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1. It looks like the committee pretty much followed the numbers, except for 5 v 12, which they had to switch due to Wisco and CC hosting regionals.

2. Everyone is knocking Miami - they finished #2 in the PWR - the committee had no choice but to give them an "easy" bracket.

3. This year's version of the Sioux is well suited on a bigger rink like the Kohl Center. It will be harder for trap-teams to clog up the lanes and negate our speed on a bigger rink. Our smaller/quicker D will be able to take advantage of the big sheet as well.

If we play like we did period 2 v CC the rest of the season, we can take on anyone, anywhere, including Denver and Wisconsin.

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It will be 5 weeks in a row now for getting to see the Sioux live and looking forward to the road trip to Madison. Anyone have any suggestions on which section is the best to watch the game or which end the Sioux will be shooting at twice? Thanks

I'm not a big fan of the Kohl Center. I've sat pretty much all over the rink and found that the best view is as close to the middle as you can get in the upper deck area.

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I just was not impressed with the overall play of the Gophers this past weekend. Kangas bailed them out hardcore many times each night. I would honestly be surprised to see them get past BC, let alone Miami.

That said, Kangas did look like a stud. He is certainly a goalie that could carry his team to two victories to reach the F4.

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While I'm not thrilled with having 3 WCHA teams in the same bracket, this region isn't looking as bad after a little thought as it first did to me. Princeton doesn't play on olympic ice (don't know if they've had any games on big ice this year) and with the ability of the Sioux to practice on the big sheet during the week it lends a slight advantage.

Whoever comes out of the Wisco/Denver game is a known poison so the prep time for this week can be spent first on Princeton and then fixing any errors from earlier in the season and refining the strategies used against Wisco/Denver.

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Ok, going to make my picks, and bear in mind I printed out a bracket, and just wrote in the names of what I think is going to happen.

Air Force vs. Miami - Air Force

The kings of the cupcake schedule have no chance against a team from a service academy, even if it IS the Air Force.

Minnesota vs. BC - Minnesota

Air Force vs. Minnesota- Air Force

This is purely on payback for last year, and I see Air Force exercising some demons and getting to Denver.

Wisconsin vs. Denver - Wisconsin.

Why? The game is in Madison, and the whole disallowed goal thing will be the Badger's motivation to send DU packing.

Princeton vs. North Dakota- North Dakota

4 players came back to UND for ONE REASON, and it is time for them to go out and get it.

ND vs. Wisconsin- North Dakota, see above reason why.

Michigan vs. Niagara - Michigan.

Because it be St. Cloud's job to beat them, that's why.

St. Cloud State vs Clarkson - St. Cloud

Because they have to beat Michigan, that's why.

St Cloud vs. Michigan- St. Cloud does their best to make it an all WCHA Frozen Four, but Minnesota already let Air Force sneak in, so we'll take 2 out of 4 so far...

Notre Dame vs. New Hampshire - New Hampshire

There is only room for ONE ND in the Frozen Four, and it's not the Catholic School.

Michigan St. vs. Colorado College - C.C.

It's their rink, and there is not going to be any repeat champs this year.

New Hampshire vs. C.C.- C.C.

CC gets payback for their trip out east earlier this season, and makes it 3 WCHA teams in the Frozen Four.

St. Cloud vs. C.C.- C.C.

Air Force vs. North Dakota - North Dakota

North Dakota beats C.C. in Denver for title #8.

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Looks like Princeton's only COP with us was Mankato, who shelled them 6-1. On paper, we should throttle them, but the games aren't played on paper. Princeton believes, which is how they've made it this far. Time for The Osh to turn them into non-believers. Let's go beat up some smart kids! :wink:

They've got 4 guys with over 20 points

Goaltender has a 2.356 GAA and .918 save percentage

They're going to be crazy and come at us blazing. The longer we let them stay in the game, the more likely they win. We need to hang three or four on the tender in the first period and the game will be over.

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Here is my only concern coming into the NCAAs. Hak never got the lines set up this year. Switiching Kozek and Miller on and off that first line in the Final 5??? Its a little late for juggling, isn't it?

I think that our best product is:

Oshie, Duncan, and Kozek

Vande, Kaip, and Watkins

Martens, Frattin, and Miller

Zajac, Radke, and Malone

Chorney and Bina

Finley and Genoway

Jones and Marto

Obviously a healthy Trupp earns a spot...over Malone if I'm coach

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2. Everyone is knocking Miami - they finished #2 in the PWR - the committee had no choice but to give them an "easy" bracket.

