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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. That how we beat Maine last year - Staffords penalty shot in OT because Maine knocked their own net off under pressure
  2. nice first post here - part of it actually made sense
  3. thanks for the indorsement as Warroad is Hockey Town USA as well as being in Sioux Land
  4. um ok - thanks - but your comments sound like something a 14 year old girl would take the time to write here. perhaps they are.
  5. 5-1 ND tonight - there you have it, but lets play the game anyway
  6. nope - but we need his grit up front
  7. I bet that he goes back to Alaska and either UAA or UAF as they both recruited him pretty heavily - must be a tough decsion to leave now though and then forgo NC$$ hockey next year
  8. "Dropped out: North Dakota" from INCHs rankings this week - it hurt to see this
  9. Devils Lake Satan - class of '75 2 years at UND then finished at UofM - grizzly not gopher back to DL - then GF then St. Paul in 1991 I get back to GF frequently - next Sunday, Mon. Tues actually - to see my kids, one of which is a Sophomore at UND
  10. Naw - the normal $27 per (plus applicable fees) - General admission only and purchsed them within minutes after being made available a few weeks ago
  11. I still plan on using mine to attend 1. the John 1/26 and 27 - cruel place to be when we may be down - but I'll be there 2. 2/16 and 17 - my annual trip to the Ralph 3. 3/2 qnd 3 - the concrete slab is cozy and the fans are cool as I have yet to run into the dreaded PC crowd that we have heard so much about *note - Minny fans are worse in this respect - but only when they win. 4. 3/15, 16 and 17 - probably be playing Minny Friday night 5. 4/5 and 7 - seeing the Sioux there is perhaps unlikely at this point - but I - as well as our lads - have not lost sight of this I'm not sure why I posted this - perhaps because I thought about dumping these - but will not as I have faith in our program as this is a good team and will show that in the 2nd half
  12. thats obvious - I hope you sober up by tomorrow morning - assuming you have employment that requires your presence
  13. Well put - we would be like Minny fans and who wants to be like that.
  14. I know that Travis's jersey will go for at least $700.
  15. I bet I know what Maine's 3 quality road wins were.
  16. Isn't it SB I29 at Fargo? I think that one of the GF exits is mile marker 132 and Fargo is about 75 miles south of there. Also, Fargo is the about the only town that could have 3 exits at 1 mile marker. So that would make the WHOLE sign location touched up as there would not be a "Welcome" sign there of course.
  17. Isn't that where Gwoz has his meltdown after the Prpich slip of the stick?
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