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its getting pretty close now were at 52-48 ???

ive voted like 350 times now so im hoping we can vote more than once :lol:

im guessing its 1 vote per person unless you close that page then come back to it. who knows.......if you vote 350 times and the % doesnt change then its only 1 per page opening :lol:

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I have voted many times GO SIOUX!!

But there is still a few days to go in this round, so no need to panic just yet, the sioux logo is holding out montreal and with a nice steady finnish we should have it.

I am pacing myself so i dont burn out too early.

This round ends at 9am on september 22nd (23rd down here)

keep up the voting Sioux Fans!!! ;)

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I e-mailed The Hockey News and received a response. They were very quick to respond (5 minutes at most). Here's my e-mail and the response.

My E-mail

How legitimate is the voting? Is it regulated so hackers cannot manipulate the voting by setting an extreme number of votes at once? North Dakota was leading Montreal this morning by 20% and in a matter of 2-3 hours, there was a 60% shift in Montreal's favor. Seems a little suspicious to me. Perhaps they should receive a match penalty??? :D



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Wow! Montreal fans are out in full swing today.

"Which team is the NHL's Premier franchise?"---Montreal is in the lead with a whopping 87% of the vote! :D

There are still a few more days left to vote. Go Sioux!

EDIT: A Montreal news station posted a story about the poll on their Web site. That may explain the sudden increase in votes for Montreal.


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