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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. yep - I would say so. anytime the #3 travels to #2 - why would #3 be favored - especially after losing to #2 previously - which is the reason we were selected #3 in the first place - ya follow? It was probably a "pick" game though with the possible exception of the home field advantage giving #2 a slight edge.
  2. wish I could have recorded it
  3. how many TO's does UNO have?
  4. UNO will be pushing - turnover is emminant
  5. I firmly believe that our lads will bounce back big this weekend and I get to watch tonight's game real time as I'm off work in a couple of hours.
  6. The celebration after winning the McNaughton Cup 3 years ago.
  7. sounds like it would be - thanks
  8. Reading Josie's letter almost made me sick it was so syrupie. Who do they think they are kidding?
  9. with the exception of Friday's end of the first - mine worked fine
  10. looks like there are about 50 fans in the stands
  11. um - ok - perhaps you may have to wait until there is a live broadcast - like when the game starts, there sport. Sorry that I assumed that you would figure that out.
  12. http://portal.gci.net/gcisports/uaa_hockey
  13. Anthony gets the start - per DH talking to TH
  14. Got my first text - thanks and hope this can continue.
  15. Webcast is actually about 20 seconds ahead of radio broadcast.
  16. Is Hunter in the lineup tonight?
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