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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. here we go - let him lip off in the pp box
  2. so what does the J in TJ stand for?
  3. wow - nice pass - and even nicer save
  4. right place at the right time - nice job
  5. alot of chasing the puck all of a sudden
  6. our lads are going to score - real soon
  7. last post from me on this subject from GPL The Official Press Release: University of Minnesota men's hockey head coach Don Lucia announced today that senior forward Tyler Hirsch has been dismissed from the team. "Tyler Hirsch's hockey career at the University of Minnesota has come to an end," Lucia said. "This is a provate and confidential matter between Tyler and the coaching staff, and there will be no further comments from any members of the hockey program or the University of Minnesota. We wish Tyler success in his future endeavors".
  8. wow - sensative on the subject - probably knew it was going to materialize.
  9. Perhaps the Minnesota Tech organization had something to do with his state of mind - just a thought.
  10. I would have to believe that with all the chances he's had - all the bench time given him and all the support that theoretically he has been awarded - he's gone as what else is there -- more bench time? I feel genuinely sorry for him and his family and I hope they are able to work things out.
  11. I meant it to show that he is not in the line up. Everything I've read there tonight leads me to believe that he is gone - or should be if not yet after lasts nights exhibition. I'm not sure it was handled the most ethically though.
  12. From GPL "Tonight's Lines: Gordon - Wheeler - Barriball Lucia - O'Brien - Bostrom Howe - Kaufmann - Flynn Pohl Shack - Vannelli Peltier - Anderson Goligoski - Fischer Briggs"
  13. It does seem like an abrupt and non-professional way handling this though.
  14. I could see this happening a few weeks ago when there were issues floating around him.
  15. That is why I don't think it should have been called a goal as the play was blown dead after the ref lost sight of it - he probably saw it go into Walz's uniform - but then lost it and blew the whistle as no goal.
  16. How do you feel about that goal in OT last night. It was of course ruled a goal - after about 7-8 minutes of discussion - but should it have been?
  17. if it were women's volleyball - that would be OK
  18. wish I was home to try and find it - internet and/or net radio will have to do again tonight while at work.
  19. gymnastics so far today - hope the championship game will be on
  20. Is that the first time we've been ahead 1-0 in about 6 weeks?
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