial and isn't afraid to use it.

The over/under for Bison wins this year: 2.5.

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I guess you must have slept through what was written, Jim removed most of the garbage. But keep trying.

the point was that something POSTED on this board is not slander, it is libel. LIBEL is written, SLANDER is spoken. Unless you have knowledge of someone speaking it out loud while they type it or actually saying it, it can not be slander libel...they are two separate things.

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Reid and Johnson are indeed part of the "Best Buy" investigation and are facing Theft of Property charges.

*Edit* Included the link to KFGO, so that it couldn't be construed as a "UND conspiracy" or a "Forum is out to get NDSU" situation now that the information has gone public.

Edited by choyt3
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Man you are so full of yourself you just can't help yourself can you? I bet you know if there was a second shooter in Kennedy's assassination to don't you? :glare:

Like I wrote before. This was no secret around campus. To their credit, the clean players have stopped protecting the dirty ones-although this also indicates serious divisions among players (there's normally a strict code of silence, it shows how bad it's gotten)

DI-I hope you keep a more open mind next time. It's fine to want more proof before coming to a conclusion, that's reasonable. However, your arguments in protection of the program went far beyond that. Moreover, Bohl's program has had enough problems that they no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt from devoted fans like you.

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What is the world coming too when message boards and Facebook report the scoop before the mainstream media?

So do Bison fans really still disbelieve that the Fargo Police Department has paid a few visits to their spring camp?

Message boards and Facebook have no credibility at stake. Therefore, they don't have to check out the sources or wait to see if the info is bad.

And that's why you can't take them at their word.

I won't believe anything reported on a message board or facebook unless it is backed up by a valid news service that has credibility at stake.

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Like I wrote before. This was no secret around campus. To their credit, the clean players have stopped protecting the dirty ones-although this also indicates serious divisions among players (there's normally a strict code of silence, it shows how bad it's gotten)

DI-I hope you keep a more open mind next time. It's fine to want more proof before coming to a conclusion, that's reasonable. However, your arguments in protection of the program went far beyond that. Moreover, Bohl's program has had enough problems that they no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt from devoted fans like you.

How did my arguement go beyond anything. How did I argue for "protection of the program"? You provided no proof other than your unnamed sources. Like I said if I had a dollar for everytime someone quoted unnamed sources on a message board and ended up being wrong I'd be a rich man. Also there is such a thing as due process. Also Ster2idiot you still haven't provided anylink to any news source stating the Fargo PD was at any Bison Football practices. For that matter of the 11 people named in the article 8 or 9 of them have nothing to do with the football program. That doesn't exonerate those players listed that are in the program. Football player or not it's inexcusable behavior. I'm not protecting anyone just using common sense that says people are allowed due process. If found guilty they will suffer the penalties as they should. For those who want to cast stones your turn is coming as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow. If you think you will never see another student athlete get in trouble up at UND you are dumber than I thought.

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How did my arguement go beyond anything. How did I argue for "protection of the program"? You provided no proof other than your unnamed sources. Like I said if I had a dollar for everytime someone quoted unnamed sources on a message board and ended up being wrong I'd be a rich man. Also there is such a thing as due process. Also Ster2idiot you still haven't provided anylink to any news source stating the Fargo PD was at any Bison Football practices. For that matter of the 11 people named in the article 8 or 9 of them have nothing to do with the football program. That doesn't exonerate those players listed that are in the program. Football player or not it's inexcusable behavior. I'm not protecting anyone just using common sense that says people are allowed due process. If found guilty they will suffer the penalties as they should. For those who want to cast stones your turn is coming as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow. If you think you will never see another student athlete get in trouble up at UND you are dumber than I thought.

I agree with you but its funny how when that UND athlete is in trouble BV and bison fans will pile on and it will be ok. When the shoe is on the other foot than you call into question UND fans intelligence.

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