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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. addition from GPL - I'll be OK though "Sorry if this has been covered in another thread topic but I'm curious about something. What is driving this HUGE demand for tickets especially for this Friday? I go to a few games a year and I don't recall having seen so many requests for tickets. I have picked up tickets out front before and most of the time I get them for face value. It just so happens that I have my 2 tickets for Friday but I see on e-bay someone has two tickets and the bidding is already over $150, I mean, I love the squad but sheesh, $150 and climbing?!?! Is this being driven by Sioux fans?"
  2. pointed our way - still being denied by the goofer elitest. "He said, 'You should go to the place with the best facility, the best coaching staff and the place that's going to develop you to go to the NHL,' " Parise, 21, recalled Tuesday, five years after he committed to the Sioux. "He didn't come out and say, 'That's North Dakota,' but I kind of put two and two together." http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/sports/16530386.htm
  3. purple is for non-Sioux games - green/white will prevail - starting the the coaches luncheon on Friday. Actually, green and white is just about every day for me - but that has already been covered.
  4. pointed our way - still being denied by the goofer elitest. "He said, 'You should go to the place with the best facility, the best coaching staff and the place that's going to develop you to go to the NHL,' " Parise, 21, recalled Tuesday, five years after he committed to the Sioux. "He didn't come out and say, 'That's North Dakota,' but I kind of put two and two together." http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/sports/16530386.htm
  5. An expected albeit uninformed responce as I had little difficulty getting box office tickets for the CC series earlier this season. But that was early and (as eluded to) wasn't UND or Sconny.
  6. wow - ok thanks - and yes you are.
  7. damn - missed it - and you obviosly have mistaken this group as folks who may care
  8. "Better than the Ralphs best 10,000 seats"? That statement does not even warrant a reply. However, lest we forget the John only has one 20' wide walk way for all 10,000 folks to navigate between periods (much like SCSU minus 5,500 folks) and of course with 4 1/2 minutes to go in the last period.
  9. The only thing that got in my cheerios this AM was negligence on my part to classify tDon as tDawn in an effort to keep up with your pathetic fans attempt in the non-masculine jabs.
  10. and do you think TDon will join any type of concensus on this? It appears to me that all he cares about is "his" players being robbed by the NHL and "his" players having to leave for the World Juniors during conference play. Total conceit - which is abundant in the "land of 10,000 excuses"
  11. 2 trips to the FF with a 1-0 loss to deny the third in that period of time is still pretty good though.
  12. "BOOM" is right though and I know it gave you a chill when you first saw it. It still does to me each and every of the 5-6 times a year I go up to God's Country.
  13. I haven't heard or read anything about it - so it probably won't happen - but I was wondering if there will be a fan bus from GF this weekend. I know tickets were hard to acquire as I can only get SRO two minutes after they become available every year - but just wondering. That brings up another thought. I know the University of Minny Mystery downplays us as a substantial rival - sighting Sconny as the main one due to the Big 10 - and their arrogant fans ridicule us for even thinking that we are their biggest rival - as they are ours for obvious reasons. With that, why can't we get other than SRO tickets (if any at all) when these games mean so little to that elitest group of folks known as goofer fans. Sounds like I wrote the last paragraph for the Trolls - perhaps I did
  14. Kind of like the Goofs football, Twins and Vikings - all envious of what others have with regard to facilities.
  15. Yeh, perhaps FHG, especially in a town the size of Cottage Grove. But the area needed something like the Ralph to set it self aside from other colleges of similar size - besides the 7 NC$$ championships that is. Also, I have heard quite a few comments here in Minnyhopeless about the John being less than adequate since the X and Ralph came upon the scene.
  16. Oh I agree - and I'm 6'5'' 240lbs. Bina has shown his edginess and Finley has not - but I believe it is there just waiting to be brought out under the right and provoked circumstance. Like so many big guys - he has probably never been really challenged before. Anyway - enough on this - from me anyway.
  17. We should hope its not Kaip as he already has one under his belt this year. Big Joe is playing much better as of late and I would assume that not too many folks would challenge him. He doesn't really play with much of an edge yet though - but I would hate to get him pissed off - like Jones gets - at me. He's a BIG guy and perhaps that may have something to with his demeanor. I remember what Boog Powell (a big guy himself) said years ago - "Big guys are nice, its the little guys that are mean. If big guys were as mean as little guys, there wouldn't be any little guys." Anyway, I happen to think that big Joe does have it in him to play with an attitude and I know that with his size and apparent strength - he could hold somebody off and pummel them with relative ease - if he choses to do so. It all starts with attitude and jawing though - like AAU did with us and Denver did with MnTech.
  18. yep - we saved Dinktown from burning that year - didn't get the opportunity last year thanks to Holy Cross but perhaps we will again this year.
  19. I should have warned you about that - sorry. But you can just imagine how it is living here and being a proud Sioux fan who is not reluctant to make that very evident. My green/white really sticks out amongst all the brown/yellow -- and not just on game days.
  20. Lets quit on the refs already - games (for the most part) are not lost on what is perceived to be a blown or bad call. They are won or lost on a culmination of many factors which I'm sure most people on this board can list better than I. Edit - although one could make a claim for that the blown call on Robbie in the WHCA Final 5 game against Denver. What should have been a 5 minute major and game suspension would have probably had a direct affect on the outcome of that game.
  21. goals is what we're seeing from him lately - which is just fine with me
  22. Jones is a madman - seriously - when he goes off there is no stopping him. Finley - uncertain - perhaps a body slam is what he would do.
  23. totaly corrupt especially when it come to the decisions that the "university of mini-mystery" makes and the way they do business
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