The Miami Redhawks haven't played and beaten anyone in the top ten but MSU-M they were 0-2-1 against Michigan and have feasted on cream puffs all season long.

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Looks like Princeton's only COP with us was Mankato, who shelled them 6-1. On paper, we should throttle them, but the games aren't played on paper. Princeton believes, which is how they've made it this far. Time for The Osh to turn them into non-believers. Let's go beat up some smart kids! :wink:

They've got 4 guys with over 20 points

Goaltender has a 2.356 GAA and .918 save percentage

They're going to be crazy and come at us blazing. The longer we let them stay in the game, the more likely they win. We need to hang three or four on the tender in the first period and the game will be over.

And they play in a league known as the EZAC. If UND plays their game it should be a nice tune up for its second round opponent.

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Good thing Holy Cross isn't there, huh.

OK sorry, it was a cheap childish comment I'll regret if I ever grow up.

I hate you.... :wink:

I hope that Princeton dominates and I can wear a Princeton jersey to UND next year....I best be seeing you all

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First time poster, long time reader....big fan of the WCHA in general.

The primary reason I'm writing is the fact Bob Norton is a complete and utter buffoon. Anything hockey east he pretty much grabs his ankles for.

Sounds stupid, but I'm a fan of both North Dakota and the Gophers...I had a sibling play for the Gophers but my best friend played for the Sioux so I'm a man of mixed emotions. UND got screwed badly....would you want the Sioux's region or the GOphers? Kangas can and will propel that team to Denver I have a feeling.

Although UND's region is tough, they will make it to Denver also.

Point being: Put the Denver PD on high alert for that semifinal.

With posts like this I sure hope you stick around. That's a good first effort. Though I don't agree the Sioux got screwed. Personally, I'm happy the Sioux don't have to play at altitude with so many guys recovering from the flu.

You must have really hated us the rest of the season. :wink:

I'm guessing the first team to score twice will win in any tourney games the Gophers play in.

I would say the first team to score 2. Didn't MN score first against Denver, but Denver got the next 2?

MN is a very dangerous team and my bracket has them advancing to the Frozen Four where I had to select my beloved Sioux to beat them. However, I'm a big believer in how dangerous MN is. I believe they are dangerous because they believe. They know that Kangas will probably only give up 1 goal, so all they have to do is play hard for 60 minutes, keep it simple, and don't make mistakes. Any team that plays hard for a whole game will get at least 1 goal, maybe 2, and with Kangas you're going to win more often than not. Yes, one and done will get you but this is a recipe that gave the gophers a 4 game winning streak against Mankato, SCSU and CC. They lost to Denver only 2-1.

After watching the Final Five, I have to wonder how WCHA teams are going to fare against other conferences. Are WCHA teams SO tough that they just can't score on each other due to defense, goaltending, and overall team play? Or are WCHA teams just offensively challenged? Will WCHA offenses break out against teams from other conferences who aren't familiar with them? Or will WCHA teams be exposed for being mostly above average but not special?

I don't know, but my gut feel is the rest of college hockey beware because here comes the WCHA.

The other question is will the magic stay with MN? They did have a great run, some great emotional victories against Mankato, and they carried that play into the Final Five. The fact that they played SO many periods of hockey in such a short period of time and didn't get dominated because of fatigue is special. I think the team fed off Kangas' performance. Every save he made they died for him until he made the next one, and then they'd do it again. Now that they've been beaten, can they keep that edge? Obviously I'm high on the gophers (ugh) so I'm not predicting a fall, but I think that's where the opportunity for the opponent lies. If the mental edge that enabled that amazing run is dulled just a bit BC may be able to exploit that. We'll see. I have MN winning that region.

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With posts like this I sure hope you stick around. That's a good first effort. Though I don't agree the Sioux got screwed. Personally, I'm happy the Sioux don't have to play at altitude with so many guys recovering from the flu.

I would say the first team to score 2. Didn't MN score first against Denver, but Denver got the next 2?

MN is a very dangerous team and my bracket has them advancing to the Frozen Four where I had to select my beloved Sioux to beat them. However, I'm a big believer in how dangerous MN is. I believe they are dangerous because they believe. They know that Kangas will probably only give up 1 goal, so all they have to do is play hard for 60 minutes, keep it simple, and don't make mistakes. Any team that plays hard for a whole game will get at least 1 goal, maybe 2, and with Kangas you're going to win more often than not. Yes, one and done will get you but this is a recipe that gave the gophers a 4 game winning streak against Mankato, SCSU and CC. They lost to Denver only 2-1.

After watching the Final Five, I have to wonder how WCHA teams are going to fare against other conferences. Are WCHA teams SO tough that they just can't score on each other due to defense, goaltending, and overall team play? Or are WCHA teams just offensively challenged? Will WCHA offenses break out against teams from other conferences who aren't familiar with them? Or will WCHA teams be exposed for being mostly above average but not special?

I don't know, but my gut feel is the rest of college hockey beware because here comes the WCHA.

The other question is will the magic stay with MN? They did have a great run, some great emotional victories against Mankato, and they carried that play into the Final Five. The fact that they played SO many periods of hockey in such a short period of time and didn't get dominated because of fatigue is special. I think the team fed off Kangas' performance. Every save he made they died for him until he made the next one, and then they'd do it again. Now that they've been beaten, can they keep that edge? Obviously I'm high on the gophers (ugh) so I'm not predicting a fall, but I think that's where the opportunity for the opponent lies. If the mental edge that enabled that amazing run is dulled just a bit BC may be able to exploit that. We'll see. I have MN winning that region.

Great post, I agree.

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All great points, however, stats, numbers, ect are all thrown out the windown now. The team that plays 60 hard mins wins and the team who plays 59 goes home. Sioux are going to rock the scoreboard this weekend. They are more familiar with the playoffs than the rest of these younger teams and should be fun to watch

Kangas, good, however I feel MN season is over from game one. Kangas will get rattled and crumple up into a ball, thats my only prediction Ill make.

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As I've been saying on this board all year, MN is not a bad team. They play their system very well. Right now, however, they are riding Kangas (who has been a stud, but how long can it last?). You have to be able to score in the NCAAs as well as play tough team defense and get stellar play from your goalie.

The MN game vs Denver was very similar to the UND game vs Denver. Only difference in score was the ENG.

One thing that we (UND) did not do as well this weekend is keep the opponent off the shot board.

Evidently Big Joe is sick, and that was the excuse for his poor play. I am hopeful that he will be abck to 100% for this weekend.

I am also hoping that TJ gets close to 100%.

Me so Chorney (loved the sign) played like the player we all know he is. Especially when he crashed the net for the goal vs Denver. First time this year I've seen that leadership out of him. He did it a number of times last year.

What it will take for us to win:

1. Physical Play. I did not like our lack of initiating contact with DU. We got Radke in finishing checks and the rest of the boys started to finish theirs on Saturday. We need to finish checks to go deep into the NCAAs let alone win #8.

2. Defensemen need to hold the Blue Line. Joe especially seemed to be backing up rather than stepping up. Once an opponent sets foot into our defensive zone, he should have a body into him, not a poke check or an angle play on position.

3. Breakout and transition. We are a force when our forwards come through the neutral zone with speed. Stop with the long passes, no homeruns, just short crisp passes and up through the neutral zone. Arrive at the offensive blue line en masse with speed.

4. Prevent the homerun. Both CC and DU had great chances and scored goals by hitting a lone streaking forward who managed to slip behind the D. This is the responsibility of both the forwards and defensemen. Forwards need to not get caught up too deep to get back to their defensive responsibility. Michigan killed us on this in the Regional last year.

5. Shoot. Patience is a virtue, and I understand the need to try and set up (especially on the power play), but shoot the darn puck, and don't try the behind the back passes and drop passes, etc.

6. Play Hockey. Don't get frustrated with a trap or a slow down style. Just play hockey.

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All great points, however, stats, numbers, ect are all thrown out the windown now. The team that plays 60 hard mins wins and the team who plays 59 goes home. Sioux are going to rock the scoreboard this weekend. They are more familiar with the playoffs than the rest of these younger teams and should be fun to watch

Kangas, good, however I feel MN season is over from game one. Kangas will get rattled and crumple up into a ball, thats my only prediction Ill make.

I agree about the Kangas prediction. He has been awesome in net for the Gophers, but I just don't see the streak lasting for him. However, he is a freshman, and I see him as a seasoned goalie next yea. He'll have that first year under his belt and have that much more confidence to go with it.

OK...he maybe won't crumple into a ball next weekend, but he will get rattled.

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